Help Plz

So anons, a store I frequent is selling a Modified Super Nintendo, which emulates a shit ton of games (not just for Super Nintendo, but for Genesis, N64, Atari, even TurboGrapx). It accepts every USB controller. No biggie, but I plan of buying a pair of every controller for the "consoles" available. I can't find a Atari 2600 USB controller, and the one that I found was 60 bucks.

plz anons help me

(ps, this is the modded SNES)

I imagine if you searched "the worst possible way to play old video games" this would probably come up

I don't have money to buy an actual Super Nintendo, nor to constantly buy new cartridges. I can't afford a PC that emulates any of the games. That's the only option I have.

no it's fucking not, just buy a raspberry pi and load games onto it like the person that made this abomination did

Sorry, but I can buy 3 of these assumed pieces of shit before I can buy a raspberry pi. It's still very expensive

cool, literally a nonsense reason. have fun in your nonsense world of buying super nintendo cases full of hot glue and broken dreams with bad chinese controllers that you'll hate

So there is an better alternative? Plz man i don't know better

>I can't afford a PC that emulates any of the games.
This is a lie for what you said this does
>Super Nintendo, Genesis, N64, Atari, even TurboGrapx
Emulators on toasters cover this. You didn't list anything that's hard or sketchy besides maybe N64. Fuck you.

Then what the fuck are you posting on?

They literally shoved a raspberry in the controller port

What the fuck is this trash, boi? Do you like burning money, or is it that you are blind or tech illiterate?

Raspberrypi does literally all those things except you have to set it up yourself

something tells me you're from brazil user
you're in for a ride
maybe I should talk you out of buying a (what appears to be) a raspberryPI in a box, but I don't care very much

don't do it user

Unfortunately I can't afford a "Toaster". He is selling me for 70~80 dollars. An Raspberry is 150 dollars. Shit I'm sorry if I don't know better

Sounds kind of sketchy. Save your money, do some googling on retropie and save up for a raspberrypi3.

a raspberry pi is literally 10-30 dollars

Wow you got it. The image on the corner left spoils it

Not in Brazil

>USB controllers
Don't bother with emulation and start collecting real consoles. As much as they can try to simulate it, you'll never get the same feeling the actual console gives from these things, especially with off-brand USB controllers.

Just check ebay. They should ship there, right?

Not without 200% taxes.

Figures. Being retarded is in your blood. Waste your money on what you like.

still probably cheaper and more effective than the fucking abomination in OP

>buying roms

>a store I frequent is selling bootleg shit

You live in a third-world country, don't you?

OP is baiting everybody in this thread and you faggots keep falling for it.

I once had an NES when I was a kid. Only had the Super Mario 2 cartridge. I just need something to play a shit ton of old games, while looking like the old thing. It doesn't need to be perfect, but at least close enough, but thanks for the attention user

Fuck that shit, importing shit almost triples the price. And I live in the slum (inb4 niggers jokes), so i have to travel 50 miles to the next post office

it says in the image, it has Portugese text on it.

There's only one country that uses Portugese that isn't 3rd world and only one country that uses

I like nigger dicks

brazilians really are retarded arent they

Thanks everybody for the attention. I decided not to buy this Modded SNES. I will read on the subject of the Raspberry. A friend of mine is selling a N64 for 15 dollars, maybe I will buy it.

Again, thanks anons. I'm sorry if I annoyed anyone, I'm dumb on the subject.

Don't fall for the raspberry meme dude, even a wii is better at emulating

>licensed by Nintendo
yeah sure

jesus all that hotglue

Really? I heard that the Wii is one of the best with a shit ton of homebrews, but it's hard to find one that's less than 80 dollars

>I can't afford a PC that emulates any of the games

Bullshit. I was emulating 8.16-bit consoles on my machine back in '98. PS2 still needs a machine with a good deal of power behind it, but, fuck, literally any PC from the last 20 years can run ZSNES or SNES9x

This user is wrong. Don't fall for the don't fall for the raspberry pi meme meme

>Gutting a SNES, fucking up its controller ports, and just putting in hardware to emulate itself

i had a 486 that could emulate snes games. 77mhz, l'il underagefag.

I'm not saying that I need a Ultra Big-Dick PC to run fucking Metroid. I'm saying that I'm running on a budget, and I can't buy any computers