So, how was your Omega raid this week?

So, how was your Omega raid this week?
Finished head, also got gloves and belt
Planning to finish body and get trinket next week
3rd boss was terrible for some reason today, 5 fucking wipes during different runs, until I got loot from him

>actually attempting to get the body

Doesn't that take 4 weeks to get? By that time the new tome gear will be out.

>tfw 2 shaft, 1 pedal, 1 whatever the fuck the arm piece is, 1 crystalloid
Just fuck my gearing up senpai
Also why are OTs not taking Twin Bolt? No you can't heal through it if it one shots any non-tank that's less than full health. Why are these fucks NOT standing next to the MT when they don't have positionals?

4 parts
You can get them in 1-2 cd


Then why the fuck is everyone on /vg/ saying it takes 4 weeks!?

for a DPS its actually a good idea to get it early, as buying accessories/weaker armor is quicker to gear up once weekly tomes are out.

For a tank however, you'll want to prioritize the highest amount of defense/STR you can get, which ends up being body and legs from weekly tomes, so you end up prioritizing weaker armor 1st, and then legs. by the time weekly tomes come out, you'll have the body before you get it in omega.

pretty sure it drops in 2 of them

The same reason anyone fucks up anything, they're retarded.

legs require 4 parts, and show up on floors 3 and 4.

but the body is ONLY on floor 4, which means 4 weeks.

Haven't done O1 this week yet and did it only once last week so it took a while to remember what twin bolt is, but I remember having a same question when I was main tanking that.

It's amazing how Yoshida is lazy enough to rehash boss sprites from the 20 years old game
Nope, shaft drops fom the second boss for sure

Finished gloves and got one pedal
v1/2 went down on the first pull, v3/4 took 2 pulls each
Does lakshimi drop totems like susano?

2nd boss drops Pedals, Bolts, and Lens.

1st: Bolt, Chain, Pedal.
2nd: Bolt, Lens, Pedal.
3rd: Spring, Lens, Crank.
4th: Spring, Shaft, Crank.

>Does lakshimi drop totems like susano?


Waiting for some friends to come on because they complain if I do stuff wtihout them. I also ran someone through all of the ARR stuff solo on my PLD.

should do the fourjobfiesta

I'd rather do the ancient cave instead.

It's not a rehash, it's a reference o_<

I really don't feel like doing Catastrophe again, and the hats all look goofy anyway.

Did these rehash memes happen during crystal tower too? Or is this fresh new meme straight out of press?

>Nope, shaft drops fom the second boss for sure

>Hey buddy, are you gonna get on for raid this week?
>I don't know man, but don't clear it without me yet.

>Monday afternoon comes and he's still telling me to wait.

Is anyone else here doing their civic duty and queuing for Shinryu and other various difficult bosses to help new players through? I'm trying to carry people, but it seems like it just winds up with me being the last man standing after dancing contests.

>people slide off/get blasted off the platform all day every day
>there are 4 pairs of twin bolt and all the dps try to concentrate theirs on u
can't wait

Remember to always rep0rt stormshit threads so these fuckers go back to vg where they belong.

I sometimes join Susanoo and Lakshimi learnin/clear parties.
But I'd rather spend my time leveling alt jobs currently.
I think the true heroes are those who queue for main story roulette. Shitty dungeons with shittier rewards that are just waste of time for everyone, but still mandatory for new players to get to enjoy the better parts of the game (after they first clear the horrible grind of 2.x content)

I don't go out of my way to but if I happen to land something annoying in trial roulette, I just run with it.

>you will never be so buttblasted that you diligently sniff out threads of video games that killed your puppy quicker than people playing said video games

They buffed the shit out of MS recently. At level 69, I had got almost 4 million EXP for completing it.

tanking is the hardest and most important job in any mmo
you'll have to forgive them if they mess up a complex mechanic like that

respect your tank, dps scum




Are you okay, user-chan?

>For decades, tanking was always the most difficult job in 90% of content.
>FFXIV releases, turns it on its head by placing a lot of mechanics evenly on the raid instead of tanks alone.
>No longer looked to with reverence, only seen as another person in the raid.

Is troubadour as much of a crutch skill at it sounds?

Is it worth it to blow 1200 poetics into an IW weapon?
Feels like a waste.

It is
Just kill titan h unsync

I've got so many poetics that I ran out of things to buy and now own 40 portrits of Harchefaunt. You start to swim in them after a certain point because they drop from everything you do while leveling.

Can't do it alone, can I?
Don't you get gaol'd after some time?
My only level 70 class is a tank.

The thing is I'm doing this for an alt class so my only source of poetics is the roulettes.

At the moment, I enjoy DPS that can actually kill shit fast than a tank that can stand still and occasionally use cooldowns.

