Is this a good game?

is this a good game?

No. By almost no metric is it good. You could argue that the GF system and junctioning had potential but as is in 8 they kinda feel more tedious than they're worth and make every character feel exactly the same which sucks. Draw system is shit, the story and characters are garbage, Triple Triad is more of a management sim than a card game, most of the boss fights are pretty lame even, it's weak.

Its fantastic. The best ff. The music, atmosphere, mystery, card game, exploits etc. Its just a great experience over all even if It has a few short comings

It's the best one. Sup Forums will tell you it's bad but it's actually the most intelligent, well thought out and replayable FF.

Anyone on Sup Forums who thinks this game is bad probably just got intimidated by the junction system, and I bet those people unironically listen to Rammstein and drink Mountain Dew so fuck them

>Triple Triad is more of a management sim

It's my favorite, and I'll combat any counter points anyone has.

I'm playing it right now
I like it
I've never killed Omega weapon, so im planning to do that now

IV was terrible, in every way a step down from 3, and VI was unbalanced and easy. VIII was good, built on everything the previous game did thematically, and remained challenging the entire time thanks to level scaling. FFfags on Sup Forums have shit bandwagon taste.

Aura, Holy War, Renzokuken, Lion Heart.

I don't even think I needed a second Holy War.

It's an entertaining trainwreck that you keep watching to see if more trains arrive, worth at least one playthrough.

>well thought out
Is dis nigga serious? Giving the player access to card-ifying and card refining near the very start was full retard.
Not even getting into the first mission grading system punishing the player for exploring the world and the people in it in a goddamn roleplaying game.

I think either Final Fantasy Agito or Trails of Cold Steel managed the military school setting better.
It's an interesting idea but in 8 it only really matters for the first disc or so and then the plot goes off the rails entirely.

It is my favorite in the series to be honest.

Couldnt stand rinoa tho, squall should have banged Quistis

Yeah but i remembered that when i wanted to kill him all my characters were lvl 100, so it's was imposible for me to beat him
Now im gonna just lion heart him to death without having lvl 100

No, but it had a good game inside of it

Yes. Is it the best? No
Imo it has the best OST though and optional content, dungeons, summons, towns, mini game etc.

I like ff8, listen to rammstein, and hate mountain dew, fuck you.

>first JRPG I played
>"this is interesting, cool story"
>random encounter
>"oh, that's fun."
>random encounter random encounter random encounter random encounter random encounter random encounter random encounter random encounter random encounter random encounter random encounter random encounter
>"fuck that, I'm out"

You know before the first disc is even finished you could easily learn an ability that would reduce all your random encounters by half, not to mention his follow up ability if you're really committed which would remove ALL random encounters.

Squall is great until the story kills him and makes him love rinoa for no reason at all. Very grindy and the story has too many plot turns.

>and makes him love rinoa for no reason at all
True, true, but it's not like Squall didnt know Rinoa had a crush on him, he knew that.
So he perfectly could have fallen for her now she was in a coma. That happens all time, "you never know what you have till you lost it"


Hormonal teens falling in love with girls who give them attention? No way.