ITT: objectively 10/10 games only

ITT: objectively 10/10 games only

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Rebirth is the only 10/10 thing produced with the Isaac name

>Not in a shit engine like everything Wrath of the Lamb and below
>Not ruined with bad game design like AB and AB+

It's a shame Nicalis literally don't know how to make games

why do people hate on ab and ab+, its the same game just different items.

It's not the same game. They added a shit ton of content without actually having playtested the game

The small rooms spawn bosses that make a lot of damage impossible to avoid, a lot of enemies and bosses attack you in ways that also ensure you always get hit, and the new "final bosses" in AB are just huge bullet sponges that force you to sit forever just to deal with them, and even then they aren't worth playing after you get their unlocks. Plus they were lazily slapped on into the game, hell Delirium's just another fucking boss rush. AB+ should've been a free update like all the ones prior to WotL

The worst part of it all was how clearly they didn't bother to playtest the game involving Hush since they had to patch in a chest spawn after the game was released since having the final levels available locked you out of the new ending. It was horseshit

Also Greed Mode sucks

>procedully generated trash

kill yourself OP

Rebirth is too easy

too many trash items that practically kill your run
each expansion makes it even worse

Terraria is straight up 10/10 tho


all of these can be fixed by getting better

not meaning to sound like a jerk but honestly ive played almost 150 hours now + 200 on rebirth before and all attacks are avoidable somehow

and the final bosses are meant to be only for going for if youre beyond OP

theyre only damage sponges that take too long if you only have a decent-to-good build, search youtube for any videos of the delirium fight and theyre only a few minutes long because theyre beyond prepared


Yeah, the devs need to get better

After Afterbirth I ain't biting into this steak ever again. It mutilated one of my favorite games from something I would go back and do a run every now and then into something I 100%ed and never touched

my shit

>Shit art style
>Shit and overly edgy themes

I think i played a cleaned-up flash version of this in the mid-2000s, and for the life of me i cant remember the title


also youre right, this was 10/10

>all attacks are avoidable somehow
Hush, Mega Satan, Ultra Greed, I agree. All avoidable and predictable.
But Delirium is pure RNG bullshit and makes the game worse just by existing.
I've beaten him as every character except Keeper, and every time I make it to him as Keeper I get teleported onto twice in a row and die. Bosses should not be able to instantly teleport to your exact location if they cause contact damage.
The only way I beat him as Lost was by having Gnawed Leaf + max level Bumbo, then putting the controller down for 20 minutes. Shit boss.

>Also Greed Mode sucks
Why lie on the internet?

>RNG shmup with shitty controls


>falling for the objectivity meme

Greed Mode is only any good if you get to RNG item rerolls for the shop. Otherwise it's a watered down version of the main game

What about me, user?
Don't ya like me?

>a watered down version of the main game
I'm not a fan of Gree mode either but it's literally the opposite of watered down. It's concentrated. There's no exploration, there's less floors, the rooms are always in the same places, the run is over in 20 minutes. It was invented to solve the problem of Chest/Darkroom runs taking too long.


updates/dlc/anything when

Never had a more fun 13 hours in my life


>Practically a flash game with shit physics

It's an 8/10 at the very very best.

>HP up items don't increase Keeper's max number of coin hearts
Why does every design decision after Rebirth's release just arbitrarily make the game more tedious?

>hear there are multiple endings
>after playing for an hour i only want to do this shit once
>savescum my way into doing every quest and having basically infinite money
>never have to deal with survival mechanics
>every time i get infected i just reload
I'm on day 9 or 10 and I'm basically not even playing at this point, I'm just in it for the story. Even then I don't feel like walking around for 5 more hours just to hear the ending. Do I go back? Is it worth it? I don't even know if I can get the best ending because I had to waste 2 or 3 panaceas on those bitches when the military came.

>ghost trick
>muh man

Probably never. The guy that made it seems like a douche.



Rebirth+ was fixed and adding official community stuff has been cool, still a little pricey but I got a lot of hours from it

Hollow Knight

You can't really play Pathologic wrongly but I do think save scumming and reloading to avoid the plague will severely detract from your experience. Part of what makes Pathologic so great is how it pulls you into your character. As the days pass and the situation continues to worsen you struggle alongside Dankovsky and are constantly forced to make sacrifices and give up your bound in order to survive yourself.

Using a walkthrough to figure out what do also detracts from the experience as you lose the sense of complete confusion and foreignness that Dankovsky experiences. By the end of Bachelors campaign, you should feel genuinely mentally and physically exhausted from the pressure of it and you should feel like you've failed.

Honestly though no matter what you're probably gonna fuck up your first run as Bachelor and end up serving the wrong means. You've been constantly deceived and your sense of justice has completely blinded you. It's not like the fate of characters in a play mattered anyway though.


it was called stick ranger, i used to play it here

Yeah but it's a 36 hour long walking simulator. I don't really want to play though this more than once.

