Girl gamer joins the guild

>girl gamer joins the guild
>drama explosions everywhere, guild dies within a week thanks to thirsty losers circlejerking around the girl

>girl gamer picks up a game
>always mains healer
>gets mad whenever someone says she should try something else

>girl gamer signs up on a game forum
>demands censorship and less revealing clothes on female characters

Should girl gamers be banned from video games? Name one thing girls have ever contributed to video games.

I wish I could contradict you, I really do, but I've seen this kind of stuff happen so many time...

An old lady composed the music for street fighter 2, if i recall correctly. Does that count?

Why do you hate women so much, anons? What have they ever done to you?

It's true that guilds often fall apart because of girls, but in a lot of cases it is not our fault. My old WoW guild fell apart because of the guild leader hitting on me, but I didn't welcome his advances. I wanted to play WoW. How is him being a beta virgin who would do anything for pussy my fault?

the problem is not these girls, is the beta males who think they can get friends with them

Tearing guilds apart apparently

Destroyed his guild, from what I'm reading.

Played WoW fucking loads back in 2009, joined a guild and there was plenty of drama thanks to a girl in the guild.

Fuck I wish I could go back in time and re live that year.

The first thing isn't their fault. And I've also seen enough men wanting the same third thing.

my last guild had a guild mom that farmed raid supplys and crafted everything for us even though she didnt even raid

she also caused the least drama of any of the officers because she didnt care about loot or progress(or lack thereof), she just liked being part of the guild. honestly the guild would be dead by now without her.

but it was a mom in her late 40s, does it actually count?

Did you shag her?

Not had sex with me

Guild mom are the fucking best.
Like, there's no contest, they make everything better.

See, those are the ones that probably didn't get the game in the first place other than to get "nerd cred". My sister played assloads of WoW and not a single guild collapsed around her, probably because she gave more of a shit about the game than what other people thought of her.

>girl joins guild, 70% of the time just wants to play game and make friends
>autistic nerds end up fighting eachother over a girl who wont end up fucking any of them
>they go on Sup Forums and blame the girl

>girl in guild
>no problems
>girl gets in an argument with guildmaster's wife
>girl gets kicked out
>core raid members leave
And that was the end.

there's a difference between a girl playing the vidya and a girl being an attention whore using the vidya as their outlet. I used to have a couple of girls from some forum I visited that I played L4D with all the time and they were pretty cool.

>Tranny joins guild
>Devolves everything into politics

I think the only reason I have yet to the experience the opposite is because otherwise they know not to shove their gender into fucking everything and turn it into their only defining trait.

Why does no one blame men for being thirsty fucks and enabling this kind of behavior?

So lemme see if I got this right. You're mad because:
- your guild is full of losers
- there are too many people playing healers (?)
- and you go on the forums

Is that about the size of it?

All of my girl gamer friends had shit taste and whinged me into buying and playing crappy co-op games with them

This is a medium starved for girls, so it isn't little wonder that you get both manipulative bitches and thirsty betas. Mixing them together ensures that very little survives in the aftermath.

>girl joins guild
>everything goes peachy until people start getting jobs and going to college
>suddenly there's no guild

There was very little drama though, so I guess that's alright.

Trannies are a new thing matey they weren't around when I played WoW

>This is a medium starved for girls

Because we've all done it at least once in our lives and if you haven't you're gay.

My feelings exactly. Men blame women but they are the ones responsible for most of this shit because they think with their dicks. They are also huge hypocrites. The one complaining about the "drama" you cause in one situation would be the one trying to get you to fug him in a different one.

Because they cant take personal responsibility. A womans gender only negatively affect guilds when betas orbit her

We've reached a point where trannies are being worse than gurl gamurs

Yes, there are significantly more men than women who play video games. Meme statistics that include mobile games or facebook games shouldn't be given any credibility.

