What kind of content do you want to see in Xenoverse 3?

What kind of content do you want to see in Xenoverse 3?

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a good game

but XV2 is good, you fucking nigger.

A better story mode rather than a 50% rehash of the first game.

Story mode that goes up to Tournament of Power.

Super Saiyan God and Super Saiyan Blue transformations for Saiyans would be cool too.

Having a kid form majin as a default for your character rather than a power up.

a combat half as good as bt3

i don't care if its the same game
i just want a good netcode

That Kid Buu transformation in Xenoverse 2 was so bad.

Everybody hated it.

Better gameplay.

Beam Clashes

beam clashes don't work for a game like XV
it would get old real fast just like the regular clashes
after the 50th time doing them you will be tired and ask yourself why did they add that bullshit


saiyan tails that aren't just static pieces of shit. Expert mission that aren't obnoxious bullshit like pic related.

more characters from dbsuper
ssjrage trunks and zamasu purple arm playables

I would prefer to get DBHeroes content over DBSuper content.


Fucking moustaches in a game based on a Toriyama universe

but you can get moustaches as accessories.

get rid of that "create your character" shit and that custom semimmo story.

Dragon ball z and dragon ball super, playing with main characters.

Fuck that having to replay the same main characters is a bad, we had like 13 games before XV1 and XV2. It's better to be able to create OCS, but as long as the creator content is good. XV1 was poor for creating characters with limit face/hair options. XV2 got it better but it still needs to get better without having to sacrifice the gameplay.

We're finally getting a real fighting game so Xenoverse can suck the biggest fattest cock that ever existed this game is ass and the only reason anyone gives a shit about it is the fucking OC creator which when it's in Sonic it's a joke but when it's in this garbage that plays like shit it's amazing. Fuck everything about this series.

Fighter Z can go suck more dicks. We don't need 2d fighter games anymore.


because fighting games suck.

when was the last time DB had an actual fighter?

probably 15 years ago.

BT3 and XV2 were fun, the Budokai series were anti-fun and so Super DBZ because they're not casual friendly and Fighter Z won't be any different.

Fighterz will be suck because fighting games are boring. i foresee a lot of people will buy it because dragonball and then realize fighting games are horrible and drop it after a week.

>you've been here long enough to see casualization touted as good
where did the time go

>get rid of that "create your character" shit and that custom semimmo story.

They won't. Those features in the Xenoverse series are what made it successful.

>Story involves Fu, Towa and Miras son as well as their contingency plan, growing up and fucking around with time again. He starts turning Gokus from all across time into Masked Saiyans, leading to timelines without Goku spawing completely new what-if scenarios. What if Goku was gone and Raditz stole Gohan? What if only Tien was left to fight against King Piccolos war torn hellscape like Logan?
>Humans get new third eye creation option whos transformation is the three witches technique.
>Namekians get Mutated Namekian option at character creation screen
>All Buus start out as Kid Buus and can become Super Buus, fat buus, etc with food items from Shenron. Female Majins stay the same.
>Friezas get two customizable transformations that allow you to reallocate skill points to each one for different playstyles. Also get Golden.
>Saiyans get every available super saiyan transformation. Oozaru and Golden Oozaru are uncontrollable Ultimates.
>New race, Galactic Emissary, based on Toriyamas many random aliens. Get one time limited transformation that boosts all stats with 20 skill points.

>more playable races
>more race options such as skinny male buus
>all SS forms for saiyans
>SS hair actually changing besides "is yellow now"
>gear not having stats
>not 80% of the game being a repeat of the last one

More transformations and actually play around with the idea of alternate timelines.
Have Vegeta go super on Namek and kill Freeza, then Krillin, prompting Goku to go super and have them fight on an exploding Namek. Fuck trying to fix the one timeline, just give me a peek into other timelines.

Buff Humans

The powerpole transormation was a cop-out

Needs more "Farmer with a Shotgun" tier powerstates. Inexplicably invincible humans are very canon in the DBZ universe.

I was disappointed my custom character couldn't go SSG or SSGSS. She suddenly stopped feeling as cool when the other characters could and she was still stuck with SS3, which I didn't even want to use because I preferred SS1 and SS2 because it let her keep the hairstyle I gave her.

Future trunks action rpg

Universe 9 bunnyfu, caulifa, female namekians, daily dose missions, gowasu godtube missions, champa vados adult cutscenes

Waifufags ruin everything

Fusions like Tiencha, Ginyuman Cellza etc.

Will 3 be the good one?

>XV1 was a cool concept but in a lot of ways just wasn't as good as previous games
>XV2 made some noticeable improvements, but on the whole was way too similar to XV1

>Android race
>Robot race
>Furry race

These two.

A chance to play through the classic story of Dragon Ball Z, from the very first battle with Vegeta, all the way up until the final battle with Majin Buu!

Imagine, fighting against Frieza, the king of evil himself!

No. It was a half assed attempt and was literally a rehash of the first game with some extra content and a new story, which Goku cucks you at the end in.

Really just what a lot of people want, new characters from super with story roles instead of just tossed-in DLC, or at least short things like what they did with Fused Zamasu.

Maybe a little more hairstyle variety, it kinda sucked that Yajirobe's hairstyle is an accessory that you can't change the dang color of.

Less bullshit-difficulty events.