>trying to reach and beat Mega Satan as The Lost with no Holy Mantle
Should I just kill myself?

You're a good boy



It's more than that. It's a 36-hour struggle through hardship and confusion. I'm probably gonna sound autistic but for Burakh and Clara I did their entire campaigns in a single sitting and I seriously recommend it. By the end of each campaign, you are seriously exhausted but you get so powerfully immersed in the struggles. You'll need to have about 20 free hours and a day after to recover but I seriously recommend it if you carry on after Bachelor.

Just remember that ultimately Bachelor is just a tutorial to introduce you to the game. You should've learned the basic lore of the town, steppe and characters through his playthrough just finish off his story and play the next two blind if you want to go on.

For me, definitely Quest for Glory. The games were just so whimsical with that mature humor. Hidden cheats, funny characters, and stats were an added bonus.

No one who enjoyed Diablo thought Diablo 2 was playable. It completely removed the atmosphere of terror and oppression, stripped down the sense of character progression into cookie cutter builds instead of natural growth, introduced a bunch of shitty mechanics, and took everything that made Diablo iconic and threw it in the trash.
Make no mistake, D2 was the exact moment in history our timeline diverged into one where MOBAs exist.


Why did Steakmund hate fun so much when making Afterbirth and Afterbirth+?

I'd agree completely, but a couple things really irk me.

I could be off base here, but it seems that secret rooms often have useless trash in them, like poop, a coin or two, etc, whereas in the original, I seem to remember there more often than not being something good or interesting in them.

On top of this, weren't devil rooms, or was it red chests changed to hold garbage in them, like bombs and spiders most of the time? Angel rooms having a couple soul hearts instead of angel items was a huge kick in the nuts too.

This, coupled with the lack of the same soundtrack from the original bummed me out, but I was able to still enjoy the game.

I like these games but addicting shouldn't just automatically result in a 10/10.
Tap n' Wait mobile games are addicting.

I actually liked Rebirth's new Soundtrack, Cathedral,Sheol, the Lamb, Isaac and Satan's theme are fucking top. Even the biggest mod Antibirth had good music.

What's the worst item in the game? Some ideas:

No. 2
Strange Attractor
Bob's Brain
Broken Remote
Curse of the Tower
Cursed Eye
The Poop
Isaac's Heart
Every Bean item
My Reflection
Mom's Pad
The Wiz
Tiny Planet
Isaac's Tears
Mom's Bra
Cursed Skull

Dead Rising 2

Don't forget Soy milk, Ludo technique and spear of justice. What other shitty, anti-fun items are there?

Monster Manuel, telekenisis book, the bible, anarchists cookbook, little hush, Bob's brain, brother Bobbie and sister maggie and demon baby and finally the flush.

One of the few 10/10s ever made.

Soy Milk becomes God tier in certain synergies, like with Tiny Planet + Lump of Coal, or if you find Libra. Ludovico I like sometimes. I'll pick it up early in a run due to its high damage, but it kills a lot of synergies. I won't disagree about Spear of Destiny. It's total shit.

maybe it's preference but i always thought spelunky's rng was too "outlier"-ey. sometimes you get jack for item crates and money and other times you get a jetpack and a cape in two seconds.

towerclimb has less of that, but holy hell i wish the sidequests were completable 100% of the time as opposed to only when the rng gives you a dog level in 1-3, a worm level in 4-6, etc.

oh and the ghost-gem mechanic in spelunky is a fundamental flaw imo. you should be able to summon ghost ahead of the clock with the konami code or some shit, literally puts me off from playing it every time.

I like that about spelunky's rng. I think it's part of the fun. Why have random levels if there's no point?

Never played towerclimb. Is it the Spelunky clone I've been looking for? Every game I've ever played that I heard was "like Spelunky" was nothing like Spelunky and I love Spelunky.

no idea what you just said, but yes, kys please

It might not be my favourite game ever, but i think FTL is one of the very few flawless video games out there.

OG Dead Rising is legit 10/10, only little babbies say otherwise

I'm gonna wait until I get the Lost's unlocks before doing more stuff with him. Only unlocked some of his stuff because of a retardedly good run.

I've been wanting to dig into this one for a while? Is it like Isaac in that I can pick it up, play for a half hour, then shut it off? I don't have a hell of a lot of time for vidya anymore and really appreciate a game that supports quick runs.


>tfw not even MovieBob can taint it

git gud


curious, why not unlock mantle


Is the remaster also 10/10?

