Here's how to make Winston viable:

Here's how to make Winston viable:

Increase Tesla Cannon damage from 60 to 63 per second
Buff his bubble from 600 to 800, decrease cool down from 13 to 11 seconds
Decrease cool down of jump pack from 6 to 4 seconds
Increase knock back of primal rage by 15%
Invisibility frames while entering primal rage

There, I just made him pickable. In his current state he's vastly underpowered and underrepresented.

He's pretty useful as is. A small buff to his barrier would be welcome i suppose.

People still care about this game?

>dive meta in full swing with Winston running around like he just escaped the LA County prison
>wants to buff him


But he's literally top tier as of now

He's one of the top 2 picks in the game right now. Why is Sup Forums so shit at video games?

>Here's how to make Winston viable:
he already is get out of silver


>invisibility frames


>Underpowered and underrepresented
So you don't even play the game or are you in bronze?

>not viable

I dont know what to say. This has got to be a troll. Nobody is that fucking stupid

there's literally no level or situation in the game where winston isn't useful
where are you getting this information from?

>5% damage buff on his main weapon

Why tho? What does 5% even do to help? If you think it's too weak you should take it much further, otherwise leave it where it is.

I'm pretty sure he's fine as he is. If you had said this a few months ago I would have agreed

Nobody needed a fucking buff before Roadhog, not even him.
This community bitches about everything.

he is very very useful if you're not shit and don't have bad healers

>Invisibility frames

Literally the best bank in the game right now.

OP has clearly been in a coma for a while.

I find the enemy Mercy always escaping with a slither of health so yes, 5% is enough.

>Invisibility frames while entering primal rage
Sounds sick.


> Be talon soldier getting charged by armored Gorilla
> Pretty fucking intimidating, but you raise your gun and prepare to stand your ground
> Suddenly gorilla vanishes
> Reappears behind you while glowing red and roaring

To spooky

Are you fucking retarded?

>Make Tesla Cannon halve healing received on enemies while it's damaging them
>Tweak Jump Pack so he jumps in the direction you're aiming, not whatever the fuck it's supposed to be doing now
There, he's perfect. No damage or cooldown buffs needed.

Maybe they should give Winston a move that lets him pursue an escaping enemy while also doing damage to finish off any fleeing low-health enemies. Give it a short cooldown too, like 5 seconds or something. Winston would be pretty good if he had that kind of move.

You forgot
>Allow him to actually rape other characters in the game
>He becomes invincible during the 20-minute animation during which all game progress is paused

you misspelled "broken"

how about you play a challenging hero you brainlet winston main

He's pretty on point as he is right now, learn to play him and get ult charge the right way.

That buff to the CD timer of his barrier was all he needed.

Learn how to melee cancel then you shitter

Why is Winston so overpowered lore-wise?

Hes beaten both Reaper and Doomfist, the stupid monkey might as well just destroy Talon himself

Because he's willing to solo ult people

how come people dont need Reinhardt in GM?

How do we fix Dive meta?

Because dive is the meta right now, so if you want to have a decent chance at winning you need to play Winston.

Gorillas are strong m8

How does a meta start? Serious question.
A few months ago Reinhardt was in like every comp.

Dive comp totally shits on Rein, he isn't move fast enough to react to it.

Nerfs/Buffs. Sometimes nerfs to strong characters is enough to allow other characters to shine.

He's literally the most picked hero ever now. Every single game has a Winston on both teams, the life of a healer is literal hell now, they need to do something to nerf his monkey ass, but they probably wont touch them just like they still let symmetra easily take down entire teams with her gun.

People find what they think is the best strategy, the meta shifts when someone figures out a way to beat that strategy, the more variables in the game and the more autists playing the more likely that happens.

>highest picked hero right now
>underpowered and underrepresented

Tweaks and teams experimenting with comps or copying gooks.

Right now Dive is meta because high mobility and multiple flankers rush down your supports and anything that usually tries to counter Pharah/Winston/Mercy.

decrease the size of dva's d-matrix reservoir but up the recharge rate to compensate. it's the fact that that smug little whore can just render her winston, genji and tracer all invulnerable at once for four whole goddamn seconds that makes dive so crazy.

