A third of the game is a swamp

>A third of the game is a swamp
>Difficulty spikes like mad in lothric castle to the point of being unfun
>Every enemy in the second half of the game has an AOE tantrum attack that takes 40 seconds to end
>All bosses outside gundyr, dragonslayer armor, abyss knights and champion gundyr are shitty unbalanced fights.
>Weapons outside of longsword are garbo

WHY is this better than dark souls 2?

>>Difficulty spikes like mad in lothric castle to the point of being unfun

i cant remember this happening

i should beat this i guess
also i wish the new game+ in souls games were better
enemies getting stronger every run defeats the point of wanting to replay further

Every enemy starts hitting you for half your hp no matter your armor about in anor londo

The lothric knights and candle-men were annoying as fuck.

>Difficulty spikes like mad in lothric castle to the point of being unfun
maybe if you're shit yeah
I agree with the other criticisms though

>difficulty spikes in lothric castle
I always thought it spiked at irithyl, and if you manage to survive there, the rest is a breeze

The snakemen in archdragon peak were total cunts.

>Everyone talks up Nameless King like he's the GOAT fight of the series
>Get to him
>His fight is pretty good but it's utterly ruined by having to fight the completely unacceptably bad dragon right before
People suck the dick of every single boss who has fast attacks and high damage. Abyss Watches isn't nearly as hard but it's a way more interesting fight. Pontiff is the only properly-praised tough fight in the game.

The difficulty spikes and drops inconsistently throughout the game. Some parts of the cathedral are a pain in the ass to get through, meanwhile the catacombs are easy. It's not a consistent curve in difficulty, and its annoying.

why don't you let a professional handle this.
>Dark Souls 3
>shortest game
>bonfires out the ass
>filled to the brim with shitty references
>massive amounts of on-disc cut content that will be sold as DLC
>rehashed areas in an already short game
>the worst, newbie/scrub favoring invasion system yet
>no arena
>Heavy armor sucks
>Armor variety is less than DS2 BASE game, despite copypasting a 3rd of the armors from previous games
>Magic needs 2-3 ring slots just to dish out melee level damage
>Magic itself does reduced damage for PvP
>removes a shit ton of spells from the previous game
>awful scaling balance
>FP is the most awful casting management system introduced yet (worse than DeS mana, which had better regen options and more efficient)
>FP horribly ineffiecent with damage, ends up causing everyone to use 1 or 2 FP efficient spell like Great Heavy Soul Arrow
>Miracles awful, best and most viable one locked behind the final boss
>bland NG+
>awful covenants
>no blue eye orb
>blue sentinels and darkmoons the exact same
>left hand weapons no longer have full movesets
>dual wield weapons are gimmicks
>boss weapons can’t be infused
>Straight Swords and Curved Sword are as fast as daggers
>Great Weapons are slower than previous games, and costs more stamina, while barely doing more damage
>1-2 Weapons ALWAYS the best in class, no redeeming qualitys for special weapons resulting in less weapon variety than BB
>very little moveset variation
>WA are mostly shit or copypasted powerstance moves
>No backstep i-frame
>rolls have too much i-frames and cost too little stamina
>bloodborne enemies catered to R1 spam from ss and cs
>hexes gone and dark magic is shit
>shittiest dragon form
>no dragon covenant
>refined/hollow completely dominates
>DLC has so far been shit
>19 bosses, a good chunk being gimmicks
>linear level design, less branching options than DeS, DS2, and even BB
>b-but other games have faults!
I'll be stealing that swamp line tho.

Sup nerds.

The dragon is ridiculously easy even with the wacky camera, and you get a free visceral every time.

*blocks your path*

I feel like if they didn't work on the special moves they would have had more time and resources to make the rest of the game better.

It's not hard, not nearly as challenging as the king himself. It's just in an unacceptable state that reflects poorly on the game's polish.

But who doesn't love the fucking absolute fucking mess the Aldrich fight was? That you have to do twice if you have anri

Because all those points of yours are exaggerations / bullshit, not to mention the swamps also look awesome, everything is designed really well and Dark Souls 2 is the ugliest Soulsborne game by far.

>the final dlc of possibly the entire series
>ends in YET ANOTHER guts cosplayer fight >while also answering zero questions
miyazaki is simply a genius.

