How can Blizzard save WoW?
get non-furry art guys
turn off the servers
retcon all of Wow
make Warcraft 3 as a direct sequel to Frozen Throne
frozen throne is the direct sequel to warcraft 3
WoW can't be saved, Warcraft just has to be ended. As a story, as a setting.
We just need another fantasy world to eFuck each other in that doesn't suck. Maybe something with good gameplay between group jack off sessions.
More blood elf cunny
Make nelfs lewder
I meant 4, not 3
Recognize post-modern WoW as some sort of alternate timeline by the Bronze Dragonflight for players who like more friendly, casual-style content integration. I.e; Retcon current WoW as a possible future.
Deliver a reboot that later redirects the content into a more pristine classic adventure and remove cut corner content and re-deploy the initial game and reapply features and patches as the community deems fit for play.
Your welcome.
Why does it need saving? To save it would require effort. Blizzard only needs to push out minimal rehashed content to please these creatures who've lost their souls to the game. New daily chores and a 5% increase to stats is suffice to maintain this cash cow.
Who thought there pandas were well designed?
Even proper connoisseurs of overly hairy characters felt they looked dumpy as hell and were cliche as fuck.
As long as Pandas continue to be a thing
Following this shitpost, might as well add
>Fund a time machine to go back in time and stop blizz activision merger.
by removing these players from the game
"the community" are stupid, whiny bitches who could never agree on what they want. The last thing Blizzard should ever fucking do is listen to them.
This happened during BC or toward patch 1.12 and since Blizzard is not a member of Vivendi and is it's own independent company. There comes a time when you love something and when you cannot let what you love go it then becomes business as usual -- Blizzard in a nutshell.
It is. But there is a better chance to segregate one community from another and have that become imaged on it's own, this has a lot more chance to bring the game back than the intern developers or swan-songed developers and producers ever could.
An MMO will never get the playerbase old WoW did.
Their era is over, people like MOBAs now.
In 10 years it'll be something else.
It's just over, you might as well ask how Namco can update Pac Man to make it the most popular video game in the world again.
A more steady stream of content during expansions.
Pandas are best
To save WoW? Offer expansion servers. Sounds stupid but you know a good amount of people would pay money to play Vanilla-WoTLK as they were at the time without all the bugs and annoyance that comes with private servers sometimes.
To save Warcraft as a whole? Probably make WoW an AU thing. They don't even need to go back to the RTS, because the genre isn't that lucrative. I think Warcraft could make a fine action RPG, but the story won't make sense if they tried to work it into WoW lore.
Make a warcraft game that just continues after Frozen Throne, hell you can even do shit like Ragnaros, Outland, Deathwing, but do them differently. Like have the Ragnaros in this new canon get revived at full power and do something really serious to start off the game's plot or something.
lol triggered much?
Don't do this to me user
To let people be without something to do.
Content drought sucks, but playing casually on the weekends while waiting for content is much better than modern wow, where you are expected to do the same shit over and over making miniscule progress to achieve a short bit of fun.
Seriously, most of it is pure grinding, rep, and all the bad shit they do to pad out content.
They don't need to, it's great as it is
Using Chen Stormstout as the foundation for the entire race doomed them to joke character status forever.
go back to pandaria
Relaunch it, update the engine, make everyone not look like ass.
Repopulate old areas and give us reasons to go there.
Get rid of artifact power/legendary weapons.
There you go, WoW is perfect now. Too bad none of those things will ever ever happen. Because god forbid we use this massive world we have memories of, let's introduce a whole new planet lol!!!!
Honestly, just repopulating old areas would do the trick. WoW just needs more life in it's areas and things to do there. They should take the world quests concept and apply it to the entire game.
Lastly, make make equipment matter more than just ilevels again. Number crunch, and this time, actually keep to it.
The sad part is, they could do all this in not even a year, and it would literally revive WoW 100%. But they won't, because it still makes money. Because retards are still buying games like FFXIV just because they're WoW with a fresh coat of paint. People still eat shit up, expansion after expansion.
They're better off than Gnomes though
An MMO will. Eventually.
Archeage was well on it's way, until the devs went turbojew from one day to another. WoW, though? Unless they do something drastic (and they won't, it's Blizzard, safe money is their bread and butter) WoW will just keep cashing off RPfags and nostalgiafags.
I haven't played since Cata. Are Hpal's back to feeling unique? or are they still like a hpriest/resto druid hybrid?
Oh, and I forgot, update that fucking ancient character creator. Half the players are cosmetic fags anyway, a good character creator would make even current WoW flourish a bit, because it's really good for RP as a setting.
I like what little lore they do have, but they're impossible to take seriously at their stature. I think Dwarves have some really interesting stuff going on, but if even they get written off as a joke than their refugee offshoot race was fucked right out of the gate.
The gnomes learned how to undo the curse of flesh and turn half the alliance into rebuildable robots. They dug up gnome corpses and turned them into robots for reassembly and re-cursing in WotLK. That should have massive implications in the lore since it's basically resurrecting the dead, but they'll never do anything with it because it just happened in a gnome side quest.
They are priest but are now expected to be in melee range
Do I still spam HR, shock, judgment then plant 3hp EF's on the entire raid and let mastery do all the work?
Most classes got completely reworked, so. The game has a class trial thing you can do, I don't know if they have hpally, though.
Black Desert. Extremely underrated.
>start playing a private server
>suddenly start to have fun again
It has been so long since 2005 that it may very well be a different game. The directly post-wc3 story and aesthetics combined perfectly with 1-60 leveling. Catacylsm changed the world into one storyline that ends within the expansion so now you can't ever get that directly post wc3 feel again.
you still get inane, early, inexperienced developer bullshit though and fast and it never stops