Castlevania Thread

I've tried to play this game a few times but never really felt a sense of progression or had a lot of fun with it.

It reminds me of when I first played Dark Souls, it took me a few tries but now it's one of my favourite games. I'm sure this is the same for a lot of Sup Forumsirgins.

Help me get into the game. Should I use a guide?

Kill yourself 90's baby.

Fuck you grandpa

If you have a hard time getting into things it's not for you and you shouldn't force yourself to like things.

>never really felt a sense of progression

>le Dark Souls

Kill yourself

As I explained, I had a hard time getting into dark souls but I found it to be worth it after I forced myself.

I don't know I just felt lost. Which is great in some games, but in this case it intimidated me because I didn't know where I was going or where to go.

>Should I use a guide?
on how to make a noose

No, you should drop that trash for a good Castlevania game like pic related

Backtrackavanias were a mistake

I know what you mean, its a big game and unless you're 100% dedicated its easy to get stuck in a loop of wandering around the already explored parts instead of venturing into new places.

I suggest a simple walkthrough that gives you a route to follow.

Or you could try playing Rondo of Blood first, its much more linear and will have you craving more. Which is good since SOTN is the direct sequel storywise.

>I don't know I just felt lost
I wouldn't describe this as the game lacking "sense of progression" but more of a lack of "sense of orientation" on your end.
Just keep moving forward, if you can't access something for some reason take a mental note for later. Is this your first game of this kind?

Thanks I'll try both of these out

I thought it would be a lot like Metroid (because of the "Metroidvania" genre but it's not at all.

So yeah it's my first castlevania sidescroller

You do know there's a fucking map?
And there's usually only one way to actually progress because you can't reach anywhere else until you get certain abilities

Castle my asshole

OP here, I'm also pretty bad at the game. I found going through some hallways would be a nightmare to get out of alive.

Any tips on getting gud?

>Should I use a guide?
Are you retarded?

Truth is SotN is not as good game a game as most make it out to be.
The rpg elements make it piss easy unless you intentionally gimp yourself so that you end with some semblance of challenge, playing normally you can kill most bosses without even learning their patterns or dodging properly. One of the bosses even just expects (according to the librarian info you can buy) you to have an item that absorbs lightning so that the attacks don't harm you, terrible.
The upgrade path is very weird, instead of feeling like a game where you go on a certain path, and some parts are blocked and you should note them down for when you can access them, you generally just fuck around the castle, find a ton of "useless" upgrades, eventually find some that are not that important but let you acces new optional areas, and two or three that are actually relevant to progressing to the end of the game. Some are so poorly thought out they are only used for a single screen of the game (bat sonar, spike armor, etc)

People meme that Castlevania is super difficult, but if your a patient, observant player it is nowhere near as difficult as people make it out to be. You don't just bum rush through the entire game unless you're speedrunning. You take it slow, observe patterns in enemies, learn how effective your weapons are in a given situation, etc. Being patient makes the game much more easy to complete

>use a guide for sotn

how could you need a guide for could you not feel a sense of progression in a game where you get equipment or level up every 45 seconds for the first 10 hours

>People meme that Castlevania is super difficult, but if your a patient, observant player it is nowhere near as difficult as people make it out to be.

they're not talking about sotn. when sotn is mentioned here people usually pick on it for its low difficulty

op is like 14 and because he's generation Z he panics without having a guide. the game isn't even remotely hard early on

I'm 24, just not used to this sort of game

Are there any good mobile castlevanias?




>Are there any good mobile castlevanias?

can you just leave your own thread now? thanks.

Yeah, SOTN isn't difficult aside from a boss fight. But OP was also talking about Rondo of Blood which I replied to. In those cases, it's a game of patience.

OP is not ever going to play a classic castlevania if he can't enjoy sotn in the first 5 seconds of the game

im close to being as oldschool as they get and classicvanias suck btw. its one of those things where seemingly everyone wants to say they were good as some kind of "cred" thing. I hated the series when it was brand fucking new, the gameplay seemed abysmal compared to capcom games

Play circle of the moon instead, it's the most fun castlevania

I'll try that out thanks

Get a Genesis emulator and play CV Bloodlines

Best of the classicvanias. People here will suck Rondo's dick, and it's good, but it's no Bloodlines

rofl hes going to start it up and be like "wtf this is the same fucking thing"

You're definitely underage or a normie.
Either way go fuck yourself.

not canon ;)
still brety gud though

>Should I use a guide?
For one of the easiest games released for the PS1? Yeah, go ahead.

I came in this thread to laugh at you


mfw i found the fucking crissaegrim and broke the fucking game

>try to farm yasutsuna
>takes 17 hours of autistic 100% efficiency farming
>walk into a book
>crissaegrim falls out

jesus fucking Christ OP

press select

There's the fucking map

Fill it in like your colouring in puzzle from school last week

If you get stuck come back to it later you chucklefuck

>Are there any good mobile castlevanias?

Yes. Pretty much all of the GBA and DS Castlevanias, although they follow Symphony of the Night's Metroidvania formula. There's also The Dracula X Chronicles on PSP, which is a full remake of a previously Japan-exclusive Classicvania game, as well as containing the original version of the game and a port of SOTN as unlockable extras.

If you're asking about Castlevania on your tablet or phone, don't bother. Castlevania never really made the jump to that. There was a puzzle game along the lines of Sega's Columns based on SOTN, but that's really stretching the definition of "Castlevania game".

Have we finally found Castlevania's answer to "y cant Metroid crawl?!?"

But Sony already won baby

And what does that have to do with the price of tea in China?

So have any of the fags here actually played a PC Engine game besides Rondo?

Yes,the PC Engine is my 4th favourite console of all time.

I was obviously talking about 3ds, ds, gba

Where can i get a shield? I'm getting my ass rammed by the other alucard. He throws so many fuckin knives damn

>OP and this whole thread

Let Seele know we've found the 2nd Child

OP here

Fuck you guys I'm gunna beat this game of out spite

Cheers mate, it's a fantastic console

Love me some Bonk, Parasol Stars, Soldier Blade and Ys

Should we tell him about the 2nd castle?