All memes aside, what is your actual, genuine opinion of Monster Hunter World + the gameplay we've been shown so far?

All memes aside, what is your actual, genuine opinion of Monster Hunter World + the gameplay we've been shown so far?

Please don't make this another Nintendo shit-flinging match. I just want to have a better idea of what's going on with this game.

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Probably be pretty cool. I've enjoy Monhun and Monhun clones a bit and it'd be nice to have an actual Monster Hunter on a console I actually own/not on a handheld like it's been.

Looks interesting, but I'm not holding out hopes.
In terms of grafix though, I'm kind of disappointed, some areas of the game look pretty dated, which is sad considering what MHO could achieve.

Going by what my sources at Capcom have told me? It's a complete mess.

It's hard to really tell from what they've put out because, of course, they spend most of the time focusing on the new additions.
I'll wait till there's a playable demo out to really pass judgement.

Either way there's a high chance I'm going to play it no matter what.

Very negative impression currently. I'll wait and see with more footage, but with complete retards playing the game that can't even charge their Greatsword or aim a Bowgun properly, it really doesn't give a very good impression of the game.

I like what I've seen so far but feel the potential with the monsters is sort of lost. I don't like how Anjanath is a generic fire-spitting wyvern when it had a whole gimmick with it's nose design. It should have done something with it's snot instead.

Just look at other early roaring monsters in the previous games. Kecha is an Aye-aye with an probiscus that sprays water and has playful animations, Barroth is a truck that would use mud to cover its weakness to fire and charge head-first into foes with its scalp, Basarios is a heavy-wyvern that was prone to hiding because it is still a child, Blango was a proud alpha male that could even cause its mooks to rage alongside it.
Anjanath is.... a dinosaur that occasionally spits fire.

I've already given my opinion but get told to stop being a shill, so I'm not going to fall for ops bait.

I absolutely hated X/Gen gameplay wise but god damn were the new monsters like the Galvenus incredibly cool. I hope World gets more monsters like that.

It's a Nintendo game do you actually think it won't suck?

>It's a Nintendo game

PS4/ Xbone/ Steam

I think it has a lot of potential, I guess the best way to describe what I've is it seems like this game is bringing it to the "next generation". The content I've seen so far looks great, and although I don't necessarily need great graphics the game is beautiful.

Mainly I want capcom to succeed, and this is the 5th gen of monster so I want this to do great to see where it goes from here. but above all else I haven't been more hyped for a video game in years.

I think it looks fucking great and welcome streamlining. Damage numbers are stupid but not something worth complaining about, almost everything else is absolutely not an issue. More than anything else I'm just happy to play MH with a real controller, anything else I feel is secondary to that, period.
Also you can't seriously believe it's not fucking sonybros pretending to be nintenbros so they can point out their own posts and say nintenbros are shitposting when it's really them. If you don't seriously believe that's what's happening you haven't been on neo-Sup Forums long enough.

>It should have done something with it's snot instead.
I never even realized how obvious this was until you said it. Hell, even keep the fire blast just give it a snot attack that slows you down if you get hit. Like Barroth with the mud bombs.

>Mfw all the compliments are "streamlining", "console graphics", "large connected map" and "controller"

If so many people dislike classic Monster Hunter while somehow being fans of it, why the fuck are they even waiting for a casualised one instead of moving to God Eater or Toukiden?

Glavenus is so fucking cool

Not b8 friendo. You can tell me your opinion if you want

You can like a game and think it's clunky, idiot. Why are you surprised to see a game series evolve, and why on fucking earth are you so opposed to it? If you love the old gameplay so much play the fucking old games.

>instead of spitting flames out of the mouth it would do an adorable sneeze animation
>because of the nature of the snot to ignite easily it could also cause fire defense down to make the next hit more dangerous
there is so much to work with yet they did the most boring thing imaginable

Cautiously optimistic. It looks good but I'm not particularly hyped; I need to see more.

In other words, you haven't played MonHun in years and pretend 3U and 4U don't exist.

It's like talking to a Valkryia Chronicles fan when 90% of the fanbase only played the original.

Looks really good so far
I'm a greatsword fag and seeing lots of gameplay of it was nice

In a previous mon hun thread someone posted about how Worlds is similar to Frontier. If Worlds turns out to be Capcom's solution to getting a Monster Hunter type mmo like Frontier to a larger audience that isn't China are Japan then I am excited for it, but it probably isn't so I'll just go back to emulating Tri.

looks like a fresh breath of air for the series.
despite the "casualizations" it comes down to how hard they make the monsters.
what we've seen is effectively a low rank great jaggi hunt.

but even if it isn't hard, i still have frontier for challenging MH.

