Is this accurate?

Is this accurate?

but IV was boring

I've never played any of them but that seems to be the prevailing opinion.

X-2 should be in meh, but otherwise no complaints.

I'd bump VII and XII up one notch, otherwise pretty good list.

Where's mystic quest

FF7 is better than 4 and at least equal to6, so no.
And 8 is not as bad as you made it out to be.

>actual list

>god tier
ff6, ff7, ff9
>high tier
ff10, ff12
>good tier
ff8, ff10-2
>who cares tier
the rest

>FF5 in meh tier


100% accurate

anyone who says 7 deserves god tier is only saying that because it was the first one they played and can't have their favorite childhood game be not perfect.

First sign of a low int faggot is putting FF8 in a bottom tier

At least you have FF6 in top tier to counteract your retardation


X-2 up one and 9 down two

>FFVIII not in top tier

Lol voided.

where's FF1? it's the only one i played (and beat)

This is some pleb shit.

Oh, yeah, forgot to add, IV is in shit tier

God tier: PS1 trilogy
High tier: SNES trilogy
Mid tier: PS2 trilogy
Low tier: PS3/4 trilogy
"Pong of FF" tier: NES trilogy

Objective, factual, indisputable tier list. You can't argue against this without sounding biased, underage or retarded. FF peaked in PS1 era in just about every way. It's been a downward spiral since then.

If someone thinks IX is a good game and VIII is a bad game it's a safe bet that they're underage

VIII is a top-tier Final Fantasy. IX is in the bottom three.

Type-0 should be in high tier

>IX is bad
kill yourself

Keep telling yourself that, kiddo
VIIIshitters have no argument, their game has a retarded story, underutilized openworld and horribly abusable battle system. Even sidequests are all shit centered around getting gfs

>Even sidequests are all shit centered around getting gfs

Just like real life

Come on, IX isn't that bad.

I have a wife, underage, get on my level

Good job throwing away your 20s lad

It's always entertaining to view the inferiority complex of VIII fans.

this, totally underrated FF by cinematic fags

FF threads should be banned, it's just people crying about how their opinion is the one that counts

Travelling, having sex, playing games with an actual human who shares your worldviews and interests is throwing away my 20s? Wew, gotta get back into the basement to jerk off to my figurines and cry on /r9k/ about how all women are whores.

I know 8 isn't the best but it's still my fav. Best OST, best dungeons, best summons, best optional content, best towns, pulled of some crazy fmv shit, balamb garden etc.

>it's just people crying about how their opinion is the one that counts
May as well just delete Sup Forums then

>Elder God Tier
>God tier
>Shit Tier
Everything else

Bump VIII up one and IV down one then it's perfect.

nice blog

why is ff11 not on there? because you didn't include the level above god tier?

Haven't played it since you were 5, have you?

May as well, i'd be free from this curse

It's funny and sad how XV never even shows up in these threads

Bump 6 down to meh tier,7 up to god tier, and 5 to high tier and it's perfect

I haven't played it because I don't have a jewbox or pisstation. Seems like another failed experiment, better than XIII at least.

I want to play tactics because everything I've heard sounds like something I would enjoy. Problem is I'm a scrub and I'm awful at that genre. Any tips?

Stop pussyfooting and just play it.


No, this is.

Power/Speedbreak enemies and then use Accumulate over and over again, you can max out every job in one or two battles if you're patient. Be careful since enemies in random battles are the same level as you, but storyline ones are set.

-Ramza needs squire skills
-Try to keep your party varied
-Don't grind levels
-If you've passed Dorter, pat yourself on the back. If you've passed Execution Site and Ramza has squire skills - you've won the game.
-Keep TWO saves and switch after every battle

Move V to the top and IV down by one.

No. FFIV is outdated and overrated.

Grind a little bit and get a few good job abilities. It's not really your fault, that game gets unreasonably difficult very fast.

All you have to do is swap 12 and 9 and you're golden.

here is the correct list, thanks user

Not bad.

Solid list, but VIII should be lower and XIII-2 should be higher.

Even including FF2 proves you suck cock.

>ANY of the Tactics games under at least high
>FFV is meh
>Where's everything else

Man 7 really is the most overrated game of all time

You accidentally swapped VIII and IX. It's an honest mistake, we understand.

Ok maybe this is because I don't like SRPGs, but FFT is kinda lame.

Also 8 and X2 were great

the only bad FF games are 2 and 13-1

Welcome back to the fold, brother.

