Post yfw it's a podcast without Pat

Post yfw it's a podcast without Pat.

>it's a thread not about video games

At least Plague's in it. That's kinda Pat.


Good. No Shillblood discussion then.

Well we got grampa plague
but plague is better with patt so they can bitch at each other

post yfw it's a thread without videogames

>Metroid Prime 4
>Matt and Woolie fucking losing it
>Pat is meh
>Metroid 2 remake
>Matt and Woolie losing it again
>Pat isn't happy because muh 3ds
>People worried about Monster Hunter's polarizing footage
>Pat goes online and fights with everyone and defends the game to the death purely on the virtue that the game is confirmed good because it's on console

Fucking hell, Matt is supposed to be the awful one but Pat is way worse now.

>They're "awful" when I don't agree with their opinions

Pat wasn't responsible for the Night in the Woods playthrough

meant for

Hey guys I need a new podcast, any suggestions? Nothing liberal please

Nice thread, Liam. Did you give Pat that money you owe him yet, you fucking jew?

>Nothing liberal please


Video game-themed podcasts, for the most part, are trash. 90% of them are just e-celebs being e-celebs. Video games aren't that interesting of a topic to hear other people talk about. The only exceptions are when they're actually doing an in-depth retrospective about a game/series/dev, or if it's an actual industry insider giving details about the development process.
The only video game-related podcasts I like are Hardcore Gaming 101's podcast, 8-4 Play, Retronauts, Retro Encounter, Remaster, and DLC

>8-4 Play

I know a good one from a conservative youtube guy but I won't give it to you.

Quit bringing up politics where it isn't needed, nigger.

Pat hates 3ds?

I don't listen to podcasts, because I'm not a faggot

So when you commute to work, you just stare at the wall? What a waste of time.


No, I look at the streets, so I can actually see where I have to drive my car.

those are some strange assumptions

>he can't multi task

Wait, what?

You need to have complete silence to drive?

To be fair on the first point, it was just a fucking logo. Not even a final one, either.

On the topic of Monster Hunter, I think it's kinda weird that Pat won't concede that there's even an iota of a chance of it being bad. They're making big changes, and we have no idea if they're any good yet.

>Polarizing footage
nigger it looks fine
fuck off

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