>browse niconico to watch Japanese streamers play 16-bit games, hidden gems, majong, weird phone games and JRPGs

>japs stream nothing but PUBG, steam indies, CoD, Battlefield, Minecraft

what the fuck happened?

Other urls found in this thread:


The third nuke.

It was never meant to be an actual nuke, but the slow, painful, metaphorical nuke. Dissolving the last semblance of Japanese culture and pride. Now the Japanese culture is a shell of its former self, absorbed and twisted by the desires and trends of the west. MacArthur finally got his revenge.

From what I've seen it's not like jap LPs are any better than english ones. They either have that annoying machine voice or are ウェーイ spouting DQN.

Do they fuck.

I want to befriend Manana

Westaboos need to die

searches turn up nothing, source?

God bless the U.S

Chio-chan is for Andou

1. You're a fucking liar. It does turn up the title.
2. It's right there in the image.
Fuck off idiot.

>this bad at googling
>fucking title page

You're a retard enabler. Congratulations.


it's getting a god tier anime adaptation in 2018:

Has the snake meme spread over to them yet?

Everyone must know my boy Andou deserves to win the Chiobowl

>have to login to watch a live stream

Yeah but Manana isn't going to let Chio have nice things and get a one up over her in life which is why it'll never happen.

Is it actually good?

>he doesn't have a nico account

I have the original before razer bought the rights to it.
They're meh. It's was OK for WoW back when there were enough skills to warrant it. No point in getting one now.

Japanese people are more similar to us than you think.
>"Look, I’m playing with somebody right now. Can you just go away? You’re annoying me.”
>“What’s with that? How come you’re willing to play with some random stranger, but not me? What’s so bad about me, huh?”
>“Okay, well, one, you’re a total sore loser! You start crying and punching me and stuff. That’s not exactly fun for me, you know, putting up with you!”
>“Is that what you want? Well, fine. I won’t play any games with you at all. Ever! For my whole life!”
>“Yeah, do what you want. I don’t care. But if you come back later and ask to play, don’t expect me to say yes.”

>We will live long enough to see the Kancho battle animated

I can't wait.

American-style Capitalism and consumption is seductive, no matter how much you pinkos wanna deny it.


>No point in getting one now.
It looks comfier than keyboard and I like wrist rests, but good mech keyboard dont have them

The dude's come a long way from his porn-drawing days. Kudos to him.

Probably one of the best manga to have come out in recent time.

I just wish the art was consistently good, some times it's awful and sometimes it's almost perfect.

japs are a bunch of faggots here's why

They ran out of of all the former?

to make it worse you need to pay NicoNico a monthly fee to be able to stream to their site.

[wish to know more intensifies]

>japs start doing doujin for money instead of fun
>japs od DLSite start to tru using an Eraly Access model
>japs discover crowdfunding and hold their artistic production to earn more

the only doujin soft I loved was from 1999 to 2010

these days my favorite devs from that period do:

>DRM infested releases
>tower defense shit
>card game shit

I can understand op's post, but yours bugs me.

Are you upset that artists are trying to earn a living doing what they enjoy doing?

Like that shit will get leaked regardless, doujins always do, look at shindoL.

>I've lived long enough to see Sam Fischer and 47 animated

What's that white line on the bottom of your crop? You should give a little more effort when making them, man.