Yes humans, fight your stupid Civil War to waken yourselves while we, the Thalmor, make sure that once more the Elves rule the world.
Aldmeri Dominion
/fa/ as fuck.
Best faction.
Fuck men.
you have fun with that homosexual while I bro it up with best race
yiff in hell scaliefag
I hope The Elder Scrolls VI takes place in the Summerset Isles, and you can destroy them.
Men, myr, and their squabbles can fuck right off.
Argonian is best race.
They stormed hell itself and kicked its ass out of their land.
Argonian > men > Kajhiit >>>>>>>> elf scum
>make sure that once more the Elves rule the world
I think the Thalmor only care about themselves in the end, other mer don't matter.
According to Michael Kirkbride, the Aldmeri Dominion are possibly involved in a master plan where they wish to undo the mortal plane itself by deactivating the last known Towers. The Towers being various constructs, both natural and artificial, located all across Nirn. Their existence ensures Mundus remains stabilized as they uphold the barriers between the mortal plane and the realms of Oblivion. Like the White Gold in Cyrodiil, and the Snow Throat / Throat of the World in Skyrim. But this is probably not canon.
I don't understand this at all considering in C0DA they were successful in destroying the towers and genociding man but still couldn't unmake reality.
Here's your problem.
Humans have literal Lorkhan incarnation, Dragonbon can conquer the whole Tamriel.
Has daedra worship ever worked out for a merrish race?
Thalmor are just the latest mer to think they are ever so clever only to get fucked when the daedra bail on them.
>thalmor cunts are just daedra going at it again
I fucking hate everything about that shitty card game.
The groundwork for the thalmor being daedra worshippers has been laid since Oblivion.
Legends just confirmed it.
>Has daedra worship ever worked out for a merrish race?
Yeah, during the Merethic Era I think.
>Bare head and torso
>Tail armor
In Oblivion it was just a side remark that could've been attributed to the doomsday ambientation that the game was going for.
Legends just took them and used the most bland, predictable and uninteresting takethey could.
Bosmer worship aedra and daedra alike, so did the Chimer and now the Dunmer. Reachmen also worship the Old Gods which include a large variety of minor Daedric Princes, the Orsimer also worship Malacath.
I know I'm forgetting more but you get the point.
Oblivion had the rumors
Skyrim had the AD general being rescued by a winged daedra.Granted it could have been propaganda.
Legends revealed it wasn't.
Ray Charles could have seen this coming.
>Skyrim had the AD general being rescued by a winged daedra
Not only was that stated in a book full of disingenuous propaganda, summoning daedra =/= worshipping them.
I want to fuck lizards
You are making my point so thanks.
To be fair on the dumner they worship whatever FotM shows up.
Aedra,daedra,Ancestors,The Tribunal,and probably something new for the next one.
Their faith is a fickle as it is fervent.
So I point something out and you remove it to make the same point?
Taken by itself you may have a point.
Given the evidence that has been laid out from previous games I am fairly comfortable stating the Thalmor were always going to be Daedra worshippers.
The evidence from previous games is a random rumour line of dialogue saying that apparently people in Summerset are making cults of daedra worshippers.
The Thalmor are an old political faction that existed for a long time, it only rose to prominence because they fought the daedra in the Oblivion crisis.
It's a shaky connection at best.
>written and designed to look like Nazis
>Ended up looking like jews instead
You forgot a group of wizards on summerset boycotting Imperial goods.
The Thalmor had become largely irrelevant until they drove the daedra away from Crystal tower( An inside job ?) at which point they became the predominant power base in Summerset.
You may not like it but they had telegraphed this punch if you payed attention.
I don't understand this. Altmer are outwardly evil and will say how inferior men are right to your face. There's no hidden agenda.
Funny, isn't it?
>You forgot a group of wizards on summerset boycotting Imperial goods.
I "forgot" because that has jack to do with daedra worship.
>The Thalmor had become largely irrelevant until they drove the daedra away from Crystal tower( An inside job ?) at which point they became the predominant power base in Summerset.
Once again that is irrelevant, they were already an established faction that never had a significant political power because they were too radical, there suddenly being a bunch of daedra cults can hardly be traced to them.
And the Oblivion Crisis being an inside job is a fucking retarded accusation, they're stated to be Boethiah worshippers, the Oblivion Crisis came from Dagon.
More over it's tonally inconsistent, the Altmer are one of the races that loathe daedra the most, and after the Oblivion Crisis that hate has become intensified, the idea that a coven of overt daedra cultists can became the de facto leaders of Summerset is complete bullshit.
Yet here we are.
There is a fair amount of evidence that is exactly what happened.
I don't recall any mention of a specific Daedra in regards to the summerset rumor from Oblivion.
What did I miss?
I only stated Crystal tower being an inside job.
The Thalmor removed a tower and rose to prominence because of it.
Daedra got a powerful tool in the thalmor out of it.
A win win for all sides involved.
The vast majority of the altmer do hate daedra.
I am only referring to the Thalmor.
Yes, the Thalmor, the faction that rules Summerset Isle, practically absorbed the Altmer standing army and militar organizations, and resurrected the Dominion, replacing the current government.
Believing they can do all that while worshipping daedra and overtly summoning them like in ESL is ridiculous.
Not only it messes with the Thalmor characterization given by Kirkbride and several texts, it messes with Altmer society, a race that was already poorly characterized.
The overt point is your addition to the conversation.
I don't believe they announce that fact.
The only witnesses to the daedra rescue would have been Imperial allied troops, and as you have already done, been dismissed as propaganda by the AD.
So yes the AD is being run by daedra worshippers.
