
>game sprinkles safe spaces everywhere
>game makes saving optional by letting you restart from last safe room
>game let's you change difficulty to easy at any time with no consequences
>playing on hard for 16 hours and have never seen the game over screen
>game keeps encouraging you to bypass core game mechanics with 3 free cheats a day that refill when the date changes

Why the fuck is this game so easy

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Persona 5

>>game keeps encouraging you to bypass core game mechanics with 3 free cheats a day that refill when the date changes

What? Explain

The image of felix. I'm on mobile so I can't search.

Artist is kukie-nyan

Stop posting this faggot


Playing on hard doesn't mean you'll get game overs more. It means you'll run out of stamina in dungeons earlier, neesing more days to complete them, and testing your management skills to still max out the slinks.

But since they dont fucking matter for the "true" end, why fucking bother?

>double peace sign
>wholesome no lewd image


>wholesome no lewd image
There's a crossdressing cat boy in the pic, that's pretty lewd

Trying to appeal to a broader audience like most modern games. It's also way less subtle about explaining the plot and symbolism than P3 and P4.
>This is the manifestation of a persons desires
>That's why the school looks like a castle
>That means he thinks of the school as a castle, by the way
Fuck normies

The thieves guild "come help me :(" button

persona 5 is fine.
now, the inevitable rerelease that will add even more overpowered mechanics will be too easy.

Play on merciless.

Tha game on merciless isn't as hard as I thought but it was ok.

Most of these faggots like OP play on merciless. When they enemy 1 shots them they go back to back to hard and proceed to shitpost how easy this game is.

People like him were in threads when the game came out.

Like I said, I played it on merciless, the whole game from the start.

The hardest boss was the first one.
After that it was easier and easier.

I had to grind a little but that's just me, because when I play SMT games or other persona games I play with wiki. I look at the boss spells, weaknesses etc. and prepare according to that.

So if you are like me and like to research stuff then it's not going to be that "hard"

but if you are playing it blindly then yes, it might be actually hard

I did the reaper trick.

>When they enemy 1 shots them they go back to back to hard and proceed to shitpost how easy this game is.

I don't remember the previous have having such retarded dialog, there's absolutely no way to miss any subplots, they're hammered into you every 2 seconds because everyone says the same shit in different ways.
You can literally skip 90% of the dialog and you won't miss anything, fucking ADHD kids

Oh, your precious p3 was so hardcore and edgy

>Started the game on the hardest difficulty available
>Was floored by a pixie
>Load it in easy mode
>Fair fight

>enemy 1 shots you
>turn down difficulty from Merciless to Hard
>enemy damage is still the same
Merciless is exactly like Hard except it requires extra grinding. Bonus damage from weak, critical and technical ends up benefiting you more than enemies most of the time.

>Choose the hardest difficulty
>Check a wiki

Are you aware that's the equivalent of playing in easy?

>Bonus damage from weak, critical and technical ends up benefiting you more than enemies most of the time.
This is exactly why I found Merciless easier than hard. Especially doing NG+ merciless with access to my compendium. You end up doing like 1000+ damage.

Most of those were already in P4G


>Implying you couldn't Gohom every floor in p4g

Not an argument

The game interrupting you every time you try to do anything other than follow the plot is really annoying. I assume it opens up later but I don't remeber the previous games being this hard a helicopter parent.

someone please tell me what anime op's pic is from. i feel like i've been searching for ages and still cant find out

Macross zero

Kono Subarashii Sekai ni Shukufuku wo


Frogposting in a different world

The extra damage makes it a hassle to recruit demons. That's all.

The previous games did exactly the same thing because they're Japanese games. The echo-but-reword is a staple of Japanese writing.

>pick hardest difficulty, then cheat

Who is she?

I'm gonna marry felix!

Mods delete this thread before the degenerates post their disgusting trap shit