Is Toby Fox autistic?

Is Toby Fox autistic?

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is he hispanic?

>made a game for furries and tumblr
gee i wonder how it ended up being so good despite the fact

White, which explains the autism.

strange surname then

Propably not, but he's a ruse man who knew exactly what he was doing when releasing Undertale around the time when Homostuck went on hiatus and Steven Universe took a break

I find it more laughable that he's gone completely under to avoid his obnoxious fanbase

probably still spending all his money on travel like he did with the kickstarter money

Yeah Michael J Fox is a huge beaner

Why does this board have such a weird hardon for blatant bullshittery about indie devs?

I know that in the case of Fox this board has been flooded with underage that try to fit in by being overly contrarian, and so by knocking a very critically acclaimed game that's about being nice when you can, they get to feel like they are le jaded oldfags.

But it isn't just fox, and while there's a lot of obvious stupidity like phil phish, I think this board's poorly controlled rage is unwarranted.
Is it because they're sour that they'll never make their EPIC VIDEO GAME IDEA?
They don't like programming?
I just don't know

Underage isn't a noun. Also, it probably had to do with the fact that Toby and Phil are obnoxious faggots.


> Corrects grammar
> Grammar correcting is for tumblrinas
Go back.

How is Toby obnoxious? Phil is an utter cuntwaffle, but Toby has gone out of his way to say as little as possible.
Dude really only has Undertale to be the judge of his character, which paints him as someone whimsical and goofy. There's also his edgy Earthbound hack he made when he was a teenager, which is still far less embarrassing than the shit I did at that age.

Why do you think he's obnoxious exactly?

1. He made tons of dosh making a game maker game in his mom's basement
B. He has tons of white knights who defend him due to the popularity of his game
3. Shitposters, false flaggers, and genuine fans kept Undertale threads constantly flooding the board for like four months

>obnoxious faggot
How? Making a game that got way more popular than he expected? Dude's more or less stayed silent since releasing Undertale.

>1. He made tons of dosh making a game maker game in his mom's basement
This is a bad thing?

no he's successful

No, but it breeds envy, or worse... jealousy.

I'm just upset because I want to be able to do the same thing.

How does any of this make him obnoxious?

>Underage isn't a noun

I think the normal thing to do here would be to say
and it's true, but I don't think it would adequately convey the sense of weariness I feel from the undispellable fact that you and all your fucking retarded contrarian high school ilk are legitimately and irreversibly driving the quality of this board and this website downhill.

>Toby Fox
>obnoxious faggot
I have literally never ever seen anything that would indicate that he is anything other than a good humored guy who accidentally hit it big with a pet project that he liked.
And you'll never post anything either, because it doesn't exist. This is exactly the sort of unsubstantiated shit flinging that comes day after day about devs and literally everything else that you feckless crowd followers have decided to hate along with all your underage friends because you're incurably stupid mongoloids that use the same decision making calculus with matters of personal preference as prepubescent girls.
It drives me up the wall that this idiotic new sentiment can exist, its a fucking 2010 variant of "that's fag shit".

fuck you

Unironically good post.

this post cured my cancer

You sound butthurt.Maybe try contributing to society.

Is that you Kermit?

No but he is bi/gay, does that help you understand better?

this is multimillionaire who got rich off a gamemaker game

say something nice about him

Source? I don't think he's ever stated one way or another

He looks exactly as I'd expect him to

He's at least a semi-competent coder which is more confirmation of the tisim

what is it with autists and having haircuts that look like they're from the 90s

best friend forever /10

t. jelly faggot

Yeah literally the only thing we know about his personal life is that he's close friends with a couple of the people he gave inserts in Undertale to (like Temmie)

I thought I was looking at pictures of Ice Poseidon for a second. Are they brothers or something?

Judging by the difference between his "fucking around at home" photo in the upper left corner and his E3 photo in the top center, I'd say he looks his best when he isn't trying

>semi-competent coder
no, he wasn't. he admits this himself, dude was crutched hard by Game Maker being easy to use.


It's the angle making him less like a scrawny 13 years old.
That and the lightning and short curly hair making him look like a somewhat latino dude

Jews aren't white

Fox doesn't sound like a Jewish surname

They ones in the West are white to the point they are more whites with Middle Eastern admixture than the other way around.
Some pics of ugly jews with a hooked nose and non-western ones will not prove me wrong.

What are some literally autistic devs? The guy from Limbo is definitely somewhere in the spectrum.

But he's a nip so he gets an excuse

Even slightly being aquainted with Tim Schafer is enough to make the list, but I'll go on. He's an enormous weeaboo and made a game that panders to the they/them crowd. For that he needs to be destroyed.

>prove me wrong

Kill yourself you fucking degenerate

That took you a long time.

This bots archive must be 10 petabytes at this point

There's a difference between an autist and a hikikomori

Jew here, was my mom's maiden name.

Barneyfriend is slowing down due to old age.

not really



Does the Pope shit in the woods?

But that's some fag shit

It has something to do with nostalgia.

God I wish I was actually good at drawing/art and didn't need to take like 10 years to git gud at it. If I could crutch that hard at game maker I could make millions.

he looks really cute in the top left pic


You just know he slayed that stank troll cosplayer pussy.

He's surprisingly decent looking. I'd hit it.

>Jew here
gas yourself

Precisely, not Toby's doing.
Game is mostly excellent despite cancer fandom.

I'll never be half the man Toby Fox is.

What happend to spoony?

Dean knows whats up.

Hes not an autist, he just knows how to exploit an autistic fanbase.



i heard you talkin shit on the net