R.I.P. Nintendo


>It's apple's fault the switch is failing!


Being sold out is quite literally the opposite of failing

>not being an illiterate console-warring faggot
go bk 2 redit u fgt
I bet you like the video game company that I hate.

it's one of the reasons, and being a "no gaem station" right now doesn't help.

Sucks to be poor and unable to bribe the manufacturers until they prioritize you

Looks like we'll be seeing the quickest hardware revision ever from Nintendo. Either that or they'll stealthily change parts of its hardware.

>May 31
Can we get some new news?

Yeah, I'm sure nobody would notice if it suddenly started shipping without internal memory. Or rumble. Or a screen.

Quite possibly the worst 'article' I've ever read. Why do they let people who clearly don't speak English write shit like this?

>if I greentext it that means it isn't true


They've changed screen types without telling anybody before, whose to say they wouldn't do the same again? Or with the memory and rumble technology?

plenty of games

>1 game, Wii U ports, and indies

>Port, port, multiplat, port/multiplat, port, okay, port, multiplat, mediocre, port, port, port, port, okay, multiplat, port
Jesus thats worse than ps4

Portability tho

I have a vita and 3ds and laptop for that if I really wanted

The new news is that Nintendo managed to open up supply lines to increase production (again). It's why the Switch has been popping up all over the place recently. Gotta be ready for Splatoon 2.

Summer in full effect.

that's nice

that is just embarresing... I know that swtich will eventualy get metroid, mario etc, but at this current state, the autismfest zeruda is just isnt enough

lol yeah rip nintendo, not like there are billions more companies out there that won't be more than happy to pick up the slack you fucken doofus

I mean, it just came out like 4 months ago lol. I didn't even buy my xbone until over a year after it released.

But the Switch's current problem is that it's sold out everywhere. There's more demand than Nintendo are able to supply. While that's bad for nintendo because they're missing out on potential profits and growing the switch userbase quickly,it's also a good sign because the demand is at least there; unlike with the WiiU

>But the Switch's current problem is that it's sold out everywhere

It's over Nintendo's finished lol!

>microsoft and nintendo try to team up on sony
>apple steps in to help sony

you misunderstand. it's not that the specific type of memory from a specific vendor is experiencing a shortage, but rather that NAND flash from pretty much every manufacturer is hard to get. the GPU mining and new phones have skyrocketed the demand and the fabs simply can't keep up

screens are a different case and i can see them swapping them out.

>May 31
>July 5
>We have now been able to increase demand beyond teh shortage of nand

good luck making one without memory

>proving him right.

Apple's facing supply chain issues of its own right now, it's possible they eased their grip on memory components given that they reportedly slashed production an order of magnitude

China need to whip those chinks harder

xbone atleast has some aaa mutlipiss aside from w10 xbox "exclusives".
switch wont get those, it will be yet another mario machine and nothing more

Switch already has game of the generation though

>it will be yet another mario machine and nothing more
and how is this bad??
I already have PC for AAA multiplats

>switch wont get those
Maybe, maybe not. Its currently getting a lot of AA games that the Wii U didn't have. A good reception of those plus holidays sales could change that in year 2.

>That's worse than a system that's been out for multiple years!

Well no fucking shit, really?