Argonianfags manage to be more obnoxious than drugcatfats
It's because there's nothing actually cool about the argonians. Everything interesting about them is related to the Hist and the Dunmer.
How is your little army going to take on a dragonborn who is versed in every shout, archmage of the winterhold collage, leader of the thieves guild, harbringer of the companions, listener of the dark brotherhood, and champion of every daedra?
MC of every games fuck off after they're done with their quest
You don't see Nerevarine, Kvatch Sheogorath or the Daggerfall Agent doing shit even though they're powerful as fuck by the time of Skyrim
they're dead
Nerevarine and Sheo are immortal
all human races besides Redguards are complete fucking trash anyway. Just take them over for all I care.
>Nords are literal mudhut niggers who are literally afraid of magic in a world where it's used to basically do everything
>Imperials are decadent losers who pretend to be regal and aloof but can't even protect or maintain any of their holdings, barely have any identity besides multiculturalism and empire
>Bretons are mongrels that can't even keep even form a functioning single nation-state and completely rely on the slightly less shit Imperials to hold things together for them
>kicked elf ass, don't need imperial dick to stay afloat and independent in the world
>curved swords
>based as fuck
let the mer rule over the rest
Redguards fucked up so bad that they had to abandon the kalpa they previously resided in for a new one.
Fuck these gay cunts, I'm glad they got ancestroscythed
Bethesda is going to kill him off
Something something he arrived in Solstheim, fixed some shit, went to apocrypha to fight Miraak but they both died in the duel
Also Skyrim Civil War will end with Ulfricc fuccing Elisif
They nigged out so hard it sank their homeland.
Redguard dislike magic as much as the Nords.
Unless it gets retconned they are photo negatives of the Nords.(minus the chimpout)
they see magic and dishonorable for combat and battlemages as weak, but they don't have the same ass-backwards superstitious 17th century England tier hatred towards all forms of magic like Nords do.
>"my Yokudan notion of honor demands I not fight you despite your destruction magic abilities because magic is not a valid weapon and fighting an unarmed opponent is unacceptable"
>"one of my cows died overnight. It must have been that alchemist living on the other side of town, let's get him!"
This is your fanfic. Redguard NPCs talk about being forced out of Hammerfell because of the attitude towards magic.
Nords do see magic as less honorable than physical labor, and they are legitimately correct about shit like the College sinking Winterhold into the sea.
Until you mentioned Nords at the end of your first sentence I was unsure of who you were referring to.
Nords aren't afraid of magic they believe it is for the weak.They do enjoy their enchantments though.
>not being a concubine turned vampire overloard that became thane of Whiterun only to betray the Jarl and rule with an iron fist
best race coming through
You should try /tesg/.
Waifu faggotry is welcomed there.
They make good thieves and better throw rugs.
Only the northern savages are thugs and thieves
The south consists only of honest trade lords and bureaucrats who definatly aren't knee-deep in white collar crime.
nice nose
also pretty good stealth archers
Yeah okay, i'll just go find the pieces of Numidium to make you fuck off again
>working your SexLab fapping into your character's backstory
>doesn't even have an NPC overhaul installed to make the non-PC females at least passably attractive
Was there even a single likeable Thalmor NPC in Skyrim? I felt every other race had a good mix of likeable and unlikable characters except the Thalmor.
the thalmor are not a race
Best boy right here, one of the only people in the game who has even a bit of depth to them.
>thinking ondolemar isn't likeable
Not even the grunts at the embassy liked the Justiciars.
Purged Bosmer who weren't onboard
The night of green fire
Had to trick the stoner cats into fighting for them.
Has lost the element of surprise regarding the war.
The AD may not last until TES6.
You're right I meant the Altmer.
You mean Altmer, not Thalmor, but Calcelmo was a nice guy. High Elves have basically always canonically been pretty shitty people, but Oblivion just sort of glossed over that along with most other racial tensions in the universe. That's something which Skyrim brought back from Morrowind which Bethesda almost never gets credit for on here.
>they see magic and dishonorable for combat and battlemages as weak
That is already pretty fucking stupid as it is.
>High Elves have basically always canonically been pretty shitty people, but Oblivion just sort of glossed over that along with most other racial tensions in the universe.
I don't know what you're talking about. 99% of the Altmer in Oblivion were cunts.
>falcar the secret necromancer who sends people to their death because if they're too stupid to figure out his puzzles they deserve to die
>that elf scholar whose experiments keep fucking up a town in various ways. doesn't give a fuck when he turns a town invisible
>umbacano wants to revive the ayleids and kill all humans
>altmer vampire who tricks a bunch of people into being in a vampire hunting group to protect himself
>that one female altmer who wants you to steal a tome so she can unlock forbidden power. the real cunt move is that the spell she gives you isn't even good.
>mankar cameran and kids
You would be a cunt if you were part of the literal masterrace.
>magical genius
yeah but when you meet the random NPC ones they just act like normal people most of the time. In Skyrim literally every Altmer from the tailors in Solitude to Umbacano should all just be gassed, the way it should be.
Also it wasn't just the Altmer, Skyrim was just full of racial tension that Oblivion just basically made no mention of. The game didn't even feature the cultural differences between different Imperial ethnicities, let alone stuff like Khajit being banned from entering cities for being filthy gypsies or Orcs wandering around the wilderness trying to get people to kill them in a fair fight.
lanklets arent better than manlets
Also they arent golden, they are more like colour of piss
Culture is one of many reasons why Skyrim is much superior to Oblivion and pretty much a good game (although flawed)
This is the whath merrish master race?
Orsimer(A question were they called something different before the orcification?)
Now the Altmer lay claim to the title.
It adds a new understanding to the "Seen any elves?"