Is Sup Forums excited for Maitetsu in English?
Is Sup Forums excited for Maitetsu in English?
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why are they so fucking short
Trains are awesome my man.
So they reach your dick easier
When's it coming out?
why did you crop it? post best girl
Not with Sekai-Project doing it. Enjoy your censorship.
*blocks your import package*
She's already in the pic, dude
>"I bought it ironically to shitpost on the internet"
>no problem then, keep up the good work, leafbro
Haha, dumb police.
>No blood-related sister heroine
Disappointing. Also, why has no one translated Monobeno yet?
>Height: 124cm, Weight: 20kg, Bust-Waist-Hips: 57-43-59cm
Talk about manhandling
>Also, why has no one translated Monobeno yet?
Because it's like 70 hours long.
standing blowjobs
So we all agree that 114 a best, right?
Im glad the loli part is getting fixed.
>Weight: 20kg
Even for a kid that seems excessively light.
I guess it's time I learned Nipspeak, then.
18+ or not interested
If by "we" you mean "people with shit taste", then yes.
124 > 143 > 148 > 130 > 114
>you will never get your weight in lolis
Just imagine having 6 of these.
18+ version was confirmed already.
I assume only the hags are getting that, though.
user, you need to lose weight.
user, stop living in a fantasy land.
>Why isn't anyone translating this 80 hour loli nukige to English with optional 30+ addition content?
It's never getting an official release and nobody is madman enough to tackle over a 100 hours of TL'ing loli porn for 1 release.
But if he does that then he won't get as many lolis.
I thought the thumbnail was a guy with two dicks getting blown and the girls doing that retarded suction face
I have a sinking feeling that belly button is about to be assaulted.
CUTE fang
How exactly will Sekai Project handle this scene?
Where the cut content at
>What can safely be said, though, is that the weight of this girl is very low. You may want to consult a doctor.
"HEy big brother-san are there are Burgers i'n here?"
I know, I'm a big guy tho.
To be fair, I'll be healthier weighing 1 less loli.
Censored, of course. All they said was that there'll be an 18+ version, not that they're not going to censor the shit out of it.
What does this have to do with trains again?
the girls are trains
that's hot
You bet. I remember voting on the polls when it was first announced before they IP blocked it.