I want SE to release a Final Fantasy MMO with 16 bit sprite work. Fuck this 3D bullshit.

I was always sure that he can't gaol first person in the aggro list
But there also ifrit hard with better designed but weaker weapons
Anyway, getting 50lvl weapon is waste of time

Just have to get turn 4 piece, got the minion at least

I want SE to make ff16 a good game with turn based combat
Or at least SE to make ff16 with turn based combat

Are you doing it for the glamour? Then yes, there's no other option for you.

If you're doing it for the weapon's iLvl, you have other options in the market board and the hunt tokens.

Is it a bad idea to macro Refulgent Arrow and Straight Shot into one button?

Crutch or clutch? It's certainly very strong and will probably see good use in progression.

>There's one plate for every specific job, except for 1 player, who needs to be a frog

got everything in an hour. this forced content drought is so fucking anoying, i know its their way of desperately trying to squeze more sub time out of players but holding back savage for another week still pisses me of.

In general, everyone notices when good DPS is there because everything goes faster and in turn, there's less stress on the tank and healer due to the shorter phases. When the tank is bad, unless he dies, only the healer is going to notice. Also, it can be difficult to notice a pub healer is bad because seeing dead DPS in a pub isn't particularly noteworthy.

I sort of like the fact that DPS has some importance now, in older MMO design, it felt like the fights were mostly at your leisure, and even if a fight took twice as long, you could still finish it ok.


Oh well, missed a turn piece

>get 3 upgrades from omega
>direct hit gets boosted by over 300 as nin
>no difference in dps


Isn't it only the second week since the raid came out? Because you need 4 shafts for body armor. Unless I'm missing something.

You can tell when a tank is bad because aggro on things is an actual issue. I really only notice bad healers as a tank funnily enough, in the last 5 days or so of me doing dungeons, almost every single healer has been a scholar and maybe 1 in every 7 was decent

you guys know the double-pull right after the first boss on coeurlfist temple? the one with birds + bear + lots of doblyns?

my last couple of roulettes i got into there I tried doing it but the healer just couldn't keep me up, but I'm literally not doing anything different. is that pull extremely difficult for healers or are they just bad?

I've never really noticed aggro issues outside of random dungeon trash pulls, and mainly that's from the DPS splitting their single target damage between two targets. As a DPS in dungeons, I usually wait for the other guy to start attacking before I /assist him so our targeting is synced, or at least mark targets beforehand to try and get everyone attacking the same target.

Also, Yoshi needs to bring back CC in dungeons, I hate how loose everything feels when dealing with trash like it's not even a threat.

since sb started i've noticed bad healers left and right
like either fucking up mechanics completely or just not healing raidwide damage at all, so lots of dps are taking intended unavoidable damage then dying to the aoe stuff that follows

I think the bird can burst you down suddenly, depending if the healer knows about it and keeps an emergency heal available it should be manageable. Doesn't necessarily means the healer is bad.

that pull would be absolutely perfect for warrior if it still had bloodbath
i will never get over them losing it

Will YoshiP fix/buff SCH/WAR/MCH next week?

Everything seems more or less balanced aside from those jobs. DRG could possibly use a buff as well.

I wouldn't even know if a healer is bad because I've never actually played healer and don't know what their capabilities are.

Plenty of ranged are a lonewolf/special snowflake and stand stupidly far away from aoe heals and heal zones. Not gonna single heal any faggot who thinks he's too good to stop his epeen dps to get heals.

>16 bit sprite work
I understand you like sprites, but those two things don't mix well.

pls reply

I did it a few runs of v1 today as mt. The damage dealt when standing alone was so low. I know there's a tether, but I don't know how far away the off tank need to be before it gets higher damage.

>tunnel vision dps who ignore every mechanic and refuse to get better

My fault for using duty finder I guess

It's not the damage you take, but it's the damage the other person gets.

there's nothing wrong with SCH or MCH, they just need to git gud and learn to play the fucking class

WAR, on the other hand, needs to be put back on their 3.0 footing. they lost too much of what classically defines them as warriors, and the job just doesn't distinguish itself anymore from the pack.

I had a tank who was standing in deliverance during the twinbolt, not a problem except he wasn't using Rampart or anything when it'd go off.

>Me (WAR) and a friend (WHM) manage to get clears and good farm parties for everything
>Invite 2 friends (NIN and BLM) that have played with us once they get there
>Massive problems in DPS, WHM friends decides to parser
>Both our friends are sub 2k in ilvl 300+
>Tell them to get good
>NIN goes over to 2.7-3k in Susano runs by checking FFlogs rotations and practicing religously with a dummy (no food or potions), BLM friends stay at 1.5k.

They want to clear Savage content with us but that BLM won't shut up about his glamour instead of improving his DPS, what do, or are BLM just fucked?

