>tfw Oblivion's main storyline revolved around repeatedly closing oblivion gates and it sucked balls
Tfw Oblivion's main storyline revolved around repeatedly closing oblivion gates and it sucked balls
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Yeah Oblivion sucked major dick compared to Morrowind we all know this
>tfw tried to replay Oblivion on 360
>those caves levels
Jesus fucking christ
On the plus side I have never and will never actually do any main storyline quests.
It's the Daedra.. you see.
>Yeah Oblivion sucked major dick compared to Morrowind we all know this
The only good parts of Morrowind haven't aged well. The only thing I can think of that's still better in Morrowind is the main quest and the environments.
by the time I actually got around to doing the main quest line, I had 100% chameleon spell and just ran past everything in those dumb gates
I just used an Acrobatics spell from a mod and jumped my way up those towers. Shit sucked so damn much.
Don't you only go into the gates like 2, maybe 3 times during the main quest? It's been a while, I could be dead wrong about that.
Dude, you close gates in just about every city and then you keep going inside the realm of the daedra to defeat Mankor-whateverhislastnamewas.
>Wanted to close every gate
>In the end get tired
>Open console -> toggle collision
Couldn't you never start the main quest which made no oblivion gates spawn? I forget
who cares. i didn't enter kvatch until 130 hours into my first playthrough. there's a lot more to the game than that.
I think you have to close at least 10 gates.
Yeah, that's right: en.uesp.net
the required amount of gates you need to close is 2
Fuck no. You need to close the Kvatch one, the one at Burma and the Great Gate.
I like the oblivion gates. There's a certain appeal to them with that hellish and lava environment. It feels cool going in and closing them.
I guess they are pretty repetitive, though. I think I closed like a maximum of 13 in my longest playthrough.
Have you heard of the High Elves?
They're not well designed, they're repetitive and offer nothing innovative to the player. It's going from point A to point B.
Wow, so 3 whole gates