>girlfriend joins a hardcore raiding guild
>i tag along as a casual cause i got real life shit to focus on and they dont have room for another rogue
>i dont care, just wanna shitpost with my gf in guild chat
>month goes by
>girlfriend getting all the gear because she's actually competent and pushing meters
>one of the officers is butthurt because this new girl in the guild is getting all the gear instead of his pants on head retarded friend
>starts spreading rumors about how my gf is exchanging nudes for gear to the gm
>he starts trying to antagonize me but im just lol'n
>he eventually rage quits the guild with ~4 other people to start a new one
>"oh no, guild is gonna fall apart"
>the guild quickly replaces them and now i get to tag along with their core raiding group as a standin
>i end up getting ahead of the curve mythic cheevos before the people that left the guild

Starving implies that it needs more.

Starved for girls???

>Dota 2
>Some girl talking on all chat, really annoying
>My friend tells her to shut her face, put politely as possible
>She freaks the fuck out, starts trying to rile up support from players of both teams against friend, says she's going to mute him while at the same time keeps talking at him
>Is sour and cunthurt for the rest of the game, anything anything happens blames it on friend, like
>"Sorry I didn't get to you in time, got to deal with this asshole on the other team."
>"I upped the courier so we can win faster against this asshole on the other team."

Eh, you can say I'm bitter but this part she did in particular I think is justified in the hate for girl games, because what she did was so characteristic of them all that I did a double take and was like, did she really just?

>After the tirade against my friend, in all chat she says he ruined the mood of the game, and asks our mid if he wants to share a "friendly" lane to mellow things out again, where they don't attack one another, and just only farm
>Hers is a farm-reliant character and our mid would have btfo her since she wasn't even that good
>Mid goes along with it anyway, later on turns on him the moment it suits her and whenever she does remotely good, plays it up like she's a goddess at the game

It was so painfully fucking obvious what she was doing, and I see it often enough. Really though who's worse, the girls or the fucking guys who let them get away with it?

>girl joins guild
>pick drama with people
>leader kicks her out and mock her constantly

This is why i love aussies

Man, I do not fucking get this meme. In vanilla-WotLK WoW I was in a Guild initially owned by a girl, who eventually left because of time issues, gave it to the officer who logged the most time, and he gave Co-GM to a girl. I was an officer of the guild, and it was a pretty solid split of about 8 male/3 female officers. Within the guild we had at least 15 or so girls among about 70 guildies. None of this shit ever happened ever. We even raided fairly often. Like what the actual fuck was wrong with the structure of your shitty guilds that one female tore you guys apart?

men are easy to manipulate desu, I love doing it. they're like dogs

>being so butthurt that you try to ruin someones relationship over fictional items in a MMO

Wew lad what a faggot

>Trannies are a new thing matey they weren't around when I played WoW
How long ago did WoW come out where you live!?

To be fair, this is Sup Forums. There's people here who are legitimately unable talk to girls.

This is why dkp exists. You trade a little efficiency in gear allocation for a lot of drama reduction. If a guild was really so hardcore that they couldn't afford to not operate with a loot council, then mr. whiney's dumb friend wouldn't be raiding with them in the first place.

>just wanna shitpost with my gf in guild chat

Cancer. Just fucking kill yourself.

Trannies had almost no presence in the world pre 2010

>new person joins guild
>mentions she's a girl
>immediately kicks

>new person joins guild
>starts going on about relationships
>immediately kicked

Explain why you're not in a wizard only guild

>tfw the only girl you know in vidya is a chill onee-san type who is directly responsible for getting you /fit/ and laid

I've only ever seen the destructive force of a girl from afar, and it is ALWAYS the fault of the thirsty betas that orbit her.

And 2-3 officers leave because they’re fucking white knights.
Fuck that guy, he was my best buddy in WoW until that succubus got to him.

Played with lots of girls in mid to mid high tier raiding guilds with no drama, everyone got on fine, girls took criticism and were generally fun to be around.
Played in a high tier guild with all guys, all of us close friends who had been gaming together for years, bunch of drama and infighting, guild fell apart.
Who do I blame?

>was wrong with the structure of your shitty guilds that one female tore you guys apart?

Sup Forums is the thirsty beta orbiting them obviously

So all of them were a part of a guild with atrocious leadership? That's not the girl's fault. It's the fucking GM's.

