>there will never be a game where you play as a member of the Waffen SS
inb4 Wehraboo
There will never be a game where you play as a member of the Waffen SS
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I want to play as the Italians.
>wanting to play as a bunch of pastaniggers that got fucked on every front
Tbh i wish i could play as a member of the Dirlewanger brigade
>playing as the losing
God, millenial participation ribbon culture is cancer
Remember that time when German Intelligence thought the Soviets could only raise 50 replacement divisions but they actually raised 821 division equivalents?
Good times.
Wouldn't it be a better change of perspective instead of landing on Omaha beach for the millionth time?
I've noticed a trend where german inteligence was really fucking bad during the war
The germans underesitmated their enemies so much like holy fuck
Erwin Rommel was one of the few that actually was incredibly competent. No surprise he also was involved in the plot to kill Hitler.
Mods for Wolfenstein Enemy Territory.
No team switching.
I mean, its not their fault that Hitler refused to wait for Italy to industrialize and militarize.
They made the best axis fighter as well. They were not useless.
Hitler had a lot of good people around,but Hitler was a massive drooling retard so...
Would rather play as Spaniards, who didnt betray their alliance. Twice.
I'm on my phone, but check out Military History Visualized. He's an Austrian historian with access to vast WW2 archives in Austria and Germany. The Germans could accurately determine enemy strength but really fucked up their ability to replace losses. In the Battle of Britain, they stopped bombing RAF airfields because they thought the British could only churn out 100 fighters a month so they thought they had already effectively downed most of the RAF. In reality, the British were producing 409 fighters a month.
>losing team
Id rather play as the soviet union
original piece was much better without all the vaporwave garbage
didnt the intelligence guy from the eatern front wanted to kill Hitler and betrayed him by making up bullshit?
Well there were two allies
So that's not saying much
every move hitler made was well thought out
the only mistake he made was thinking that the soviet union would collapse as soon the door was kicked in
Its been done. Many times. Not that interesting. Besides, communism is the ability for everyone to be equally poor. It's terrible.
That and the Germans refused to give Italy enough fuel to fully use their far larger surface fleet. Hence why the Italian navy largely stayed in port even during the early portion of the war before the US entered and established air supremacy over the Mediterranean
I think Hitler had a soft spot from the British,like he didn't want to fight them at all
Press X to run at machinegun unarmed
I think there was a spy in the upper german echelon,yeah
>I think Hitler had a soft spot from the British,like he didn't want to fight them at all
he never intended to fight the brits, and he wanted to have peace as soon as possible, if I remember, he allowed the british troops at Dunkirk escape
Jesus, can you be any more wrong.
Just to name a few issues off the top of my head.
Stalingrad,Luftwaffe,Afrika,Tanks doctrine, STG44. Dunkirk,ME262 as a bomber, Kursk, Operation Sea lion(the lack of).
Hitler was a great speaker, but oh my god he had no business making military decisions. Hence his assassination plot.
Meant to reply to other comment.
The Wehrmacht and the SS didn't particularly like each other iirc.
Yeah,i told you Hitler was a massive drooling retard
I know,but a lot of posters on Sup Forums just like to shout Wehraboo whenever you post something about Germany in WW2
Who lost the war again?
Weren't the SA/SS just a bunch of bullies?
Read the other reply to my comment.
>tfw when you had a great grandfather and a distant relative in there
>landing on Omaha beach for the millionth time?
Not many WWII games actually do this though
Who collapsed after 46 years again?
>tfw no games set in the spanish civil war
No, he didn't. German High Command was pissed that one general (whose name I can't remember) was storming in way ahead of schedule fucking up supply lines so they removed his Panzer units from his command without Hitler's approval. When Hitler learned of this, he sought to assert his authority, ordered the halt and gave the general command of the Panzer units again.
Dunkirk was lightly defended and the halt saved their asses. Capturing them would have been a far better bargaining chip for a peace agreement but Hitler wasn't thinking and instead was engaged in a dick wagging contest
what are you talking about?
especially before the war, all of the moves hitler made were extremely well thought out
the mistakes you mention were all after operation Barbarossa and a few were in a desperate attempt to save the front
It's been done to death in pop culture
I think a Waffen SS game would be intresting in a way
>start out from the beginning of the war untill the end
>things are mostly optimistic
>hit the Eastern Front and the downard spiral
>missions where you hunt for partisans in the woods and swamps
>missions where you get thrown into the shit and chaos
>missions where you commit horrible atrocities
Lasted longer than the other guys.
Silent Storm
You command an SS division in one of the DLCs for the original company of heroes.
Played a bit,didn't like it very much
Might give it another shot
>tfw playing the Spanish Civil War mod for W@W
Abwehr Section II wasn't part of the Waffen-SS
>when they became top officials of the USA, who are the strongest nation in the world
There's a game called the Outfit where one of the playable characters is a Wehrmacht colonel helping the Americans kill an SS colonel
give it another try
Is that a mothafucking Axis Waifu Squad?
Be careful, it might be ambush
>Weren't the SA/SS just a bunch of bullies?
Here how it happened.
The SA were basically street thugs for the early NAZI party, this was back when the NAZI party wasn't completely 'the Hitler party' and had a huge populist/socialist-ish bent to it. These guys had a lot street fights with the communists and basically were basically bullies and intimidation. The SS were originally a division of the SA and were Hitlers personal protection squad, but this branch kept getting bigger and bigger and was fully loyal to Hitler, unlike the SA.
At one point the 'night of the long knives' hapopened, where the leaders of the SA and a bunch of Freikorps (militias) leaders were suddenly arrested and the executed. The SS took the place of the SA as the Nazi parties para-military wing, and the old SA group was relegated to from what I recall a sort of military training group for people unable to join the regular military (too old, too young, not physically able, etc).
The SS were apart of Hitlers plan for the captured eastern territories, as he was planning on giving the now empty east to retiring SS men to create farming territories loyal entirely to Hitler and to form militias in these new territories to keep the slavs out. There was also rumors that the eventual plan was to disband the Wehrmacht and replace it with the SS.
Hitler wasn't popular with Germanies nobility and Prussian military officers, its why there was so much friction between the Hitler followers and the traditionalists.
Oh fu-
Man. I really should have checked my spelling and grammar this time.
There is nothing redeemable or interesting about the Germans in WWII. They were human garbage, they sucked at waging war, and they rightfully lost as villains always do.
>sucked at waging war
Well they did pretty good considering they took over the entirety of Europe and required most of the Western World, along with Eastern Europe to overthrow them. What the Germans truely suck at is diplomacy and picking competent allies.
The Germans were mobilizing and set themselves on a war economy years before everyone else did hence their initial successes. Once everyone else caught up they were BTFO.
Sure, but that doesn't mean they sucked at waging war. That's something very base and ignorant to say considering there's a million and one aspects about waging war. Germany was better at some things, Allies better in others.touched.
day of infamy
This should happen to all antifa scum
Nazi Germany, the first country to prove that if you kill your enemy, they win.
>the dark souls of WWII
>even ethiopia defeat you
that game suck REEEEEEEEE