I bet you niggers cant even mockball

I bet you niggers cant even mockball

Thanks Doc

Hears your gun goes doo doo doo doo
Well my gun goes brap brap brap brap brap

Got a name

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>Implying I don't oneshot Spore Spawn with the Plasma Beam on the way to Tourian.

yes it is james

Why do I get the feeling this is Comiket or something similar

that's when you run and jump and morph into a ball during your descent near the ground to keep your run speed in morphball mode, right?
I used it once to get across the n00b bridge in a fun way, but I can't do it consistently

Yeah. It is used to get super missiles early as soon as you get to green Brinster

sauce pls


A random dude from /r9k/

thats not a guy tho

fuck who is the artist for this? iqdb has nothing


A reverse image search led me to twitter, nothing more of those pics though.

B right down + a down again as you land then right to continue
B right a then release a + down down again as you land then right again to continue
If I remember correctly.
