Yoko Taro favorites PS4 games

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>Final Fantasy XV
Horizon: Zero Dawn
>Gravity Rush/Gravity Rush 2
Danganronpa series
>Life Is Strange
>The Last Guardian

wow they're almost as bad as his games

>a bunch of movie games
Wow who would have thought with his latest cin- I mean video game masterpiece Nier Tomato!

His recommendation of Life is Strange feels weird. I guess the Japanese just see it differently.
>him talking about FFXV's delays cursing him for a decade
>he went out to drink with Kodaka

> pre-ordered horizon zero dawn
> Life is strange is a good game
What a fucking cuck

Life is Strange with Japanese Dub is basically a 3D anime

It's a story about lesbians. What's not to like?

>What's not to like?
The fact that one of the two lesbians, who is a major character of the story, is the most unlikeable cunt which conversely negates any and all tension to the final decision

Oh come on. Max isn't THAT bad.

god tier taste desu no wonder nier is so good

>Neir is so good

Hello, cringe-child!

>taro also waited 7 years to play TLG

he understands my pain, and he understood that game is a 10/10

*nods respectfully towards you*

Great taste and I knew automata was inspired by life is strange.

The Last Guardian makes sense for him to like. He really likes games that inconvenience the player just to make a point, and TLG makes it feel like a real dog that won't listen to you, fun and entertainment be damned.


You have to go back

It really goes to show that Sawako Natori was the real brains behind the series.

There's nothing more fedora tier than liking Taro's garbage though.

>It's another weebs think their gook daddy figures are le patricians but get blown the fuck out episode

Anyone who isn't a critically challenged brainlet agrees with him. Sorry cucko the clown.

I mean what do you expect. Garbage like Wizardry is CoD to them

You fucking know I mean Chloe


I'm glad he's a developer that actually likes to play games.

Chloe is literally almost perfect though. I just wish she had a tongue piercing

Being contrarian and shitting on fedora games as soon as they become popular is fedora^2

>being this assblasted

>if you like anything popular you have shit taste

Fucking hell you bunch of gay nerds

Feels obvious, why didn't I expect this.

Taro has always been a hack though. Drakengard is pure fedora through and through.

Good game
>Final Fantasy XV
He's Japanese they're contractually obligated to like Final Fantasy
>Horizon: Zero Dawn
Good game
>Gravity Rush/Gravity Rush 2
Great gaem
>Danganronpa series
Great gaem
>Life Is Strange
Good movie
>The Last Guardian
Not a bad game

Can't find a fault desu, it's not like he said Call of Duty or Giana Sisters.

He would like that.
I love him more now.

>He's Japanese they're contractually obligated to like Final Fantasy

He's a Square Enix employee. I'm sure he got paid to put it on his list.

Well to be fair it's not like the PS4 has many good games to pick

he literally said fuck/shit square enix in a square enix video promoting his own game. this madman doesn't give a fuck about obligations

what fucking shit taste, not surprising considering the only good games he made were made years ago

>waah wahhh! Only MY opinions are right!
Get that diaper changed.

LiS is actually very popular in Japan. It doesn't hurt that Squeenix published it, but the fans over there really like the cute characters and the tragic storyline.

Remember, Japan is the land of visual novels. They're quite used to "games" where the only interaction is a multiple-choice question every 30 mins or so. They recognize when a game is trying to tell a story, and when a game is just trying to be fun, and treat each type of game accordingly. Japs also don't really get their titties twisted about social issues like Americans do. They're perfectly happy playing a game starring a cute lesbian because they don't tend to use videogame characters as analogues for themselves. Instead if a character is supposed to be a self-insert, they'll just be completely bland, perhaps not even shown or described, so the player can imagine whoever they want.

Westerners could learn a thing or two about playing games for enjoyment, rather than obsessive self-validation.

I mean come on. Like seriously... I can almost see the marketer giving him a list

Japs like to molest girls on trains

Notice how he didn't mention P5.
The square Enix gun is on his head.

Some of them do. I think it's more a function of population density than anything else. Say you've got 50 people on a busy American train, but over 100 on a Japanese one. If the rate of molesters is the same between both societies, the Japanese train would still have twice as many molesters as the American one. Not to mention the fact that a densely-packed train puts people much closer together--encouraging perverted behavior while also affording a certain amount of "privacy" as most people on the train can't see what any one person is doing. Mix all that with a culture of sexual repression and you get a molestation epidemic in one country and relatively little of it in another.

>>Final Fantasy XV

He probably felt like he had to say that. Since that game was utter shit.

Was that not just a joke though.

inb4 xv-kun uses this as a new argument why it's good even though he hated Taro before

No wunder this dudes games suck ass

You guys play rapelay

those are all shit except for horizon and gravity rush

>would fuck with the force of a thousand suns tier
KEK, enjoy your STDs dood

Dont you talk shit about Resogun


so this is how it feels to lose all respect towards a person you admired.

>life is strange
Good taste. LiS literally won an award in Japan.

Is Yoko Taro a Westaboo now?

He liked FFXV so I'd say yes.

wtf I hate N:A now


He also likes undertale.

Undertale is a good game.

>people only now realizing that YT likes FFXV
The Engine Blade was literally in Nier Automata.


You can't disregard Chloe and acquire best girl.

It was all promo material lol. Square was trying to market the fuck out of that game in any capacity shape or form. The amount of times I saw nier automatas facebook page say "Look guy engine blade" was over at least 20 times.

Id rather play Automata than the shit stain that was XV with it's shitty combat. And I say this as someone who waited the whole 11 years and bought a collectors edition. Something I deeply regret.

wtf I love FFXV, LiS and Horizon now

Japs love time travel stories. Steins;Gate is one of their most prized works.

XV was alright honestly, there's nothing wrong with the game

Victoria fags are the worst jesus

>Frogposters shitpost about Taro

Hmmm really making my brain work right now.

Are you fictionkin? Because I recognize those tastes from somewhere.

>no Bloodborne or Yakuza 0
what a faggot

>Life is Strange
>The Last Guardian


Hell Nier music is in FFXV.

>It's another weebs praise western games despite previously raining a mountain of shit on them for no other reason than their gook daddy likes them thus proving that they are in fact literal weeaboos who suck nippon cock just because

Victoria has literally nothing good about her shes a chestlet bully with a shit fashion sense

>Final Fantasy XV
Well of course he has to suck SE's cock, otherwise nobody will fund his games.

What, did you forget that Life is Strange is also Squeenix? And also that Taro doesn't have brand loyalty?

>Yoko Taro likes a thing
>People are now justifying that his games are shit
Come on, at least he's not an Israeli

Victoria is great fuck you

Delete this right now you bald bitch I'm not playing around. Max and Chloe dont even have tits compared to Victoria


>yoko taro likes a game about robots and primitive humans existing in a post apocalyptic world

color me shocked

Oh fuck I know that art