Put Crystal Chronicles in God Tier
Raise 12 to High Tier.
Move 4 down to High Tier.
Move Tactics Advance to MEH Tier.


Oh, and move 7 to God Tier

>cinematic fags

is that what we're calling it now
FF5 gets overlooked because its job system is already outclassed by Tactics and Bravely Default

Godtier all FF
shit tier all personna reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeekkkkkkkkkkkkkkk

Not just Mystic Quest. Where's I & II? Where's The After Years? Where's XII-2 (Revenant Wings)? Where's XIII? XIII-2? XIII-3? Where's XIV? Where's XV? Where's Tactics: War of the Lions? Where's Tactics A2? Brave Exvius? Record Keeper? World of? Type-0? Mobius? Before Crisis? Crisis Core? Dirge of Cerberus? Dissidia? Dissidia 012? Explorers? Dimensions? Both Theatrythms? The 4 Heroes of Light? Crystal Chronicles? Ring of Fate? Echoes of Time? The Crystal Bearers? My Life as a King? My Life as a Darklord? All the Bravest? Chocobo's Dungeon? Chocobo Tales?

OP is a massive fail.

Ever since ARR XIV is the best since the PS1 days, but of course everyone hates it because MMO

The worst Persona games are millions times more fun than the worst FF game

>5 that low

of course it is inaccurate

>2 bad
>8 good
Fucking lol-ing at your life.

>the grind that are Persona 3 and 4
>the shit that are Q and Dancing all Night
They are right there with FF XIII, at the very bottom

how is ARR better than generic mmo #45? the game is the same as any other, just with FF style designs and story

>a game that came out 5 years after a previous game did things better

color me surprised!

are you honestly saying that FF2 is better than those games?

DaN was fun, its just not an RPG.
Q was good until that 4th dungeon holy shit.
>needing to grind in 3 and 4

That's not what he said, he called them a grind (i.e. slow and repetitive)

Did you run that list through a randomizer or something, OP?

Nigga, what are you doing? FF1 and 2 aren't even on that list.

Forget ranking the series. The games do too many experimental things for there to be a cohesive fanbase.

3 and 4 are a grind because SLs suck and they just go on and on and on
Also, 200+ floors of a fucking generated dungeon.
I'll replay II over them any day it's short and simple, even the NES original version.

Where's Type-0?

Listing only FF titles I've finished.

Tactics > 5 > 6 > 9 > 15 > TA2 > TA > 4 > 3 > 4-2 > 7 > 10 > 1 > 12 > 13-2 > 13 > 2 > 8

Still haven't played it, sadly. Maybe once I'm done platting Zodiac Age.

Speaking of which, would you recommend PPSSPP or PS4 version?

There's a PC version

Switch 4 and 5

Otherwise no compaints

Ok, so PPSSPP or Steam?

Was just about to post this

You have to choose one of the last 3 mainline FF games to play through to the end: FF13, FF14, or FF15.

Which one do you pick?


>XII is great but X is shit
I think you mixed those two.
Otherwise i'm ok with the other shit.

My ranking

>god tier
ff6, ff7, ff9
>high tier
ff4, ff10, ff12
>good tier
>the rest
ff1, ff2, ff3, ff5, ff13, ff15

FF13. I've been wanting to replay it anyways, and I like the battle system.

I think you have rose-tinted glasses for X, but I won't judge

>God tier
6 9
>High tier
5 7
>Good tier
4 10 12
>Meh tier
1 2 3
>Shit tier
8 10-2 13
>Didn't play tier
11 14 15

screw the games, this here
>what the hell were they thinking tier?
is one fucking terrible opinion

enjoy your furries and the 20 seconds it takes to start each random encounter

literally the slowest, shittiest final fantasy
and yeah you can say, "b-b-but it's Sakaguchi's favorite!" but you have to remember the indisputable fact that japs have shit taste and he likes it because Europe is exotic to him

5 confirms

God tier: 5,6,12
good tier: 9,7,4
Meh tier: 3,13,8
Shit tier: 2, 1

Swap out IV and put V and XII in its place.

are you insane?

>and Bravely Default
nope, FF5 had a better job system, since BD abilities don't alter stats: what's the point of giving white magic to a thief when his magic/wisdom stat stays low?

Literally has a speedup action
Yer a faggot yugi


>use kotr as highest tier
>don't include any games with kotr in them
what did he mean by this

on ps1 it doesn't. Sure you could set atb fill to max in config but it doesn't help the battles load up any faster

Wait, what's wrong with Anima?