There's no reason to do Anri's quest that way. I understand that there aren't really happy endings in Souls, but having her go fully hollow rather than just disappearing after the Aldrich fight was just a huge fuck you to anyone who bothered doing the secret path of that quest.

I found the whole game easier than the other two desu

The Lothric Knights are pretty tough enemies. Especially in groups.

whoa user, miyazaki's dick is THAT A WAY

>Difficulty spikes like mad in lothric castle to the point of being unfun

>guts cosplayer
care to explain

Bosses like this are what piss me off about DS III. Reason being is that they are unbalanced towards heavy weapons because they have infinite poise, whereas you don't

Aldrich feels like a boss from different series

How much HP can we give something: THE BOSS

that's because you played the other two. Souls games get easier the more you play them



He's not even that bad, I wiped the floor with him pretty quickly once I got his pattern

now this motherfucker

I think I'm fatigued with this series, so I'm glad they're taking a break. Less than half way through 3, I started running past everything blind until I found the bonfires, shortcuts, or boss doors. Got tired of all the bosses pretty fast and started summoning just to get it over with. I never summoned on first play throughs before this game.

He is pure guts minus the paint job. You know it, I know it, we all know it.

Today I will tell them that Dark souls 2 is still the biggest ass in the entire franchise

>the lighting greatsword lothric knight with sacred oath and divine weapon

You'll never be so autistic that you compile a list of nitpicks in a game that is still wonderfully crafted and pleasing to experience.

>Weapon turned into something supernatural after tons of battles
>Fires arrows like a machine gun
>is known throughout the land a name based off the appearance (the red hood, the black swordsman)
>doing it for her
Come on man, it's not hard to see.
The fight itself is amazing, great way to end the series.

Just because he's a big dude with big sword and he's gone a little feral doesn't mean he's Guts. He doesn't even move the same way, whereas Artorias constantly has similar attacks and movement patterns

I can go back to the other 4 games and have a tough time, but 3 is always easy

Nigga farron keep is the definition of bad game design

That red eyed lothric greatsword knight after the dragons was balls. He would just randomly poise his way into an attack when he's getting staggered. Annoying.

What leg armor is that?
Please don't tell me it's DLC, i don't want to be a good goy.

I don't get why people keep posting this screenshot?
Theres no witty lines, a ban, or even (the usual) massive amount of replies. This must must be the work of a singular autist.

You need to play more games then faggot, because it's far from bad game design. There's nothing problematic about it.

yep, it's gael's leg armor, you can get it in the first dlc

>bosses have attack cycles that are faster than you can swing Smaughs hammer
>even if you perfectly dodge the attacks, can't get attack in without taking damage
Really annoying, but eventually beat all the bosses with the hammer. The last boss was cakewalk with it, dancer of boreal valley the hardest

Atleast the autist knows when a games shit

The balancing of this game and it's bosses towards short sword R1's is its biggest failure.

heh, was just dealing with this asshole yesterday.

Yeah I thought it was disappointing that strength or dex didn't speed up melee, but you can roll faster with better weight

They don't get THAT much stronger, this isn't Demon's Souls.

thats good, are the rings fun to find?
like in areas even you think are clever after exploring every inch?

The scholars were not difficult to slash through.
Some of the knights were hard, especially those red eye fuckers

a couple, but a majority are just sitting in plain sight

>no reason
Yes, I knew in advance which way the game would go if I helped a grill out with her quest

Just use a heavy weapn, breaks their poise in two hits.

>>All bosses outside gundyr, dragonslayer armor, abyss knights and champion gundyr are shitty unbalanced fights.
>only the easy bosses were good

>people find DaS3 difficult
I can't tell which was harder between DeS and DaS3. They're both shit when it comes to difficulty.

>third of the game is a swamp
Literally one area in the entire game is a swamp and it can be ran through in like two minutes.

>difficulty spikes in lothric to the point of being unfun
Lothric's one of the most enjoyable parts of the game, and Irithyll was a much bigger difficulty spike.

>AOE trantrum attack
Or you could just avoid the first part of it and punish them, granted very few enemies actually have these attacks and you're exaggerating.

>bosses are shitty unbalanced fights
Twin Princes, Nameless King, Soul of Cinder, Old Demon King, Aldrich, and Pontiff are all pretty great. Abyss Watchers is pretty mediocre since they're pathetic.