That makes her a musician, not a "girl gamer", whatever the fuck that means these days

There's a few girls in my FFXIV FC and there's never been any drama.
I also play tabletop RPGs with girls all the time, and the biggest difference to male players is that they usually want to draw their characters more

Did she have beta orbiters?

Man, this thread gets posted every day. There can't possibly be that many guilds that died this week because of girl gamers. Is the same autist posting this over and over?

In this case she tried to make me white knight her, but i ain't losing me mates over someone who actively seeks trouble. Calm the fuck down and be reasonable, if you are just unhappy, fucking leave the guild.

>She should try something else
Why? Aren't people always bitching about not enough healers?

"An old lady"
Yoko Shimomura is no ordinary "old lady" you piece of shit. Apologize.

Don't blame the girls, blame the virgins who lose the ability to reason when around one

They're so pathetic they go ape shit like fucking gorilla's fighting over a mate, except more whiney and awful

Play a game that generally older and more mature guys play and there's almost no problem with girls distracting dudes, because the problem isn't the girl, it's the shit tier dudes who lose it over them

Because from the few times I've seen it in happen in my life first hand all the guys were fine with her being a girl. There was not drama and everyone knew to keep it in their pants. The guild went on normally. It wasn't until the girl got bored and started shit trying to set up hierarchies and favorites did shit go down. This is assuming a random join. If someone brought their girlfriend or something everything would be fine up until favoritism started happening. Stuff like kicking a regular from the group that cant play at any other time for the girl.

I cant say for other people but its always those two things. The girl intentionally starts shit by being a whore or intense favoritism starts happening. Both of t hose two things cant be attributed solely to "thirsty men."

Association with weak willed men.
Enablers are shit, part of the problem too

I hate women!

>girl game joins guild
>nothing immediately happens because she just wants to play video games
>user 1 is a thirsty autist and throws a hiss fit after getting "friend zoned" because she just wanted to play video games
>user 2 throws a hiss fit because he thinks all women are out to destroy his guild
it's always been about a 50/50 in my experience if it's actually the gurl gamers fault for being a bitch or if it's just the autists getting riled up cause there's snatch in the guild
nerds and vaginas simply don't mix

> Haha, she was totally into me but I said no way, fag!

This desu. Every man is entitled to have a woman.

>playing MMOs
>playing with other people at all

That's what you get for having shit taste

beta orbiters are fine when not around women, certainly better than the women players
rather remove the ticking timebomb than mutilate half the guild by the thirsty yet competent orbiters just so the one unskilled women feels at home

>not logging into an MMO then turning you router off and playing it singleplayer

>I want a woman to take care of all my needs for the rest of my life.

I just ruined a marriage because I liked a girl and wanted to keep the possibility of dating her open.

>guy joins guild
>quiet but friendly, fairly competent at the game, ends up being the emotional glue that holds the guild together due to fantastic ability to mediate arguments
>eventually guild decides to start using voicechat to tackle more serious raids and PvP
>guy resistant, claims mic is broken, etc.
>guildmate offers to buy him new mic but guy declines and mysteriously "fixes" his mic
>gets on mic
>turns out to be a girl
>not a week later the guild has torn itself apart with horny faggots fighting each other for her attention
Sometimes it is the girl's fault, but most of the times I've seen it happen, it has more to do with the guys in the guild than the girls.

>Not wanting someone mature and kind to appease dramas, make everyone happy and just have a great time

So from what I can gather here is that the girl was the only one brave enough to stand up against the wife.

Blokes who lose their shit around women generally are annoying whiny children without girls around to, they just don't in fight as much.

Obviously some girls also demand drama because that's just what they do, but most "girl destroys guild" stories I've seen in person is just virgin autist takes a girl being friendly to them as if they're in a relationship, then all the thirsty virgins fight over her and caused a shit storm.

Shits like drugs, enjoyable when you know what you're doing but weak willed people fuck around with them and end up destroying everything

Should be a rule you can't play online games unless you've had multiple sexual partners and relationships

This. You probably play with plenty of girls without ever knowing it. Think OP is a case of the most annoying people being the most vocal.

Out of curiosity, do you explain toxic behavior or generally being a shitter using the players gender? I play with plenty of guys who are assholes but no one has ever said 'Fucking men playing video games, we should ban men from vidya'.