>Why are you surprised to see a game series evolve, and why on fucking earth are you so opposed to it?
>Says the same person that probably hates on Gen 3 and 4 games or even Generations which was maximum experimentation mode

Too much handholding, even for a tutorial. I hope they don't make us play through the whole game with those bugs and that girl yelling in my years, and I hope they let me explore things and figure out shit on my own.

Did I fucking miss something here? How the fuck did either of you get that I didn't like Gen 3 and 4 from what I said about welcoming change?

It's been a mixed bag ever since reveal. I'm glad that the shitflinging has calmed down, but I would like to see something actually new from it. I was against it when it was first revealed, but I think I've calmed down since then.

Greatsword looks a bit too fast and not as weighty imo

Every single piece of information that comes out makes it look worse and worse.

I was never really into the series as a whole (played a bit of 3U, but the swimming segments killed it for me), but I'm more than eager to get back into the series. I'm glad it's coming to PC too, since I just finished building mine.

>You can like a game and think it's clunky, idiot

That complaint hasn't been relevant since Tri and Portable 3rd.

The girl was definitely a tutorial mission thing
If I recall correctly the scoutflies are either optional or only get obnoxiously big if you start investigating the tracks

Kinda hard to tell with weight and speed when they literally didn't use a charge attack
It might as well have been a longsword with how they were using it

Standing around to heal is clunky. Not being able to change gear on a hunt is clunky. I'd even go as far as saying not being able to fast travel to the camp is clunky.

I really don't like the move to completely open areas. I feel that the segmented layouts of all the other games allowed for more freedom in the level design, in that everything didn't have to fit together perfectly.

They did use charge attacks, it's just that the animation for them is MUCH more flaccid and I really don't like it. Your character flashes red now to signal charges.

I think it looks great. I am eager to see some new content though, we've seen the same scenario so many times now, I'd like some new info. The game was only announced like two weeks ago though, so I get that I'm just being impatient.

>get obnoxiously big if you start investigating the tracks
That's really not cool. I won't buy this shit until I get confirmation that this can be completely disabled, including the girl which I assume will kick and scream everytime I find tracks or any kind of sign of my hunt.

I'm forced on the Capcom roller coaster that makes Cedar Point look like a fucking joke.

I'm excited yet cautious.

I haven't watched too much of the gameplay. From what I've seen it doesn't look too drastic. Thankfully damage numbers can be turned off. My main concern is the amount of monsters that will be in the game. I can't shake the feeling this'll be an instance where a company feels they can get away with less by approaching a new demographic who's not familiar with the franchise and not knowing what they should expect from it. I'll be getting it on day one, though. Can't not play a new MonHun game.

>Standing around to heal is clunky
Maybe you should learn positioning and remind yourself you're not playing Dark Souls where you can just chug estus.

It looks alright. If the game is good then I get to play a new monster hunter game on my PC. If the game is bad then I get to shitpost on Sup Forums all day while Sonybros cry and defend it. I can't lose.

it is the same effect as two-handers in DD and it looks awful. Give me back my flame. The level change effect also sounds terrible, it reminds me of MHO's except slightly modified instead of the stock engine sound effect haphazardly left there

I worry it will have a severe lack of content with the excuse being that they had to make it from the ground up. Bonus points if shitposters defend the lack of content in the name of console wars.

>I can't shake the feeling this'll be an instance where a company feels they can get away with less by approaching a new demographic who's not familiar with the franchise and not knowing what they should expect from it
They'll definitely do it. If it'll save time and resources (and it will), they'll do it.

A lot of the sounds in MHW seem to be off in one way or another. Rathalos doesn't have his signature ear-piercing roar anymore.

Graphics look good, prob introduce my friends to series, Anjanath or whatever it's called is the worst looking monster I've ever seen, thankfully Jagra looks okay. Also bummed at no underwater combat.

Looks great and I'm glad it's on PC. Monster Hunter will be reborn again.

not him but that ad hominem is pretty weak considering you have to stand around and heal in dark souls too

Pretty much looked exactly the same to me. I've only played 3U though
Maybe I'm just not that picky though

I hate the shit from the X games that non-shielded weapons can suddenly do parries and essentially block with the same effectiveness as a shielded weapon. Remove that garbage and keep it in them shit games

looks like a Dark Souls mod. roll estus roll professional streamer gameplay for maximum twitch views.. spiritual sequel to Lost Planet as you turn the HBG into a minigun

it'll probably be fun to play with my friends, i just hope it hasn't lost the charm that made the series great so far

I think it looks pretty good and I have no reason to miss them removing gathering times on certain materials. What I am worried about is that between the environmental obstacles and the stealth mechanics that they're working to make hunts take a lot longer and put a big focus on tracking the monster, which I find questionable, as I imagine it'll get tedious quickly.

