Explain again how PC gaming is suppose to be cheaper than a console.
Explain again how PC gaming is suppose to be cheaper than a console
>No paid online
>All games can easily be downloaded for free
>Can mine cryptocurrencies while your not using it
>Easy upgradeability
A PC is an investment that pays off in the long run.
PC isn't really cheaper. A good pc is outdated in 2 or 3 years if you plan on buying and playing the new games every year.
>PC is an investment
No, and no you nigga don't you pull "mining" as an excuse. PC is a liability, consoles is a liability but properties, now that's an investment.
Price Per Value
>Can mine cryptocurrencies while your not using it
wow, those 2 chinese franc are sure worth it!
I spend 550 on my PC and can resell it a 1000 easy. can your console do that, and fuck my system has a 5 year old processor too.
>picking one of the highest priced/powerful components
>can make a PC for around 400-500 that can outperform consoles and you can do other shit on them
>upgrade whenever you want/have money
>not paying for access to internet you already pay for
>sites like cdkeys offer games for dirt cheap
>steam sales
PC gaming can be as cheap as you make it or as expensive as you make it
>inb4 pcfag
I own a PS4 and a PC, use both regularly. Both good for their own uses, both have some pros/cons.
That card has like, 2x the performance of a xbox one x
A 1080 is going to outlast the next generation of consoles in terms of power so no. Maybe even longer than that.
lmao no. xbox one x is using an unreleased much better card than 1080 ti.
Because that 1080 is 3x more powerful than current consoles. Try the 1050
>xbots are this retarded
You should go back to not existing
>there are retards who actually believe this
lmao good thing this is a bait post
Yes actually scalping is very common in the console world, especially with limited release consoles or popular things being pulled from the stores like the popular horror experience P.T.
It's very easy to make money off either.
Shiet nigga, didn't know the game will just refuse to launch if it detects the PC's components are 2-3 years old. Should definitely get a console, we all know console hardware grows more powerful as time goes by.
Notch earned a billion dollars tinkering on his PC.
Your PC's earning potential is limited to your imagination unlike consoles which guarantees to earn you nothing.
Ask all the switch scalpers
Wait who ever said that? It's better and more expensive, go figures.
Yet they will still run better on consoles.
Stop meming around guys, really.
It's not cost effective to build a PC right now. It usually is and it will be eventually but it isn't right now and you shouldn't pretend that it is.
If someone had the choice of buying a PS4 or a PC right now, the choices are either to wait or buy the PS4.
You don't need a card anywhere near that powerful to outperform a console
A radeon rx470 can outperform a ps4 pro and is $180
Yeah at release, you can do the same with cards fag, i didnt scalp shit, I just got lucky on the price the card was 375 and the rest was like 150ish (I7 2600 12bg of ram 2tb HDD GTX 1070)
>he says while most console versions are locked at 30 FPS by scummy developers
1080 with a good CPU can run even shitty ports at 60 FPS, keep being a brainlet though
I know. sony drones and fedoras cant handle the truth
>Everyone in here saying a 1080 is so amazing
It can't even max settings, 4k, 60 fps all current gen games.
Holy fuck, if you actually belive this you should neck yourself.
Not until the cryptonig currency crash it isn't. More like 400 Eur if even in stock.
that means you have a shit cpu then
1080 is op
It's the difference between public transportation and owning a car. One allows more convenience and the ability to personalise your product as much as you'd like. The other has routes limited to what the company decides you can have but has exclusive features like more seats. Ultimately, yes a car is more expensive than a bus pass.
Stop trying to use it with a shit AMD CPU
Like what nigger GTA V lol
Honestly, I don't know why people keep saying consoles are good spec wise when even the Xbox one x STILL has the jaguar laptop CPU that weaker than a goddamn 5 year old i3. It's the entire reason why theycan put the price point as low as $500
>picks one of the most expensive GPU's on the market
i know it's bait but holy fuck
I mean I've got a 6700k. Is ahite
Lel, it's not even close to 1070 and worst it's paired with an obsolote five year old netbook CPU.
Delusion and buyer's remorse that fuels brand loyalty by people too poor for multiple options. The thing that keeps console wars going.
umm, no sweetie. There is a reason xbox one x outperform every other machine (including pc's with 180 ti) on graphics.
Can't wait to play Minecraft™ in 4K on my Microsoft© Xbox™ One X!
>using an AMD CPU with a NVIDIA GPU
Except I also have a 1080 and an i7 7700 intel CPU overclocked at 4.5 and he's not wrong, you fucking idiot. Dev's just straight up dont give a shit.
How many cents does microsoft pay you per post mate? are you from india or somenthing?
>spend $3000 on a PC
>make $0.27 a day
Nice bruh who ethereum master race here???
Every benchmark test out there disagrees with you, you lying console fuck. I bet you just googled all that shit to sound convincing.
I have a 1080ti and I hardly game anymore.
I can never get smooth frame-times. Doesn't matter if I'm getting 70fps+ at 3440x1440 if the frametimes are all over the place it's annoying.
On top of that, there's no games I want to play, everything is boring and I can't get into anything.
what? gta v maxed out is 10x prettier than consoles could ever dream of looking
A 1060 still outpaces a PS4 and Xbone, and even with the "4k" updates to the consoles, they aren't reaching true 4k. Even then, they lock themselves at 30 fps, where a 1060 can still reach almost 60 fps in most games at 4k, and still have the game look better. Normally, 1060s and 1070s would be a lot cheaper, but miners are currently making the market soar.
>400-500 that can outperform consoles
Why lie?
