Why are most protagonists either chaosfag or neutral? Where the lawfags at?
Why are most protagonists either chaosfag or neutral? Where the lawfags at?
Lucas wasn't a lawfag.
He fucking blew up the world, and the only thing that saved everyone was the player.
Is this the shota thread?
Who said he was?
I chose that image because Mother 3 brought the question to my mind. The game's decidedly anti-lawfag, as a lot of games seem to be.
Also he didn't intend to blow up the world, he had no reason to expect the outcome he got but it worked out anyway.
Not like I have a choice if it becomes that
Most protagonists ARE lawfags though. It just so happens that most of the games they're in are pretty lackluster.
>Where the lawfags at?
Team, unite up!
Is he law?
Nice headcanon.
It's so children can self insert. Adults see the value of living in a society based on law and order.
Mainstream has become angsty, they think being a chaosfag or a neutralfag automatically makes you deep. Lucas is a good example of a lawfag, fell to the absolute bottom and got the fuck back up.
Did you not play the game? He created a new world.
he's someone's lil' bitch so yes he is law
Most Lawfag characters are boring or just unlikable.
They generally don't actually use any critical thinking, and they work towards their goal because "It is good", making them unrelatable and devoid of any real growth. Occasionally one does, and either they become a chaosfag because they aren't stuck in their original mindset and break out of the bland stereotype of lawfags, or they just become an "ends justify the means" type character which are a dime a dozen and never really make for a good protagonist (unless the protagonist is the villain of the tory)sterotype
>Did you not play the game? He created a new world.
Did you not play the game? He unleashed the "dragon", which Itoi already said was wielding the will of the player - which is why everyone's still around after the credits, even though the world got fucked.
Why does he look so fuckable in this image no homo
Pit is a lawfag in its absolute purest form unless you take the half-baked sub-arc of Dark Pit apparently representing some part of Pit's inner self
this. lucas is a dirty ancom, pure chaos
by blowing up the old one once he no longer had any stake in it
You are like a little baby, watch this
i always found the law route to be boring and usually only go between Lawful Good to Lawful Neutral
i want to be Lawful Evil
>by blowing up the old one once he no longer had any stake in it
There was literally a single land mass.
That's what makes M3 so cool. You can't save the world, there was no world left to save.
Inability to commit and desire to be anti-authoritarian.
>They generally don't actually use any critical thinking
Neither do most neutralfags or chaosfags. That's the idea, that they don't need laws, but that is rarely done justice. They're as emotionally driven as any other.
yeah it was over before the game even began. the village plan was half-assed and unstable. you spend the whole game attempting damage control and failing
Chaos characters are even worse, all pointless edge