Also, the English dub is horrible.

i will wait for the demo but for what i saw , is ok , it really looks like tri washed out colors and i think people wanted that.

>glad there's finally a monhun game on PC, because it would have been retarded for capcom to not make PC monhun games other than a garbage mmo
>everyone tells me its garbage
>tfw will never get to play good monhuns unless i buy nintendo console

I'm... strangely excited.

You can literally emulate the best one you niger

Game will be great. I highly encourage everyone here to check out the english gameplay video. The girl is obviously only for the tutorial. And since we've never really had decent tutorials for the series it's hard to tell.

Looking forward to the changes to the more complex weapons.

A bit apprehensive. The whole thing just looks kind of like Monster Hunter filtered through a lens of focus-testing for Westerners (open world, overly cinematic setpieces, GRAPHIX!!!, etc.). But that's just my first impression and I'm certainly open to being proven wrong.

Idort here, so the silly console wars don't even factor into my thoughts.

Which one is that?

i'm kinda glad it's on pc now
it will make hunting with friends even better.
>dem voice chats
>just kicking back in the chair and having a good time.
makes me miss the days when we would all lugg around our ps2 and tv's over to our buddys house and hunt up in different rooms

The games get better as you go along.

IMO best one in the series is 4U on the 3ds. Even though Generations came out after it, it was more of an anniversary type game that introduced some new temporary mechanics and brought back older monsters.

After 4U the next best game is 3U and then Freedom Unite (2nd game in the series). There is no point in playing the first game since Freedom Unite has 100% of the first game and a lot more.

Bump for actual discussions


>If you love the old gameplay so much play the fucking old games.
This is always a stupid argument. "No you can't criticize the direction a series you like is headed in just play the old ones and let us eat shit." Get bent you fag.

to give a better idea of how I feel on this
>what is okay:
Charge Blade because it has a fucking shield in the form of the axehead and actually loses sharpness by blocking like Greatsword, Sword and Shield's backhop because it makes sense that is has I-frames, Lance and Gunlance because they have shields, the adept parries with said shielded weapons, weapon arts that specifically show the shielded part being used like Chainsaw and Enraged Guard
>what is not okay
Adept Style for EVERYTHING else, arts like Critical Juncture and Round Force, Brave Charging, Brave DB's R input, Brave LS's Spirit Dance, Absolute Arts

When you want them to keep making the same game over and over again you deserve to be told to fuck off.

you've been memed, PC monhun is good.
well, at least Frontier is. and it isn't an MMO outside requiring a sub.

I've been playing since Freedom Unite and I think it looks awesome. I honestly think the people complaining about making things faster/easier are just desperately searching for reasons to hate it when there isn't.

4U > FU > 3U
Prove me wrong

Mixed impressions.

Graphics look alright, environments look kind of old and use a lot of 2D assets, reminds me of a late PS3 game. Character and monster models look fantastic though. I don't necessarily care for the whole monsters fighting monsters and areas connected by tunnels but that could turn out to be fun. Weapon movesets look overall the same which I'm happy about, although it's too bad that anime hasn't died.

Negatives now, free environmental traps everywhere I dislike, the game is already cheesy enough without them. The grappling hook and platforming elements like vine swinging are 100% unnecessary. We have too much je suis monte as it is and who the fuck asked for walking through dumb ass tunnels to take even longer? Moving while using items is sad, game needs to stay pick and choosy. Scared at the lack of talismans in the equipment screen, if mixed set madness is gone I'm gonna be horrified. While talking about the tent shit, if the "Item box" option allows you to withdraw items like potions from your box I'm gonna be pissed. Crunch time agony that turns into sweet relief is one of the greatest feelings that only a game like MH can provide.

>haha 3rdP is the best!!
psp keks everyone
The best is 4U

As long as underwater sections don't exist I'm happy

I really hate how bland and discolored the environments look. I feel like it just looks really samey compared to how different the segmented areas tend to look and be.
I hate how dark and "clean" the health and stamina bars look. I much prefer something that goes across my entire top screen.

I doubt you are looking for an actual reason but for anyone else reading here's why:

Each game introduces new weapon types and new mechanics and quality of life changes over time. So in this series the games get better as they go on.
Freedom Unite had a lost of frustrating hitbox issues while 3U introduced a new weapon type and fresh monsters. It also fixed hitbox problems and made Hunting Horn and Dual Blades fun.

