prey will be GOTY. name one thing about this game that makes it worse than its competitors
Prey will be GOTY. name one thing about this game that makes it worse than its competitors
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Literally just the publisher, my dear meme slave.
Nier Automata would be goty. Prey is my runner up after it however. Nothing has touched me like Automata did in well over a decade, so while Prey was pretty good there's just no contest.
But we all know BOTW will win, realistically speaking.
Never played this trash. Was hyped until i saw some gameplay. Im happy w/ skyrim and fallout 3. Bethesda should do something new or keel over. Sick of this game getting mad props for the same game with a space theme. If we are picking more than "one thing" id also say because it is dogshit
memes aside how was this? thinking of picking it up next sale
yeah it's one of the better games but arkane still made too many compromises for the modern console retard audience
mario or zelda will win GOTY easily though
>video game """""""""""""awards""""""""""""""""""
yes i played prey and it was fun, but goty is an utterly meaningless term
it was done better 20 years ago and will be done better again soon
The Legend of Zelda™: Breath of the Wild won The Game Awards 2017. Horizon: Zero Dawn won a bunch of other awards. Prey won a participant award.
>participant award
basically bioshock and deus ex mixed with a space setting is probably the best way to describe it, if you like those games youll like this though id say compared to those the combat takes just a little step back
thanks user
It isn't Nioh or Nier: Automata.
>Bioshock in a space setting
Levine will look at Prey's sales and goes "Oh fuck this type of sp games isn't gonna sell"
Rip SS3
Ken isn't involved thank god but waren spector is iirc
levine has nothing to do with ss3 thank god. he reformed irrational under a new name to make """""""emergent narrative-driven titles""""""""
yea but still its a shame this kind of niche game only cater to a very small audience. I have this feeling even if SS3 is near perfect game, sales won't even be able to recoup production costs
Hmmm... no
Its the worst "sim game"/451 game by far - setting is generic and overplayed and the combat is clunky as shit. That would be fine if that weren't for the fact that stealth is usually non viable.
Haven't beat it yet so time will tell but judging by my time with it i can tell you its not GOTY material
literally ASS the game
Any news as to what projects they are working on or has it just been 4 years of silence
eh, it has a shot of piggybacking off normies associating it vaguely with bioshock and buying, prey didn't have that name recognition and normalfags don't know that everything Arkane makes is a spirtual successor to some Looking Glass game
who knows, maybe its vapourware now after seeing Deus Ex MD, Dishonored 2 and Prey bombed
>4 years
the teaser was like 2015 dude. I imagine the remake will get out the doors first and 3's marketing machine will build off that
remake looks like shit imo
Man dont remind me about Deus Ex MD
HR was fucking kino and then square absolutely dicked Eidos and now the series is gonna be dead for a decade if not forever
They seem to be milking that Bioshock legacy for all its worth
It's boring.
I really like the game and I think it will become almost a cult classic, but it's just boring. I didn't feel compelled to drive forward.
>2 enemies and they are always disguised as shit
huge, huge design mistake
definitely GOTY
game emphasizes on gameplay which is a good thing. Unlike faggots who enjoy visual novels with pokemon gameplay like P5
Is this nigger serious?
>falling for the bait
Boring gameplay, extremely easy, boring enemies and shit story/setting.
The Nightmare which is hyped up to be this huge threat in the trailer is a complete joke and you can kill it in like 5 shotgun blasts.
Which is actually pretty much my only nitpick of the game.
Subnautica or Everspace will be GOTY, there's just no way this streamer bait can compete.
I can't fuck up the aliens with Cherokee spirit magic.
Question, how does one not get bored with the Nier:Automata gameplay, I understood the story was absolutely perfect, but I find the gameplay a drag. Should I just look the story online?
Bioshock is system shock in an u derwater setting, plus, are you complaining that we get more games that use the system shock formula?I can't wait for the remake
Prey is a fantastic game but it does nothing new and doesn't really have any WOW-factor.
Going to be forgotten and will probably get a few awards but nothing substantial.
>you can kill it in like 5 shotgun blasts.
You playing on normal or easy? Because that's complete bullshit on hard.
However you can still kill it easily with max leveled powers on hard.
Speaking of Prey, does death ever matter in the original?
I played the two Thief games and am currently playing Deus Ex for the first time right now and they're all pure kino.
Does SS2 hold up and how does it compare to the other ones I mentioned?
Are you calling Prey streamer bait?
My favorite of the three, it absolutely holds up
No I'm complaining that he explained it as bioshock in space when as you said, bio is SS underwater so the correct explanation is calling it a SS style game, which it is
SS2 is the best. Just don't listen to all the memers who have barely played the game and say you need to specialize in hacking. Pick marines as your class and go standard weapons-3 heavy weapons-6. It lets you basically pick up and use every single ammunition type in the game, which means you won't be starving for resources like if you waste your points on hacking.
once you get enough skill to use the assault rifle you have basically won the game, although it is possible to fuck up somehow and not be able to beat the final boss without enough hacking skill or ICEpicks on you, luckily ICEpicks aren't that hard to get
SS1 is also quite good
Are there any recommended mods or is vanilla SS2 the way to go?
>SS1 is also quite good
Isn't this the game where the controls, no kidding, take up half your keyboard?
Yes, of course. Sometimes I wish they created a new IP, something fresh. Like Dishonored, maybe.
I dunno about half a keyboard, but it is pretty clunky, especially in cyberspace.
Should I play the first one before the second one?
playing 1 vanilla, keyboard only, can be a pain in the ass but there are mouselooks mods and the enhanced edition being sold has that baked in
I would say go vanilla 2 but SHTUP is great for vanilla look, but better if you really want something
they recap the first one in the opening cutscene of 2 well enough, still a good game that you should play though.
Thanks guys, they're next on my list after Deus Ex.
Yeah no, It's not like Bioshock.
It's more like Half life than either of those two games.
Prey sucks. Everybody knows it. The ONLY people defending it are the retards who paid for price for it.
learn how to write dumbass
It's a good game but like most have said it doesnt do anything new or take much risk.
I'm still playing it, but have restarted 3 times because I didn't hard save enough to go back and change some of my decisions.
Not really keen on enemies being too far from human either, kinda feels like youre fighting smoke at times.
Back to rebbit
You can become an Archvile.
I pirated it and i'd defend it as a pretty good game, but i beat it in a handful of hours and cant see how it justifies its price. I could eat for a week on that cost.
Why the fuck is mentioning reddit considered spam? This game won't win GOTY because they didn't fucking like it.
Handful of hours? I'm 6 hours in after 2 restarts of 5 hours each. What difficulty do you have it on?
Also, Goty will either go to Horizon or some Nintendo shit like BotW or Odyssey.
You can beat the game in 7 minutes.
Wtf I hate Morrowind now.
>food analogy
This is when you know people are defending a lost cause.
Are you an retard?
Tell me about how video games are like food.
only if you glitch though.
I tend to play on the hardest difficulty to get the most out of the game and test myself but I found the hardest difficulty too hard in Prey. I need to use quick save way more than i do.
Dishonored 2 duh