SCH needs a lot of knowledge about a fight for some rather subpar results. They get cucked on shield and utility by AST and on raw healing by WHM.

BLM are kings right now (below SAM tho, because everyone is), and your friend is a shitter. Into the trash he goes.

I agree for warriors, the class just isn't the powerhouse it once was and it feels like there's no unique reason to take one over another tank. I'd rather the tanks all have their own niche specialties rather than make them more similar to each other.

I do like that Inner Beast technically gives them better mitigation against tankbusters though due to the ease of using it with another CD whenever you want it. So compared to other tanks, who come with an innate -20% damage reduction, warriors get a +20% extra HP/Healing and a -20% damage taken during IB, meaning you have a lot more wiggle room on hard hitting phases.

You're a faggot with a lack of imagination.

it's a fucking healing class, just press your 2-3 buttons and throw out heals. how difficult is this supposed to be? I swear I'll never understand the chucklefucks who play the SCH class.

every single dps in this game should be pulling 3k at minimum at this gear level
as much as people like to meme about the shed, none of the dps classes are that much worse than the other ones

>tfw didn't get my shaft last week so now I'm a week behind on my chestpiece
>tfw I don't even give a fuck since Savage is dropping next week and it'll be replaced with 330 gear.

>tfw the pld casts clemency when excognition is on him


How about you try it then fagwipe then you can tell us your opinion without sounding like a complete retard.

>Tfw the PLD covers you

Oh yes daddy

Just unlink the fucking eyes from BotD already. I'd still not like the mechanic very much but at least I would not be butt blasted every time a fucking 30s phase transition happens. Lakshmi is always fucking rage inducing.

your insult game needs work, son. keep on being shit at the game.

>tfw the tank won't stop taking BIG DAMAGE because he big dick pulls but doesn't use a single defense cooldown so I have to stop casting holy spam halfway through my spam to heal him

Also I though fey union was supposed to be a game changer. Its not very strong at all even at 100 fairy points.

>A pld actually using cover
Good joke

>tank does this and I target him to lustrate
>lost the mob I was dotting to bane
>have to start over

>BRD synced to a level without Iron Jaws

>I though fey union was supposed to be a game changer
It technically is a game changer, in that it forces you to change the way you play the game by rolling an AST or WHM instead.

>Using Bane.

>friend tells me to wait and we will play together since he's a tank
>only end up playing an hour or two a night because he has to do his BT dailies and level his crafters first every day
>after two weeks since launch we were only just coming to Yanxia

But I feel like WARs are even more married to their tank stance than other tanks, which makes it harder to push out max dps if you are main tanking.

But I'm still pretty happy with my WAR, it's not like I'll be doing savage any time soon, so absolute top performance isn't that important for me.
One tiny change that I'd maybe make would take the "ignore CC effects" out of Inner Release and put them in Shake it Off.

>putting off NEW content to do fucking dailies and crafter leves
The absolute madman, call him out on it. The right way to play an expansion is to just drop everything and do the new shit THEN come back to the old grind. That shit isn't going anywhere.

Neither is the new stuff.

>"ignore CC effects" out of Inner Release and put them in Shake it Off.
What? no, nothing is better than poping Inner Release as a knockback attack comes and you just hammer in the Fell Cleaves + Upheaval.

And in regards to your first statement, kinda, yeah....It's not THAT difficul to MT shit in Deliverance but you will most certainly get your shit pushed in because no Inner Beast unless you REALLY know the fight.

As always, enmity generation is no issue as a WAR if you manage your rotations (or at least I have had none, even with SAMs and RDM going full haram)

>it's not like I'll be doing savage any time soon
then what the fuck are you playing the game for? daily expert roulettes?

True but why would you not do the new stuff first and foremost?

I'd love to use Cover more but I feel like it needs some god-tier reaction timing to really get the most out of it.
I only ever throw it up on someone when they're already about to die but rarely does it actually save them.

If the new stuff is more interesting, would you do that then get bored out of your mind once it's done or getting bored first and then do the exciting stuff.

Say something nice about your 33 years old healer

>TBN the healer for every party-wide aoe attack
>they /embrace you at the end of the dungeon
bitch i don't want your loose cunt, i'm just trying to get my bblood going

>What? no, nothing is better than poping Inner Release as a knockback attack comes and you just hammer in the Fell Cleaves + Upheaval.
That's great if the timing happens to be exactly right and you have berserk off cooldown and gauge filled. But if you'd have to chose between maximizing damage out of Inner Release vs Avoiding a knockback, the big dick deeps is probably always better.
Putting it on Shake it off, would make that currently lackluster skill a bit more useful while not really taking anything away.

Leveling alts, fishing, helping people clear Susanoo and Lakshimi, and just general waiting for 4.1.

I'd rather do it first since it's you know CURRENT CONTENT and I like to run new content with my friends.