Jesus Europe...
Jesus Europe
Biggest vidya market
Well now we know that Europe is behind most of the shitposting
So how DID Europe become Sonyland anyway?
It's not like Xbox doesn't have Fifa, what gives?
Any Euro bros here? What's Nintendo like over there? Is there any advertisement happening? Are Switch consoles available at game stores?
Popularity is good, which is why the Switch is succeeding. Oh no, but the Ps4 is also popular. That means popularity is bad.
Ugh, I don't know what opinion to hold?! I could just ignore all popularity and judge a system by its merits and games, but then Sup Forums will call me a "retarded contrarian" for going against the grain.
Are these threads still being deleted just cause ps4 is winning?
Do you think Nintendo is holding back on Switch consoles to hype up demand?
It's always been like that since the ps2
No I really believe they are being curb stomped by Apple for parts.
Try PSX. Sony had a strong hold on Europe since the 90's.
way back in the day europe was sega and pc territory. but then the ps1 came along with all those fifa sports games and the rest was history.
They've never liked Nintendo, hate America and thus Microsoft, and had to go somewhere when Sega died. If Sony somehow died they'd probably dig Ouyas out of their eco-friendly recycling landfills.
Don't know about the rest of Europe, but Switch is pretty dead in the UK. We historically preferred Sega, then Sony and interest in Nintendo never returned.
I wonder what's gonna happen when Splatoon 2 drops. How can Nintendo possibly compete with Apple for parts?
Europe loves Sony user.
As much as they meme about being PC gamers, they're not, they're Sonyfags.
Gotta play those futbols videosgames
Combined with sports games. Think ps4 been really discounting their consoles as of late once the slim rolled out. So it's just be more affordable compared to xbox in some aspects. Seems advertising may be a reason too. Think I've seen ps4 ads spammed around more than other consoles combined.
Also, does this chart combine sales of all models or just the Normal ps4?
people like consoles, not handhelds
Did Sony release Goatfucking Simulator 2017 that week?
Europistan was a mistake
been this way since ps1 m8
Sega was the big deal in Europe, but even then most people used a Spectrum ZX or C64 to play games. Then everyone jumped to the PS1 and Sony wins forever.
The Xbox is just an American sports game box packed full of TV features that don't work anywhere except America.
jesus the switch flopped
>Eurofaggots and fifa is keeping Sosy and their cinematic games afloat so they can contine to ruin other medias like movies with trash like their bridesmaids reboot and the emoji movie
I hope all of you faggots get hit by a fucking bus.
>Yuropoors love shitskins and shit consoles
Can't say I'm surprised
Xbox doesn't lift off in europe.
Nintendo is only strong in handhe;s (particularly in France)
rest of western erope are casul who bought PS console as dvd players and only play Fifa
Eastern europe is mostly toaster level PC gaming
Its doing pretty well actually.
You realize vgchartz's NA and EU numbers are complete guesses, yes? Especially Europe. We have no real idea how anything is selling there.
Predict the lifetime sales of the Switch. Right now I'm thinking 55M.
It'll obviously do better than the Wii U but less of that of the 3DS.
>40k xbox one
Jesus christ. Why do you keep this piece of shit alive NA?
nah thats just amiibos and overpriced peripherals
>cries about cinematic games
>likely supported the Legend of Zelda, which is even more movie-like than every Uncharted combined
Nintendo frequently shits on europe. Some 3DS games took up to a year to be released in EU while they were already out in NA. Xbox can fuck off.
How does one get a euro bf?
If you ever see some European youtube faggot proclaim that the NES was their childhood they are 100% lying.
Xbox Live was always the most terrible garbage I've ever seen. All my friends who wanted a console either went for PlayStation straight up or picked something else over Xshit. I would go for Xbox myself if it wasn't for Xbox Live. Fuck microsoft.
Plus Sony has a pretty good reputation here, people still remember PS1 and 2 and how good it was, and it's not like Xbox is "home" console like it is in America.
Kill yourself, ACfag.
way too high.
20 million max and even thats pushing it
>Europe: 246,830 systems sold
>N. America: 192,027 systems sold
>Japan: 67,601 systems sold
Why are burgers and japs so poor?
Well it appears to be working better then what Sony is doing.
I disliked the most recent Zelda game actually.
That's more then the switch in it's homeland.
Is that some sodium chloride that I detect?
It's all Fifa. That's literally all it is.
I gave you an order faggot.
Europeans just having the best taste as always.
>kill yourself for pointing out a truth
Maybe later sony.
Immigrants buying sports games
>football trash with a slight graphical upgrade
>great taste
Absolutely not.
Nah... They're just not falling for the Switch scam.
>It's got FIFA
>You buy it because your mates own it so you can play multiplayer games together
Europeans also missed out on some games before Sony entered the market. FF7 was literally their first FF because they never got 1-6 until the PS1 versions of said games.
Man i remmeber in the middle 90 up to the very early 2000's when people sai that Japan would overtake the US in economy an rule the world
Then sony an a bunch of other faceplanted
You seem to be mistaken, I told you to kill yourself because you are a blight on this planet.
Watch Champion's League matches; the big ones
Ads on the court are all PS4/PS4Pro territory
A blight because I don't fall for sales numbers and refuse to consider the Ps4 just because it's popular? Very interesting.
>more ps4s sold in a single continent than switches sold in the world
but Sup Forums told me the switch was a success
was it a lie all along?
Why are you idiots still using vgchartz they pull numbers out of their ass.
I remember posting on an internet form back in the early 1990's and a bunch of faggots were saying that nintendo was doomed for falling for the 3d meme
Nintendo is fighting with Apple over parts. Just Nintendo being plagued with another hardware drought like the Wii was in the early days.