How long does it usually take to get to Atlal-Ka or whatever in XX solo

I just wanna get transmog and fight /bestrocket/ so I can feel complete with XX and move to 4U


all the HP bars look like ass except MH2s which blended perfectly with the player name as well and had dynamic colouring. i wish they wouldn't be afraid to have the icon go beyond the timer again since even Frontier fucked it up

>3U introduced a new weapon type and fresh monsters. It also fixed hitbox problems and made Hunting Horn and Dual Blades fun.
no actually, 3u did none of that. tri and p3rd did.
3u only regressed the series by returning water combat when it was clear that nobody wanted it.

Are any older ones worth emulating to start getting into without throwing at a 3DS?

Swimming was definitely frustrating but imo it only becomes cumbersome really late into the game. Up until ceadeus (basically last boss of story) I was able to tolerate the water mechanics or dare I say enjoyed some of it. But after doing late G-rank fights it becomes apparent that underwater combat is limiting in movement and generally adds time to monster kills.
I'm glad they didn't continue underwater combat which is why 4U is better.

It looks like a proper MH 5.

Fucking tired of hardcore MH fans defending all of the shitty design decisions because "it would fundementally change the game".

People actually used this for defending loading zones so fucking much. Why cant MH be fundamentally changed while still retaining the core of the gameplay? Why the fuck did Blademaster and Gunner need separate armors? Why do paintballs even wear off?

My only current Gripe with worlds is that the hit effects look kinda dull. Miss the blood flash from the older games when you slashed at a monster.

Charm tables

>ugh... f*cking toxic old guard...

I wouldn't recommend Tri or P3rd as they are not the definitive last game of the generation like 3 Ultimate. Both those games are missing things like weapons for one.

I think it looks like shit.

Meh. I didn't bother too much with Charms. When they fixed charms randomness in 4U I took interest again.

There's some merit to those arguments. To be fair, even though it's called Monster Hunter the best part of the series is actually the fights. Not the hunting or tracking down the monster. Since all quests are naturally timed it's all about getting the best time for kills. Shifting focus towards "the hunt" fundamentally changes the game. I'm not saying that they are but in this example the argument is fair.
With that said I'm looking forward to MHW.

>freedom unite
>second game in series

no, it was the fifth game in the series. MH, MHG, MH2, MHF, MHFU

or.. wait, wasn't there a freedom 2? might even be the sixth game. i'm pretty sure freedom 2 had that GS / LS glitch and the real one eared garuga.

we ddin't get MHG, or MH2. MH2 was interesting if anyone wants to emulate it. but it was also pretty harsh. you'd actually scavange your own meals in jumbo and have your felyne cook you stuff up, and there was this weird day and night system + some kind of elder dragon watch event where one of the elders would come to dondruma or however they decided to spell it in 4u.

here's the CGI animations from 2. has some interesting shorts of the jumbo chief making his pilgrimage , and starting the village from nothing.

>>freedom unite
>>second game in series
>no, it was the fifth game in the series. MH, MHG, MH2, MHF, MHFU
>or.. wait, wasn't there a freedom 2? might even be the sixth game. i'm pretty sure freedom 2 had that GS / LS glitch and the real one eared garuga.

It's the definitive last game of the 2nd generation. That's the only thing that matters when talking about the different games and the order to play them in.

looks fine, but I dislike some choices.

-rocks instead of blood when you hit the monster
-seeking the monster is WAY too long

oh alright.

Anyone compile a list of all the annoying, lazy or outdated bullshit MH still had up until even XX?

>Do quests online, but it only completes for one person
>egg quests are still a thing like it's any fun to have your movement limited while you try and dodge big monsters and if you fuck up you gotta start all over
>making you grind out materials for the first few hours until they decide to unlock (or you stumble upon the right quest) to renew your healing items en mass
>using the same fucking gestures for like 5 years
>the whole box inventory system being fucking clunky
>always having like 3 different timers always going on between hunts to worry about that arent fun or engaging in the slightest
Palico quests should just be an actual mini game, not some timer with light RPG elements

>small monsters not sync'd while playing online

>using the same fucking gestures for like 5 years
I like the over the top and at times goofy gestures.

world has some potential to be dos 2, and bring the lore back to monster hunter.
fuck i hope it does.

>nobody wanted water combat
Speak for yourself user, I had rarely any problem with underwater combat, and it brought some great monsters; I'd rather fight a plesioth and Lagiacrus underwater, and I bet fighting newer monsters under water would be fun as fuck too, like Zamtrios

I really want it to be good. But util I see a roster and game play of every weapon I must remain apathetic. There better be a roster like 4U, bigger even. But it is much more likely will get 10 monsters shipped with the game and the rest sold as DLC. $20 for a pack of 3 random monsters, one guaranteed to be a large monster.

looks fun but im dissapoint i wont get a port to 3ds

They're dumbing down too much shit in order to make the game sell in the west. I don't like where this is going.