>following meme standards in their infancy and buying DA BEST HARDWARE FOR MUH GAYMEN PC
The most retarded thing ever. Top tier PC costs 2x, 3x more than say newest console shitbox. Yes, it will scratch the surface of yet another memed into existence visual standard. For a fucking year or so, than a 1500k rig is worthless, crashing down hard in terms of value. My point is to build mid-low range tier machine which fully supports the visual standard which is not a meme by said point in time. aka let's say 1080p/60+ fps or 1440p/60+ fps. And it's all for fair price. Top tier hardware is lunacy in modern PC culture. Or for die hard enthusiastic maniacs.
except i built my pc in 2010 and im playing new games at near-max settings.
there's a big giant long list of advantages both financially and fun wise.
He's right though, a single 1080 doesn't max out 4k. This is common knowledge.
I don't really understand the problem he's having. I have an Nvidia gpu with an AMD cpu and I get 60 fps at 4k easy. I think there's something else missing in his build, probably. Or maybe he's just retarded.
Say that to my 6 year old 2500k faggot
If you build a decent pc you only need a gpu upgrade every 3 years to continue making games. Or you could just lower the settings over time like consoles.
only reason that shit's that high right now is because of cryptocurrency miners
fucking cyberjews and their pretend money
Wowwwwwwwwwww you got the point, good job.
Nice reddit meme newfriend but you didn't answer the question.
>on the internet
Even if you were right, what's your point? Consoles don't do real 4k, either.
>Can mine cryptocurrencies while your not using it
That's a nice way of saying "here's where my electricity bill money goes".
Cryptocurrency fags don't want the 1080 the memory is too power inefficient. They're only going for 1060/70
Wtf 6700k is intel
Dumb memecoin miners.
I'm white you turkroach
Are you looking at the 4k benchmarks or the 1080p ones?
I stutter in BF1, Dishonored 2, Wolfenstien just to name a few. They don't bother testing the options they allow for, just ever. It's fucking frustrating.
This fag doesn't know the glory of a 2500k
>you can only use Intel CPUs with a 1080
What? Are you literally retarded?
Greece pls pay denbts and go
4k benchmarks usually have the anti-aliasing kicked up too high. There's no good reason for a performance drop for something so minor. I think The Division is one of the worst offenders here. The only time the huge difference was even noticeable in recent memory was Deus EX MD
You are being retarded on so many levels I don't even understand
Intel CPUs work much, much better with Nvidia GPUs than AMD ones do. This is common knowledge. But Sup Forums is always retarded when it comes to computers since the majority of people here are consoletards
>I dont know shit about computers
>my upscaled medium settings 30fps console is better
You can go on youtube and look up pc builds around 400 that are better than consoles.
If that is expensive for you keep to the mobas and blizzard games or just take your peasantry to consoles.
>thet coment
You must be retarded, OP.
fucking magic internet money mining
That's some advanced funposting user
A good pc will high-ultra now and in 2-3 years med-high at a better frame rate, AA and 1080p - 1440p
Games are cheaper on pc, so over time pc gaming is cheaper. But ofcourse if buy the best shit, pc gaming will still be far more expensive, but you are getting 5x times graphical the quality literally
Nobody but greek boyfuckers use turkroach as an insult
You are unveiled
>saying that gtx 580 or radeon analog from that time can max out modern games
Yeah, at 1080p and 20 fps maybe at best.
Except that's a myth and you're gullible as fuck to believe it.
Exactly. Are you fucking braindead? It makes no difference as long as the CPU does not bottleneck the GPU
>you are getting 5x times graphical the quality literally
Only if you want to play everything at maxed settings.
I bought my 2gb 7850 a year before PS4 launched for $200 and it spanks the shit out it to this day in my bros desktop after a 25% overclock. And he's not forced to play at 900p 30fps.
Oh so you are retarded. Thanks for confirming.
Its supposed to be better, not cheaper. It can be cheaper if you're going to make a super budget build but then you're gimping yourself.
If you put PC on the same level as consoles you couldn't possibly see why its worth getting a decent PC. Console marketing wants you to believe all the games are on console and there are just like so many dude XD. Reality on the other hand shows that PC has access to a larger variety of games, massive amounts of freedom and you can actually have smooth 60fps or EVEN HIGHER (Yes higher exists, just make sure you have a monitor that can display higher than 60hz). Its like any other kind of upgrade, once you try it you'll understand. Just don't get a shitty budget PC, don't get a 1050ti/1060; 1070 is the minimum if you want the best experiences.
PC is a luxury, you can get an imitation (budget) or you can save up for the real deal. Either way, the best gaming experience is on PC if you can afford the luxury. A good strategy for feeling better about going without(this goes for any other kind of luxury item you may want) is to simply dismiss its value and convince yourself its not worth it and you're doing yourself a favor. "Why would anyone waste their money on such unnecessary bullshit right? I'm not missing out on anything."
Pathetic turktoach, keep talking you son of a bitch
>so over time pc gaming is cheaper
Only for neckbeards playing hundreds of games every year.
You max settings Witcher 3, GTAV, and Dirt Rally and never drop below 60fps at 4k?
I'm not calling you a liar because maybe you're telling the truth but maybe pay closer attention to your fps counter the next time you're playing those games. You might be surprised
What runs better on consoles?
>replace gpu with money saved from not paying to use your Internet
Two can play this game
>Buy $500 mid-range pc
>Play games for free or buy them in huge sales, emulate and enjoy the other features a PC provides.
>Buy $300 console
>spend $2000 on games to play them with low fps and quality
>master race desperate to justify their waste of money on every thread
how much does it cost to make a nice one? maybe i might build one for the first time but right now 1200 dollars is probably the most i can spend.