Buy pic related from store

>Buy pic related from store
>Walk to store girl behind counter
>You're the first one to buy this today, I thought it would be popular, or at least sell
>m-me too

What the frick? I thought people were excited for this game

I don't get the point of this thread.

Here's my number

It's a 5

I honestly never heard of this FF before, or XI for that matter. Something must have gone wrong in marketing between X and XIII.

The point is apparently this game was meant to be popular, Sup Forums seemed pretty excited for it but when I went to get it (late in the afternoon) I was the only one that bought it on release day

It has an extremely vocal fanbase consisting of very few people.

Dedicated fans. On Sup Forums all day, every day. Almost as if it's their job.

Honestly, the masses don't deserve this game.

it's just the same game. it actually looks worse with the dof and ambient occlusion effects. its still 30fps.

why would you buy it when you can just play it on emulator? shitty release.

You can't fucking trick me XIIfags. I played the demo that came with DQ8, the game is hot garbage.

it's an acquired taste but boy, when you acquire it, it's a fucking great ride.

would have bought it if i
had a ps4 and had money

I thought that pic was everyone watching Jessica give a handjob

that's what you get for being an aussie. No one buys shit, they all shitpost and pirate

I got the international version on PS2. No reason to rebuy the game.

Weeb games are niche and FFXII is a weeb game

Most people stare at me like I'm a freak when I say I like Final Fantasy. This is the UK, chav central.

Australia is Sony land like Europe

Waiting for PC version.

Is this bait? XI is one of the most popular MMOs of all time.

The point is OP thinks an anecdotal story that he could easily have made up is proof that the game is going to flop

yeha but australia's games cost 500 bucks, so the non aboriginal people who actually would buy games (12 dudes) probably won't have much of an impact on global sales so it's all k

I'm only one person but whenever I want to buy games I just get them off Amazon, the savings from Prime over the course of a year make it worth it. Amazon even gives you release day arrival if you order soon enough. I just ordered it an hour ago actually.

Fucking this. It's so annoying trying to talk about the game how it is with them around.

This. I was already pulling out my dick.

People are just waiting for the steam release.

that bitch is full of shit and deserve to get shot

This game has the worst main character of the whole saga

mine will be delivered today in approximately 12 hours.

That's not XIV




But 7 8 9

XI sold like shit

Maybe I didn't buy it because it's on fucking PS4 and not computer

someone gimme some good job combos, i've never played the zodiac shit before, it was never released in UK, someone made an awesome list the other day and i forgot to save

>physical media

Bought it on PSN

Why the fuck would anyone want a bunch of boxes taking up space for no reason?

Nigga what? Fifty bucks? Fuck outta hea.


As I recall the most broken combo is
Vaan = Monk
Penelo = Red Mage or White Mage
Basch = Archer
Ashe = Samurai
Fran = whatever you didn't make Penelo
Balthier = Dragoon, Uhlan, whatever the spear class is called

Women make the best mages, men the best warriors; samurai scales with magic and ashe is the strongest of them all; effect capacity makes black mage worthless so you want red/white mages as your only casters; archer is the most broken job in the game because it has access to the Nihopalaoa accessory and all the remedy lores; and you need to make Fran and Balthier not ranged classes because their flashy ranged animations lower their DPS considerably.

Mine just turned up in the post, didn't expect it to sell well i'm just glad to have it as always thought it was one of the more underrated games

But what about second job choices? Seeing as everyone gets a second one now

so i can sell the game when it's free on ps plus like i did with tearaway unfolded and killing floor 2

I cant find this game on windows store wtf

>day metal gear solid legacy edition comes out
>go to best buy because the website has it in stock
>it's not on the shelf at all
>ask employee about it
>has no clue what i'm talking about
>looks it up
>he has to go to the back room, search for a while then climb a ladder to get it from top stock

A lot of people don't even know about it, they either assume it's 12 so it's badbecause they had really bad experience with it or they know about the international version and don't hink this one is that much different so they dodn't bother looking at all the changes

>Wannabe FF MMO
>But without the MMO
>And without hands-on gameplay
>All that's left is grinding and autobattle

I guess I shouldn't be surprised, i'll have to rely on the super autists over at gamefaqs. As I assume they will have already figured out the best combos

Yeah they have tons of threads about job combinations and some really precise calculations for certain combinations against super bosses etc

Thank god, don't want to fuck myself over by choosing shitty combinations. Although with it apparently being easier not sure if that'll be possible

>30 fps
even the apologist digital foundry fag called them out on this.

Not that i'm defending it but can't upping the fps on engines built around it running at 30 fuck with the game?

The difficulty has been rebalanced so it's generally easier which actually is cool because a lot of seemingly bad jobs and combos are actually viable, it also makes challenge runs interesting too. So you can either go blind or have a guide to give you some ideas etc, the outcome is the same, you're going to be able to 100% the game

sure can, thing is its not the customers problem.
it can be done hell they did it for kingdom hearts (it broke some shit but they patched it).
no excuse, just lazy devs.

