Now, you have all three of "One-Third of Umbilical Cord"...

Now, you have all three of "One-Third of Umbilical Cord", would you dare to consume it to transcend the humanity to join the Great ones Sup Forums?

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played it
beat it
sold it
I'd buy it again if PC release

You mean all four of them.

The fourth is only there if you miss one of the others

I'd rather become the gatekeeper.

Why hunter tried to eat it in the first place, only mad man would do that.

There are 4 fragments of 4 separate Umbilical Cords and you only need 3 fragments to make one whole one.

one in the workshop
one by killing the maid
one by killing the impostor after the red moon
one by killing the whore's bastard after the red moon

you can get all 4 in one playthrough

of course

When you think about it, you would end up as a greater existence if you did.

Yeah. Being a slug isn't that bad if you'll end up looking like the Moon Presence

>only mad man would do that

kind of like how Tom Cruise ate his baby's placenta.

If the game was set today, probably not. Jerking off to anime tiddies and playing video shits all over "higher existence."
But in victorian-era times where you have to shit in pots and throw it out the window and go mad with scurvy? In a heartbeat.

If I have all three this means I slayed some Great Ones. Why would I be a Great One when I could be a hunter and slay everything?

Because you can be both

>to be a god you have to kill a god
>a couple days later some asshole teenagers still in high school defeat you with the power of friendship and save scumming

I would rather prefer to be like an abhorrent beast.

It's unlikely that Great Ones can ever really be slain. This is clear when you kill Orphan, kill its essence, and then it just fucks off into the sea.
Not to mention you could turn the dream into anime tiddies stealth-fuck any 3DQTs caught inside.


Never played this game but why the fuck can you eat an umbilical cord

Because it is edgy.

Game made by Japs, Japs are edgy and degenerate people.

cuz lovecraftian symbolism
i guess

Tastes like chicken.

You fucking idiot you also need to kill the Moon Presence. Do you think you can take Nyarlathotep's sperm?

you don't really eat it, just crush it in your hand card crusher style
the implications are there of course

workshop i get
imposter is im guiessing yosefka?
whores bastard is im guessing the wetnurse
whos the maid?

>whores bastard is im guessing the wetnurse
That's Arianna's alien baby
>whos the maid?
He meant the Wetnurse, probably

You're probably not eating it, you just absorbing it or some weird shit. You don't eat the skulls with Madman's Knowledge when you use them.

Was it kino?

Why everyone so obsessed to quit human.

It's 1x Third Umbilical Cord, not 1/3 of an Umbilical Cord, by the way.

How do I get gud? I'm stuck of Gehrman's second phase. Feels like he has abrupt attacks that insta kill me.

Also can someone explain to me the significance of the whole Fishing Hamlet and Kos? From what I gather, was killing Kos a hunter sin and that's why everything kinda goes to shit?