Oh yeah and maybe Demons and Androids as actual races. They just did it in Dragon Ball Heroes so why not in Xenoverse?

those wolf fucks from super being a race in the character creator

why does this game not want to start up for me?

every time i click the icon it never pops up, even after i reinstall.

Actually, if you're good at the game Goku doesn't cuck you in the end, it's literally just like XV1 story where you have to git gud in order to get the special OP donut steel ending.

>from the very first battle with Vegeta
>first battle of DBZ
>with vegeta
Confirmed for never read the anime or watched the manga.

>Frieza, the king of evil himself!
Frieza is a lord, his father is the King.

Also Frieza isn't even pure evil, he's just an edgy little bitch. Villains that were more evil? Future 17 and 18, Broly, Janemba, Fat/Kid Buu, Hirudegarn, the shadow dragons.
>inb4 >gt
>inb4 >canon
obviously not, fucker.

Is this....true despair....

I don't care about the content. Just give me better models, good animations and a fucking option to quit multiplayer PQs.
Holy shit, who's fucking idea was it that you are forced to make play through the entire thing even when your friend gets disconnected which happens practically every single mission because the netcode is hot garbage

the only thing i ever want is a medic bag
i need a medic bag

>can't make a Super Buu character
>can't make a Kid Buu character
>can't make a whacky Buu fusion character

For fuck's sake, no one even likes Fat Buu

Just give me a Cell race already.

Who the fuck gives a shit about all that? It's all about the femBuus in the first place mate.

Non shitty transformations for majin and namekian. They got fucked so badly in XV2 and its patches.

At this point in terms of content that they've covered they've got most of it already except the most recent Super stuff. It goes without saying that they should go up to at least the tournament in XV3 and then whatever else is missing. Movie characters maybe but I can't think of any that we're missing anymore. Baby and Baby Vegeta could be a thing since they have great ape Baby already. The other forms of Super Buu could be added as well along with semi perfect Cell and Frieza's other forms just to fully finish up those characters. Anything other than this and we'd have to be digging into DBHeroes what-if-SSJ3 Broly nonsense.

I like the core game that's there, I just want more of it. They made great changes to things that were terrible in XV1 like drop rates and super armor on every mission and I don't really have anything that annoys me quite like that in XV2. Everything I'd like at this point is just superfluous like actual changing SSJ hair, animated tails and SSJ4 that's not a costume.

>get rid of that "create your character" shit and that custom semimmo story.
That's kind of what Xenoverse revolves around though. Every other DBZ game with the exception of Ultimate Tenkaichi is what you're looking for.

>Anything other than this and we'd have to be digging into DBHeroes what-if-SSJ3 Broly nonsense.
>SSJ3 Broly nonsense
I want that. I mean, it's called "Xenoverse". It's all about possibilities and silly what-if scenarios.

>Everything I'd like at this point is just superfluous like actual changing SSJ hair, animated tails and SSJ4 that's not a costume.
Yes please.

>Fembuus don't have a nose
>they look like literal mongoloids from the side view

no bully

It's weird because Krillin looks presentable from the side, fembuus look like straight ass because of Xenoverse shitty models.

they look so adorable from the front tho

Fuck you. Xenoverse is all about OC donut steels regulating timelines. It's the main appeal.

Just wait for DB Fighterz.

More of it instead of the majority of the game literally being copy paste.

>Xenoverse 3
Just like Raging Blast 3, right? It's not happening.

Why not?

Why should it? Xenoverse 2 is no different from the first. Why would Xenoverse 3 be different?

Make the FUCKING CaC Saiyan hair FUCKING



Why haven't they made a game with the full story of Dragon Ball -> Dragon Ball Z -> Super?

the whole time patrol thing makes it even more easy to pull off.

Can't wait for all the shitters to drop Super when Caulifla effortlessly achieves SSB.

If Caulifla actually achieves SSJB within this arc, SSJB in itself no longer makes sense. She will snap the entire premise in half.

Can't wait.


kale in bikini

Are you sure you want to see that senpai?


Full penetration sex scenes.

I want to lewd the loli of time.

Nothing, we already have a good DBZ game coming



>wanting to play as a girl in a DB game

what are you, gay?

Americans have never watched Dragon Ball so they'd be triggered seeing Goku lose against Yamcha or King Piccolo.

Fleshed out vs multiplayer

More Dragonball representation

It's all about the gurrrll power these days grandpa.

Or Tien.

And the best part is that the game is already weeding out the casual Xenofags.

>Goku lose against Yamcha or King Piccolo.
Goku beat both Yamcha and King Piccolo though.

>goku gets hit by a truck and lands first

was the only thing that made me mad

>tfw I'm a tenkaichifag but I'm prepared to spend 9001 hours to git gud at fightans once this comes out
I know I should probably go pirate Rev2 or something, but I'd rather just start fresh with a new game.

Don't worry too much fighting games aren't nearly as hard as people think. But then again I'm black so it's like in my DNA.

Just wait for Fighterz and don't listen to people saying how it will be a deep fighter. Babby inputs are already confirmed.

Remove everything that isn't DBZ or GT.

local co-op

Fuck you fat buu is great.

I was so mad when they kicked him off of team earth

>New characters
>Take all the existing PQ's
>Add like one character/event to each one
>Another original story

Then I'll save my money like I should have on XV2

Is the switch version getting all the DLC included?

Persona 4 arena and BlazBlu both use exclusively quarter circles and down down motions tho



I thought BB didn't have DP motions, my mistake

Persona 4 arena definitely doesn't tho