Combination of dive, but also literally every ability of Reinhardt's is bugged right now.

The current meta is largely caused by Ana's big nerfs. Reinhardt was essential because Ana's insane healing output basically made him immortal, so he was essential to play. Winston's shield also got a substantial buff.

On top of that, you could argue that dive is the natural state of a game like Overwatch. Because of the incredible importance of team play, just rushing in and trying to pick off an enemy and turning the fight into a 6v5 basically guarantees you win.

This. Winston is good right now but Dva is the dive enabler with the one of the best defensive ability in the game in conjunction with stupid fast positioning.

What really killed him was the earthshatter nerf, great crowd control ulti that now can't even hit double jumping genjis anymore. Also doesn't help with how they buffed winston's barrier to be out more frequently.

I seriously have no idea why they removed the minimum distance on defense matrix. Not only does it make no sense conceptually (defense matrix is actually her shooting down projectiles manually so the lack of minimum distance means she has literally no reaction time) but it means she can block literally everything just by aiming vaguely in someone's direction.

>D.Va main: "b-b-but then someone can just run up and shoot me ;-;"
Then either shoot them back or use your escape move that only has a 5 second cooldown.

is it me or cow robot centaur is just shit?

It made sense when roadhog was actually a threat

She used to tear down offense Rein's shield very quickly, but now since the cannon got nerfed it does that slower
I'm a goldshitter and using her on Anubis at the perch near the bridge lets me rip shields and form a defensive point with good sightlines on it

It depends on buff and nerfs.

>Ana is released
>Ana has god tier burst heal and is able to keep tanks alive.
>Tanks do absurd damage and can one shot heros.
>The tank meta is born.

Fast forward 6 months

>Ana is nerfed and burst healing is nerfed. Tanks can no longer sustain themselves
>Tanks damage have been nerfed. Can no longer one shot enemy.
>With healing nerfed it comes down to who has their healers up, that is what wins fights
>People make comps dedicated to jumping on a healer and bursting them down. (Tracer winstion,
>This now puts us in the dive comp.

With the inclusion of doomfist divecomp only looks to get stronger. Which is good becuase high level play of overwatch in the meta right now consists of playing Characters who *DO NOT* need to aim.

They should focus on buffing characters that can take out flankers. Buff Mcree, buff roadhog, maybe even nerf soldiers damage.

How do I not become shit at fighting against narutobot

I feel like playing only one type of meta, or not allowing it to change may be boring.
Would a character that stops the dive meta be a smart move?
Will Defense heroes be useful anytime soon?
I wish the meta changes consistently but then again I am not a tourneyfag so this might not be a good idea.

>charge someone
>they just bounce away a little instead of getting pinned

There's already several characters who could stop the dive meta, but they're all underpowered. Additionally, Blizzard takes forfuckingever to make a new character so by the time they make a new dive counter the meta will probably shift. Doomfist would have been a quad tank counter, but quad tank is already busted.

No and they never will be. Blizzard admits this is by design, because defense characters are frustrating for new and low skill players to play against. Junkrat is the biggest example, being a top 6 pick in bronze. The only way defense characters get better if if they rework and reclassify literally everyone and that won't happen.

what the fuck is Dive?
I dont follow the meta nonsense

She's OK on KotH to pull people down pits.

"Dive" is a team comp that centers around incredibly mobile characters that just dive in from all directions to the enemy team and pick it apart. It used to require a high amount of skill to pull off because it normally features squishy characters who are easy to hit, and being separated means it's harder for them to receive support from their healers. Now the biggest counters to dive have been nerfed and the two highest mobility tanks were both buffed so it's become the default meta.

Correction, easy to kill, not hit. Tracer isn't easy to hit, but she only has 150 health so she's easy to kill if you can hit her.

How come Sup Forums constantly calls Overwatch such a casual game yet demonstrates such little understanding of the (simple too) meta? Most discussion in here gives me the impression most of the people screaming muh casual are in silver.