better than the real thing
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Puerto Ricans from New York are sub-human. But other spanish people are cool.
agreed. PUTO ricans think they are better then other latinos because their shithole country is americas bitch. most puerto ricans are white people anyways. they are descendants of the spaniards. all the taino indians are dead. boy white people sure feel the need to kill everything huh?
Aren't hispanics basically white?
some of them are like said.
I don't mind diversity at all in Vidya. I think overwatch is a great example on properly implementing it without it looking too pandery.
>not pandery
race itself is a pretty silly concept.
Man I really wanted him back for V.
I'd be up for a tough Hispanic chick as the next GTA protagonist. She doesn't even need to be in the next main game so it doesn't rile up the autists. She could just be in an expansion like Ballad of Gay Tony.
>Aren't hispanics basically white?
Only to CNN
If you live in America they are though
No, it's not
They should be deported.
Explain why I should give a fuck about latino characters and latinos in general if I'm living on the opposite side of the world.
Yea killing is a white trait....
>hand rubbing intensifies
Outside shit like Orisa's nigglet creator, Pharah and Genji's voice, overwatch's diversity is surprisingly downplayed
I don't
Well, yeah it is
As a Hispanic, I don't give a fuck. I want good characters and their race doesn't matter to me in the slightest.
I like Miguel he's my boy
His sister got more art that he did in one lifetime
if her hair wasnt retarded I'd like her
They missed the best one of all.
Why do these threads always bring out anti semites? What the fuck did we ever do to you personally to justify all this rage against our religion?
Miguel's description is pretty fucking dumb
Let him envelope you in his taco-scented arms and take you for a ride.
>a silly concept
No sillier than the concept of evolution
Sombra a boner fuel
D. Va best girl tho
They can be done well and hispanic culture has enough fun qualities to be represented in vidya. Like Mayan pyramids, that whole ritually-inclined culture. Maraccas, big hats, beans..
All not bad. Like a vacation but nothing to stay with or over indulge in.
I think they're fine. Hispanic characters have surprisingly never felt shoehorned enough for me.
Maybe it's because I'm comparing to black people whom are loud and cry all the time. Also the tumblr whores that defend them in a loud and whiny manner.
It's kind of strange the way things seem interwoven.
Overwatch is diverse for the same reason street fighter and civilization is, that's why it isn't pandering.
>being jewish
I don't trust King players
Is this you?
What is the difference between a hispanic ethnostate and a european ethnostate
I'd drink widowmaker's jarate any day
Hispanic is not a racial term. There's literally a white, Hispanic country in Europe. And a black Hispanic country in Africa. And several mestizo ones in the America's.
RDC doesn't hurt.
i always chose him.
There's somthing about Sombra that really gets me going.
Nothing if the spaniards are actually genetic europeans and not redskin mongrels
white man has
>killed millions of native american indians
>killed millions of taino indians
>extincts animals
>is responsible for the trans atlantic slave trade of millions of hebrew slaves
the white man is the devil bruh
>no jetstream Sam
I don't want to be thrown to another wall make it stop
Arabic browns>>>Hispanic Browns>>>Asian Browns>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Nigger Browns
Glade we can all agree.
>Egyptians are arabic
I want Wahabists to leave.
>side of head shaved
>dyed hair
got just the place for that
I agree but as long as they're hot/pretty/cute, I dont care what kind of brown they are.
What race is kat, bros?
>irl, hispanics are my fetish
>pretty much every girl in overwatch gives me an erection
>even the poo in loo, and i think indians absolutely fucking disgusting
>sombra is the one girl in overwatch i don't find attractive sans zarya who is pretty much just a guy
sewer rat
it's funny how it's also applicable to op pic where sombra fan art is times better than ingame model
Than I guess I'm into sewer rats.
Same. I believe it's the hair/makeup for me.
Laura's got that voluptuousness going on, so it's fine in her case.
>thread about races on vidya
>there is one of them
It's ok user i won't judge you
Only retards get offended by non White's in games. These are generally the same people who cry about race mixing.
>implying native Americans and Taino were not committing mass genocide
>implying Blacks, Asians, Arabs... never extinct'ed animals
>implying Hebrews were ever truly slaves
you are fake news
ThIs makes me uncomfortable i don't like it
y tho?
what an autistic, shitty fetish - perhaps even worse than fartposters
>tfw wiping out useless indigenous peoples
>Dominic should have been the main character of Gears of War. His personal storyline is far more compelling, he is sympathetic, he is badass, he is everything a main event headline character should be. But his fundamental failure to be born white has condemned him to the perpetual role of sidekick to the cut-and-paste generic "badass" otherwise known as Marcus Fenix. I'd be annoyed if this wasn't already so common i've gotten used to it.
As Player 2, FUCK this guy for everything about this comment. Dom was as much a protagonist as Marcus.
first game had better lines and accent desu
also catalina is best gta girl
>he doesn't own a lowrider
>he doesn't do drivebys on other players and bounce away bumping west coast classics and east los fm
>he isn't roleplaying as a member of the vagos
>he doesn't order hits on people and idle near the vagos neighborhoods, blending in, while waiting for them to fire off a shot at you as you watch a sea of yellow jackets swarm his ride with uzis
just about the only way i can have fun in the online. If you buy the best sound systems you can even walk out of your car and open the trunk, and suddenly you can hear el sonidito all across east los santos
>I havn't played this game yet but I've seen mostly positive reviews so it's on my list
>the list with the actual cool Hispanic characters is titled "lame"
is that little hispanic girl from the soldier trailer sombra? And isnt the skull guy hispanic?
Imagine being such an insecure faggot that you have to make such cringe lists?
Le epik cringe this and that
what the fuck, these are all the best ones. What kind of cuck wrote this garbage.
also how come I never knew about this qt 3.14
>Manny Calavera
solid critique
>Raul Tejada
>Fuck you bethesda
retard list by a retard
aw yeah nigga
Only thing I like about my culture is the food and Dia de los muertos holiday. Being raised around mexicans just makes it clear to how pathetic and toxic they are as a people
Middle East has gone one far nastier killing sprees for hundreds and hundreds of years and still counting.
Please do some research before you go all HOL' UP like a good little ape.
They're the biggest law breakers too. Mexicans are the biggest thieves and they are also cheap like jews and they live off the system instead of work.
They love throwin' around those 100 dollar bills they got off your taxes through exploiting programs such as foodstamps, wic, and welfare.
She is cute.
That's probably it
>Elizabeta Torres
>"I almost put her on the coolest list since she's a lesbian and lesbians rock by simply existing..."
Jesus Christo
Most recipients of federal welfare programs are rural White's in no jobsland.
Nah, Euros killing sprees are top nastiness.
Sup Forums would be so great if white people were all killed off. There would be no more race bait or hyper sensitive white males injecting politics into everything.
You do know a ton of this shit is started by blacks, mexicans, and whites posing as other races right?
Stop race baiting
>kill all white people
This is exactly why Trump won you know? The white population got so fed up with the hard left push from minorities and white guilt cucks they decided to shove back and shove back they did, quite hard even.
You retard anti-whites did this shit to yourself, you made your bed now sleep in it.
>live in Texas
>Like Mexican girls
Feels good man
>most mexican girls are ugly northern mexican girls with saggy everything
why are brown grills patrician tier?
You know what's incredible? People come to this site, realise they have nothing in common with the average poster and then STAY. No wonder SJWs defend muslims. They live life in the exact same way.
Go somewhere you're not welcome and then complain about the populace.