>sure can, thing is its not the customers problem.
>a broken physics engine is not the customer's problem

its not the customers problem to make it work you fucking retard

Just got to vaan's start and thank god they toned down the fake abs they were so fucking distracting in the original

>bought a shitty port by virtuos on release day

i'll wait to pirate it when it comes out on PC

Well meanwhile people are playing it, not you ..." b-b-ut muh PC ... m-muh 68k 2billion fps *snort* those shit games ... weeb trash ...... but please gib me pc port pls"

I loved Final Fantasy XV and Type 0
Is this worth picking up over falcon games (Cold Steel 2 and Tokyo Xanadu)


I only played the NES FFs, and Crystal on GC
What others should I play?

You can actually buy games for cheaper here than you would in america, taking into account currency differences of course.

>I loved Final Fantasy XV and Type 0

I'm so sorry user

Post your jobs, rate others, Sup Forums.


> FF XV is already out
> for some reason a retard on Sup Forums didn't know there was a FF XI or XII

but XIV failed and they have to rebuild it all, losing all their fanbase.

>Not taking her behind the store and giving her a proper dicking to alleviate her disappointment.
>m-me too
Why do you make yourself so beta in your own story?

I played Xenoblade Chronicles automated combat looks the same

Lots of the same stuff
>Fran Blackmage/Redmage
>Basch Knight/Bushi
>Ashe Bushi/Shikari
>Penelo Whitemage/Timemage

Ashe's design is the only good thing about this shit.

So anyone else playing this? Just picked it up and went through the prologue, I'm currently considering restarting. I just made vaan a samurai but then I realized I don't want to use him in the end game anyways, my party is gonna be ashe, penelo and basch. I fucking knew choosing which job to give to whom would be the hardest part of playing this game

You can rechoose the same jobs for other people just means you won't be able to choose them all. I plan on splitting the 12 between them all and using them all but it's your choice

Oh sweet I wasn't aware of this

>bought FF12 on release day
>Halloween 2006
>played it for 6 hours
>never touched it again

People are excited for new games not decade old ones from a company that lost the plot 10 years ago and cant produce a jrpg to save their lives.
This is emberassing, not a game imo its a fucking joke it really is. "hey its 2017 here have a old as fuck jrpg you already played a decade ago and which wasnt even special or good anyway but we cant even make new producst that compete with that so.. yeah".. "also dont expect prerendered Final fantasys to get a genuen facelift because that would require work.. i mean even for the only game we do it we split it up in three games lol fuck you give us money for old shit you idiots"

Only other thing is if you don't take all the jobs I think you loose access to some espers or some shit but I don't know it in full detail

Because its actually not a good game, literally offline mmorpg grind the game with shit art direction boring flat desert, greenery and lego block cities environments unimaginative monsters (wow skeletons are the hardest non boss enemies really?wow)
The one thing it has going for it is some of the writing and voice acting probably the best out of any FF.

Playing this game for the first time, what exactly is going on with the voice acting? This decade old game has some of the best voice acting I have ever heard in video games. What happened since it's release to now? Instead of evolution there was devolution


Just be glad the fixed the sound quality in the remaster and compared to HAHAHAHAHAHA it's in another league to be sure

>only 6 playable characters
>12 jobs

Your maths is fucking garbage

>Penelo-White mage?
Which class do you think make sense for the characters?

You know you really should research before shitposting. They made everyone be able to take a second job later in the story so you can actually take all 12 if you don't take a duplicate for anyone

dont make fran archer or balthier machinist
they have special animations for those weapons that actually take longer

>Buy game
>Get too intimidated by picking the classes to continue

Help me

That's not what I asked

But animation speed doesn't matter and is just a meme.

For starters making vaan a shikari is suitable. They get access to some decent weapons and the dagger style fits him imo

I would make ashe a black mage. Just what I like her as. secondary job would be monk, if you want her to be a bit beefy.

Basch...maybe a foe breaker? or a knight?

If a knight, I highly reccomend making his secondary job a samurai. They pair together exceptionally. If a foebreaker, you could make his secondary a foebreaker or a bushi so you could get some genji gloves. Poles have pretty great combo rates and genji gloves nearly double that. bushi is a better pairing for monk, but foebreaker does bring in those oh so important breaks.

Does this version have Japanese audio?

Fuck me, im dumb.

I need to go to bed.

I meant to say make basch knight or a monk.

Monk pairs well with bushi or foe breaker, but more so samurai, though breaks are really important end game for some bosses.

Yeah and if don't like the music changes you can switch those back to the original as well


But why? I am an ultra weeb and always choose JP, but honestly FF12 is the only exception, the eng dub is amazing.

Why would you care about animation speed in a single player game, and one that can even go up to x4 speed.

>I thought people were excited to buy a second copy of an old unfun game

So they dumbed it down for the snowflakes
GG squeenix

>people waiting till the last moment to buy the game
>not preordering earlier for $38

Snooze you lose I guess

Tidus is in this game as well?

Hardly the worst, he is just unimportant. If you view balthier as the MC which you should it has a pretty decent one

That's pretty cool.

Because more options are good.

Planning to pick it up eventually. Between being broke from bills and Square's questionable track record with some pretty nasty bugs with these ports, I am waiting to see how it turns out.

I already beat the original years ago, so I am not in a huge rush to pick it up again.