>all weapons outside longsword are garbo
This is just retarded.

>armor in dark souls preventing damage

im playing DS1 and in Blightown, this place sucks balls, please tell me there's a better area after this.

>dlc is its own contained story instead of a expansion of the main story

No it isn't.

That didn't happen.


Now you're just proving how bad you are.

Objectively wrong.

The game wasn't the best of the series and has a lot of faults but you managed to be wrong about literally everything. Why not use the well documented, verified issues with the game for your stale thread?

Well, that didn't take long. You can go now.

>tainting the perfection of vilhelm's armor with that potato sack hood.

>literally one section is a swamp that, if you're thorough, you never have to see again
>run up to dragondad has like 6 enemies, most enemies in lothric castle are just buff versions of early game enemies + clerics with no offense
>literally no enemy has a 40sec AOE attack, not even Cathedral Knights with their shitty Blessed Weapon mines
>approximately 3 difficult bosses, a handful of very easy ones (wolnir, crystal sage, vordt), the rest are balanced or "puzzle" gimmick bosses
>he doesn't poke and combo in darksoulsiii

Cmon now


>Find sellsword twinblades
>Use them entire game
>Little brother always saying i suck because he can hear me dying through the walls
>Asks me what weapons i am using
>Says my weapon sucks and gives me a list of better weapons that one shot things
>Tells me to put more than 16 points into health so i don't get one shot
>Tell him to fuck off
>Get to health sponge dragon in last dlc
>Do no damage to him
>Get frustrated and use different weapon
>Beat boss first try

This happens to me in every Dark Souls game. Put little to no points into health. I find one weapon i like. Beat almost the whole game with it then find one health sponge boss and swap to a different weapon, put 22 points into health and the game becomes 10x easier. I don't get why anyone even likes these games when all i see people do is just use the best build they found on the some forum and kill all the bosses in 1-2 minutes each.


Yes, after blightown you open up the middle part of the game which is the peak of it

Currently stuck at the Pontiff fight, does the game get better? Irythyll is probably one of the worst levels I've ever seen, and every single fucking enemy is so goddamn annoying. It's like the whole game is designed to piss me off. I've only played DeS and DaS, and unlike in those games when I hit a wall, I have absolutely no motivation to go on.

Blightown is the worst fucking area. I usually try to speed through as fast as possible from valley of the drakes every time.

>greatsword visceral attack uses the whacking animation of maces/axes and not the stabbing animation of other swords/polearms

I love using greatswords in this game, but this always makes my experience a little less enjoyable.

The visceral animation in DS2 for UGSs was amazing, why did From fuck with it

You can play New Game no plus anytime, user...

It only goes downhill from there

>Every enemy in the second half of the game has an AOE tantrum attack that takes 40 seconds to end

This coupled with the fact that every fucking 5 steps there are 23458961589126390478235607945601329467 monsters coming out of your asshole for the TOTALLY unexpected gank has made this game a complete chore to play through.

I have beaten it once and never touched it again. From really is only worth a shit when it's pairing with Sony's Studio Japan while making new IPs instead of sequels.

>Every enemy in the second half of the game has an AOE tantrum attack that takes 40 seconds to end
What enemy besides dancer has this?

This, pontiff right eye, and the old wolf curved sword in the back for the attack buffs and a lighting buff and midir is ez as fuck

i agree with you there. specifically right up to pontiff the game gets a difficulty spike. maybe even watchers in terms of bosses

new dark souls players i could see them having a hard time starting at even grundry tutorial, lothric beginnings level and settlement.

cathedral of the deep can be tough too in terms of levels

bloodborn is the only game that made clerics/church people cool as fuck

dont forget the crossbow bro

>Irythyll is probably one of the worst levels I've ever seen

Just summon and get through it. I hated that garbage place so much I almost quit the game then and there. The area right past Pontiff is also a piece of fucking shit in the worst sense possible. There's an entire covenant of invaders there, two extremely powerful monsters waiting in an ambush in a closed space, a bunch of mages spamming fireballs from 3 kilometers away, ghosts, NPCs ganking you, archers shooting spears at you, you name it.

This game makes vanilla dark souls 2 look like a work of art.