I got burned out hard on greed mode. I didn't know that the jamming mechanic was per character. I did several successful runs as Samson because he's strong in greed mode. The more I did, the higher-ups the jam chances got. It got to the point where my chance was so high and my luck so had that I'd jam after five coins or so. So what did I do? Instead of looking it up and taking five seconds to check the cuntsucking wiki, I did another run as Samson. And another. And another. By the time I learned that the chance was tied to characters and not to greed mode itself I'd done over 100 completed runs with Samson, several of which jammed after one coin. So I got fucking pisses at my stupidity and the realization that I could have been done with thus mode hours and hours ago had I just switches characters. So I quit and never went back to greed mode. I considered my Lost unlocks without the Mantle to be a twisted form of punishment.

I'm fucking retarded, don't bother telling me.


Easily one of the best games ever made.

Yeah, it's a rogue-like, so runs usually take around 1-3 hours and you can quit/continue whenever.
Don't expect to be beating the game early on though, failing is part of the experience. I've spent nearly 50 hours in it and I've only beat it one on easy.

I highly recommend it though,

>not Tooie

Thanks. I've been playing Isaac so long that I need a new game for a while.

>he thinks Tooie is better than Kazooie
Play both again and tell me that.

Best game I've played in a very long time.


While I enjoy Tooie, I think Kazooie was just a lot more realized. I'm bias though because Kazooie was what defined my gaming childhood.

>Nicalis literally don't know how to make games
seriously, what's up with this? How are they still such shit devs?

explain? i thought you dont need greed, just have over 850 coins in regular game to the donation machine? what do you mean tied to character? im a noob

I liked the original game way better, the new game has some really fucking stupid "so whacky" physics like having an arrow you personally threw bounce gently off a wall and hit you for 2 hearts of damage and explosives barrels being detonated by a slight breeze.

The only criticism I've ever heard for this game is that it was too easy, which isn't something I agree with. 10/10 for sure. And without a doubt the best game to ever be on mobile.

The donation machine (the one you find in the normal game, normal and hardly mode) unlocks shop items the more you put in. There's a separate machine that functions the same way but only appears in greed mode (both machines have separate pools, so putting 10 coins into the regular machine doesn't add any to the greed machine, and vice versa). Putting coins in the greed machine unlocks some items and allows characters to start with certain items. If you put 879 coins into the greed machine it causes The Lost to start with the Holy Mantle.

The problem with filling the greed machine is that it only appears after you bear the boss offer greed mode, Ultra Greed. The more coins you put in PER CHARACTER, the higher the chance of the machine jamming. I didn't know that. I thought the chance to jam was shared with across all characters. I assume they put this in so that people don't attempt to fill the machine entirely with Samson, as he's very strong in greed mode. Which is exactly what I tried.

I know it's a NL meme, but Plan C is hands down the worst item in the game.
>b-but 9 Lives
Shut the fuck up. Wow, wasting 9 respawns to clear 9 rooms and it doesn't even work on Hush or Delirium. AB+ is balanced like a one legged alcoholic.

Items that are god tier in niche situations can't be the worst in the game

>Every Bean Item
One of the bean items lets you break rocks without using bombs


Damn, I played the shit out of that game when I was younger.

Absolute 10/10.

oh man, frustrating.

how the hell can I put 879 coins in greed mode? every coin is valuable

As long as you play with the original controls then yes.

It's a grind for sure. I'm at just about 700 coins. I generally won't spend any coins after the Sheol floor if I can help it.

Greed mode is about either breaking the fuck out of the run or figuring out when you've got enough power to coast by without buying more items and then getting pissed off when the machine jams on the 7th coin

Afterbirth was a bleh expansion, but it wasn't bad by any means. Some of the new items were neat and actually good, the alternate floors/enemies were OK (many of them needed original textures, though) and Greed Mode would be pretty fun if you didn't have to grind the shit out of it. Some of the bosses were bullshit, but it was fine otherwise.

Afterbirth+ can go fuck itself, though. Every single new item is Holy Water-tier garbage meant to dilute the item pool, bosses are unoriginal, and the balance around pretty much everything is trash. Arguably makes the game worse to the point where I just uninstalled it.

Some of the Afterbirth+ items are strong. Apple, Compound Fracture, Euthanasia, Jacob's Ladder, Technology Zero. Lots of bad items too, though.

Gentlemen you're all missing something very obvious.

What does Steakmund have against pills that he kept filling the pool with such detrimental or useless garbage, half of which still counts as "neutral" if you happen to find something like PHD

You're not a gamer until you've played this

Returns fixed my few mechanical complaints about the DKC original triology (mostly they just zoomed the camera out so I can see where the hell I'm going, didn't even realize it was an issue until I tried to replay 2 a few years ago), Tropical Freeze fixed my style, charm, and musical complaints about Returns. My favorite game of all time.

What am I looking at?