Should I do it Sup Forums?

Should I do it Sup Forums?

if you're going to get a console, PS4 is the only one worth owning

why not? don't have one? get one, it has a good library

>console shooters

If it isn't the Pro, don't fucking bother

I got a ps4 almost a week ago. I've had a ton of fun with bloodborne, I wish more people could play it.

>PS4 bundled with a remake and a multiplat

It's like pottery.

>fps on console

Looks like a good deal, desu

>Overwatch on console
but then again that looks like a pretty good price for a new console. can you get it with a different game than overwatch?

Once again Canadians don't get shit

If you have to ask, then no.

Pro is only good if you have a 4k TV. There is nothing wrong with an original or slim ps4.

Good price but I would probably sell the controller and the overwatch game.

Iirc doesn't the Pro have better specs, decreased loading times, and the ability to connect to 5G internet connections?

Why not?

That's a pretty great deal, I would
Playing a shooter on a console is dumb but the N.Sane Trilogy is good, and you get a second controller
Get it, sell Overwatch, and buy something else for it with the money

Pro is the better choice regardless of your TV for 99 different small reasons, however it's up to each person if the price difference between it and the standard model is worth it.
Btw wifi speeds isn't one of those reasons, the newer basic PS4 (what we call "slim" PS4, the one in OP's pic) has the same wifi chip as the Pro.

Yes that price is amazing on it's own, even more so when you get a second controller and Crash Remakes. You can sell Overwatch for more cash.

Pro or none at all.

Yes. But sell Overmeme and get Bloodborne instead.

user where did you see that deal? Is it gone? It's on for 343 for me.