>It's true that guilds often fall apart because of girls, but in a lot of cases it is not our fault
>not our fault
I'm sorry user, but you need to leave. There is a no girls allowed policy in place here.

I have to say you are wrong there are like 5 girls in my guild and they play tanks and dps

One of them parses higher than 99& of players i play with

That's what you get for playing dota. It's not a matter of gender.

>girl joins guild because bf is on it
>all flowers and perfect
>ffw some weeks
>they argue in raid
>she proceed to say a lot of shit in front of entire raid
>cleary instable
>leave guild
>GM rework the raid group for next weeks
>everything fine
>girl come back and demand her position on raid group since her bf was on it
>ask to be invited to guild again
>goes apeshit and start to flame everyone on their backs
>next week guild is disbanded
>girl also leave the game
It's like if sluts don't screw something, their job in any game isn't complete at all.


I don't hate women.
I hate sluts who fuck up our games/guilds.

Soloing MMOs is a really good way to kill time while listening to podcasts, I find.


>guild compromised of mostly females
>you and sans 5 other guys are the only ones that are actually male (save the male(female))
>most of them are fat and gross
>people uploading selfies
>am moderately attractive guy
>grills lose shit and don't talk to you because you look like a chad
Thanks Guild Wars 2 for offering the most uncomfortable experience possible.

>guy organises pick-up raids to Naxx before it disappears
>one condition: his girlfriend gets the Atiesh pieces
>said girlfriend frequently intervenes in voice chat
>clearly doesn't know shit
It was hell, but at least I got two T3 mage pieces out of it. That Evocation CD reduction remained pretty neat.

>There are retarded female gamers
>There are retarded male gamers


>Out of curiosity, do you explain toxic behavior or generally being a shitter using the players gender?
I don't actually understand what you're asking, but no, I don't think that player gender is correlated with being a shitter or not. There's some general trends such as girls being more likely to be newer at games, because many girls get discouraged and run off due to faggots like OP, but if you can help carve out a guild that isn't made of horny faggots or white knight beta orbiters, you're likely to attract competent girls. I've met plenty of competent female players. They tend to be more serious about raids, too, maybe out of a desire to prove themselves.
Most of the time when I see someone being needlessly aggressive or a pain in the ass past the point of being funny, it's a dude.
tl;dr: Girls tend to be newer at video games, but guys tend to be the more aggressively dickheaded players.

My FC is like 40 girls and 10 guys

We raid while the girls just roleplay, do professions, and do little social events at the guild house and while we interact with them we never really play together

It's weird but just turned out that way. No drama

Weird but whatever

>Being friends with women

Even women can't stand other women.

>we do all the hard job while women get the easy part
Like real life, huh?

I've been in a guild before made up of people from other guilds that got fed up with guild drama, and it was the greatest thing ever.
>No overly friendly chat
>No obligations to do anything
>Events and shit just whenever people get in the mood for them
>Nobody voice chats, no guild discord or anything, kept the game in the game
>Higher ranked guilds start to fall apart from guild drama while we're just a couple hundred disillusioned people who like playing vidya
It was good times

>Work with all women
>They report you for any jokes you make or for "not looking happy enough"
>They always try to hook me up with their friends, and they blame me when their friends dont like me

Assmad roasties detected

>things that never happen

Show these sexists pigs!

I used to make those type of guilds, but often the lack of voip servers, or set events is a massive turn off for people.

>No overly friendly chat
>Nobody voice chats, no guild discord or anything, kept the game in the game
Where do I sign up?

I never did this, but joke's one you, I am bi.

You know how most people who play MMOs and shit are absolutely bat-fucking shit insane? Now imagine the same shit amplified by a woman. Sure, you have the normal ones that don't give a fuck about anything, just like with dudes, but the outliers are much more noticable, especially due to the male-dominated environment.


Fucking hilarious.

Bullied me for 8 years.
I've got more, should I continue?

Except they do blame the guys too, they are called whiteknights. It's been a pretty big me me for years now so if you've been around the block I'm sure you've heard of them before.

Welcome to Sup Forums and enjoy your stay.