Whitch are the games that Sup Forums have a consense of liking it?
what are you fucking saying you chimp ESL
go back to brazil
>Off the top of my head
Diablo 3
Life is Strange
Pokemon Go
Dwarf Fortress
Left 4 Dead
Call of Duty Zombies
Counter Strike
Dragons Dogma
And of course, Portal.
dark souls and bloodborne
are you asking what games Sup Forums circlejerks about?
dark souls 1 and 3 (mentioning you like dark souls 2 is the easiest ways to get (you)s)
new vegas
hollow knight kinda
zelda when its not in a console war thread
my favorite dark souls game is 2 btw i hated the first game
Actually i was taking a piss while typing with one hand. Sorry about that.
Why would I like life is tumblr?
I think you just might be a retard who doesn't know how to spell "which"
The cellphone almost fell on the toilet.
>New Vegas
>Dude Sex
>Dorf Fortress
>Vampire the Masquerade
>Most merry oh games
>Shadow of the Colossus
>MGS3 and most MGS games in general
>Dork Souls
>Mountain Blade
All video games are shit
>Hollow Knight
Havent heard about it. What is it?
Dragon's Dogma is horribly missed potential
>any video game ever
if you like any of these games please an hero
Fire Emblem
MonHun (the fans are just divided but they like it)
titan fall 2
it's an indie metroidvania with ori-tier visuals. If you like metroidvanias you'll probably like HK
Also now that I think of it
>Fire Emblem
>God Hand
>Ace Attorney, in general
Fallout New Vegas
Mother 3
Dragon Quest V
Mario Kart 64, DS, Wii, or 8
Cave Story
These are the only ones that have like over 90% approval rating
this man is correct
Thanks, Im going to check it out.
The Greatest RPG ever made. Gothic 2. Discussions are pretty good.
What is delete key?
Wait Pokemon Go?
A lot of it is honkey.
Can someone post free steam keys pls, doesnt matter if already taken, post that pasta pls
>New Vegas
Smart move, courier. Smart move...
Because it's a decent story with interesting characters and the normal user stereotype saves the day in the end?