Just wait to see what comes with, hopefully this time it's more than 3 missions, a raid (strike) and then a cancerous strike

Considering I had 8 days of play time in Rumble alone during the first year, and they removed that, I have literally no reason to pick this game up.

if the D2 expansions are as big as TTK and ROI with new planets I'm fine with it.

Dark below and HoW were tiny little dlc's with like three story missions

>just pre-ordered on Xbox One

I'm not playing the inferior version just because shitny paid to have some content taken out of the pc and xbox

>Xbox One

Even if you get a One X they've already said it's not going to run at 60FPS. Should have gotten it on PC user.

>tfw when the only one getting the who reference

>its the song by The Who you hate

literally who

I bet they'll be closer to ROI than TTK. But I also kinda doubt we'll get a new patrol area with each one. But, we'll see.

>removed Rumbe

elaborate, cause that can't be a thing

>people want to play destiny 2 even after they revealed what a big step back it is

Player base is better on the Bone. Fucking Bungie better pull something out of their ass to make this game successful.

The largest game mode we've seen is 8 players. All team based modes have moved to 4v4 instead of 6v6. So, Rumble could still be in but it'll be balanced around 8 players instead of 12. Less hectic/fun unless the maps really pull through.

>literally the who


Kaede I'm kissing you


What have they revealed?

Huh? It seemed like a huge step forward to me.

Okay, just give her a second.

also no custom games, now pls be good goy and spend $250


Cancel that order than kill yourself.

I got a code for Destiny 2 with my gtx 1080. Who wants it for $45?

>only 1 raid at launch
what the fuck were they thinking

>playerbase is better on the Bone

>one raid at lauch
>back to two subclasses per class
>subclasses have two preset kits and you can not individually tweak each ability like in the first game
>no grimoire cards

Damn, this might actually be worse than Destiny 1 vanilla

>PvP is locked to 4v4 in every mode
>Rumble has been removed
>Private matches have been removed
>Sniper rifles, shotguns and fusion rifles are now heavy weapons instead of secondary. This forces them to compete with rocket launchers, grenades launchers and swords, which is especially bad for fusion rifles as they were already vastly underused.
>The new skill tree skill system allows for even less build variety than the first game
>Bungie is actively looking to retcon the darkness, and genuinely thinks the Exo Stranger had her story nicely wrapped up. I'm not even kidding
This shit is embarrassing just to write. Fucking hell Bungie

How did we go from the Halo trilogy to this

Activision and Jason Jones.

This shit depresses me. Bungie used to be good. Their last good game was halo reach. And I even remember halo odst having an allusion to destiny so there's no excuse for destiny being shit when they've been planning it for so long

They strictly said all PVP is team-based, Rumble is out.

Yeah, who knows what nearly every mmo released currently was thinking

Is this the thread where I drop a bunch of accusations and theories and present them as fact in order to circle jerk with people who already dislike the game on a thread where nobody will agree or learn something new?

These are my favorite kinds of threads. They encapsulate Sup Forums perfectly.

But they are facts.

Why is coop still 3 player?

>Sup Forums will defend this

Oh no, some might be facts, but in the hands of the average user they become these strange and ephemeral things. Like a season pass, for example, being strange and unusual in these days. Or one raid, when that isn't all that strange either. Claims that rumble is gone, when it isn't because nobody has said anything. Complaints that there isn't a ranked mode, when Trials was there for that reason to begin with (and it's returning). Someone still complaining about dedicated servers (when this same argument was leveled at For Honor when they're both using systems that inbetween Servers and Peer 2 Peer and not understanding why they would use this because their website/app is tied to it is foolish).

Then you have this foolish ass when they haven't confirmed only 2 subclasses, we don't actually know how the perk system works at all and items are getting lore on them in game instead of grimoire cards. This board is a joke.

>items are getting lore on them

Oh shit, Destiny 2 is going to be the dark souls of FPS MMOs!!!!!

Let's not forget

>matchmaking for every other aspect of the game
>public events encourage people server wide to come together and cooperate against a large bulletsponge
>weekly skirmishes throw you in with randoms in high difficulty missions
>but in raids you have to find your own friends and make a party on your own lol

Seriously the hardest part of the raids was finding a group of 6 people. I spent more time on third-party matchmaking sites than I did actually doing the raids.

>The exo stranger had her story wrapped up
What did she even do?
Like she showed up, said shit was gonna get real, then fucked off

>Claims that rumble is gone, when it isn't because nobody has said anything
>we don't actually know how the perk system works at all
Rumble was confirmed to be gone almost a month ago, and the new perk system was explained almost two months ago. Pic related.
>This board is a joke
The only joke here is you Bungie shill. Do some actual research next time and maybe you won't embarrass yourself.


Finally some real information from an actual person, not just some fuckwit on Sup Forums. Got a source for rumble too?

And with information like that you can actually argue the pros or cons for the perk system. On the one hand, in Destiny 1, you had one or two optimal setups. I know I literally never edited my Gunslinger or striker. past changing my grenade due to certain setups being more useful than others. Also, having stats tied to those didn't cause varience, you just chose the most efficent, being armor and speed in either up armor or up speed. So the two path system is curious because is that as bad as before? You could argue that by having two skill packages, they would be easier to edit and playtest.

Warframe will have open world soon
D2 is dead on arrival

>waaaah they made a retcon for a gameplay reason and made bloom so I can't sit in one spot with my BR! :,,(

>not just some fuckwit on Sup Forums
Normies get the fuck out
>Got a source for rumble
All the Cruciblefags were mad as fuck, not sure how you missed it

what retcon did they make?

It wont be. Judging by everything we've heard of Destiny 2, it's looking to be an almost exact repeat of the first game. It'll have 1 raid and like 6 strikes, an 8 hour long story and they're literally removing the 3 new subclasses Taken King added. They also removed a bunch of PVP shit, like matchmaking and custom games.

It's literally going to be Destiny 1.2.

Custom games will return just I feel like they removed it from launch to not let people get hard values of weapons and develop a meta within the first few hours