What went so wrong?

What went so wrong?

It paid for the crimes of its older brother

That Gameshark/ProActionReplay/whatever demo disc that was packaged with some European game rag that hackers took and used the boot disc swap option to unlock the option to play different region's games and bootleg games.

SEGA, being xenophobic closed minded japanese fucks, thought the only thing the west cared about was hockey and basketball games.
As much of a dreamcast fan as I am, it wouldn't be worth shit without its NTSC-J exclusives, and you know I'm right.

>lol, it comes out today! Surprise! Sure hope any major retailers knew about this!

Holy shit I haven't seen that moose in a while

That was the Saturn, idiot.

Barely any good games. Now they're all too expensive. Not worth even considering/10

Sony fucked up the gaming industry

Not much desu. The Saturn did too much damage already.

>got rid of mine a few years ago
>they’re slowly going up in value
I’m mad at myself

Isn't it telling that many people can't tell the difference between the Saturn and the Dreamcast?

I remember this shit.

>horrendous marketing
>laughably easy and quick piracy


>$80M Shenmue project
>niche games
>portcast: many PS1 ports to fill out the void
>absolutely no answer to Sony's DVD player
>shitty controller, shitty keyboard, shitty mouse
>nobody even knew about 480p native resolution because the cables it came with by default is for 240p gaming
>zero effort to stop piracy
>shoddy laser
>failed to utilize Dreamcast-NGPC connectivity like GC-GBA did

Sega killed itself out of the console market. It had TWO YEARS to create a player base so don't give me that "b-but Sony!" Shit. People decided they didn't want this thing. If it was so great, why didn't we support it better?

The Saturn was black, the Dreamcast was white, they both had online.

Half of all Sonic Adventure disks didn't work. So you'd buy a console with its launch title only to find out you were sold a lemon.

Fucking hell

And that's how I got 90% of my Dreamcast games thanks to my uncle. I remember that moose though only a few of the copied games he gave me actually needed it.

Playing NBA2k over a dial up connection was actually kind of fun

Xbox happened and Dreamcast was gangraped by all three consoles.

Isn't that just letting Dreamcast off the hook though? It didn't just come out when they did and got "unjustly" fucked, it had 2 YEARS to make a playerbase and still tanked hard.

The Xbox Hueg is literally the Dreamcast 1.5

This. The Dreamcast was a piece of shit console on its own. The other consoles jsut put the nail in the coffin.

