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Never because FFXIV succeeded and they don't want another MMO to compete with it. Yes, their logic is stupid since money for both games goes back to the same company. And releasing a new MMO could actually be used as a form of advertising FFXIV. But this is SquareEnix we're talking about. They go out of their way to do the wrong thing. Just like they'll find some way to fuck up the western release of DQXI.

>This motherfucking game has more versions that RE4
>None of them are localized

Fuck Square.

>DQX will be five years old next month
>Somehow in those five years Squeenix has never found the time to localize it

I played FFXIV for one month then dropped it. If this game had come out, I would have been playing it for four years straight. But I guess SquareEnix is happy I spend $30 on FFXIV and doesn't want the $900 I would have spent on DQX by now.

>game gets ported to PC
>Japan only for 3 years until it gets released in China
>doesn't get released in the west or Korea
You can't make this stuff up.


Please play FFXIV.

After millions of people spam their support with requests. Only about 100,000 people have done it so far (which should be enough but SquareEnix is Konami level stubborn).

to get your $900 they'd have to sacrifice 9 billion yen from extremely xenophobic Japanese people who don't want dirty foreigners in their games.

Western players don't play on Japanese servers. And if anyone is xenophobic, its the western players.

When Phantasy Star Online 2 comes here

I already do.

So is there any sort of unofficial English patch for this game? How about an out of game story translation? Frankly I don't care if I have to alt-tab out to read the story but I can't just play the game without context.

SE honestly has a unique opportunity. The biggest problem with MMOs usually is how incomplete and flawed they are at launch, which causes people to leave. This game has three expansions and has smoothed out what few flaws it had. So releasing it to the west now would make it well received for being a polished, complete MMO. That is, for the few people who play it because SquareEnix wouldn't market it or even tell people it came out.

Some people translated the prologue, but nothing else. The biggest problem with trying to play this game would be needing the menues/items translated. As well as ip blocking.

Squeenis only cares about the money of faggy tweenagers who worship the metrosexual fuccbois in Final Fantasy as far as America and Europe is concerned.

We've known this for some time.

This mentality was mostly Wada. And it has changed since the new management took over. Notice how every DQ game since 2015 has come to the west. The problem is, Dragon Quest X came out in 2012, when Wada and his crazy astrology driven decisions were still in control. DQX probably won't come to the west because SquareEnix now thinks its peak period has passed. Of course that is their fault, but since when did SquareEnix ever take responsibility for their stupidity?

Dragon Quest has never and will never happen in the west. It sells just enough to justify localizing the single-player games, but the cost of localizing and maintaining an MMO would be too much to justify with the franchise's current western popularity.

JRPGs are worth localizing when they sell less than 200,000 copies. Dragon Quest games sell betwen 200,000-1.5 million copies outside Japan. And the maintenance cost for an MMO is not even 1/1000th what they get back in subs. Final Fantasy XI and XIV are the most profitable games SquareEnix ever made for a reason. Dragon Quest X is the most profitable game they have released in Japan.

Stop trying to sound like an expert when the only things you know are what Sup Forums has told you.

>we'll consider localizing X if Heroes, Builders and XI sell gangbusters
>what? no, we're not going to advertise anything. DQ isn't popular enough to justify it.

The issue is you have to have a japanese credit card to pay for it, and connect via a japanese IP

so no, not much interest in translating any of it

Hopefully someday a hacker will get into the main server and download all the server data. Then someone can make a private server for the game and a translation will be viable. Hell, I'll volunteer to run the private server if someone ever gets the data. I already ran an RO private server.

>not going to advertise a game
>because its not popular enough
This made me more mad than it should.

>and connect via a japanese IP
Come on now, stuff like this is child's play, if it's even neccesary. Remember the old 'you need a proxy to play PSO2 meme that was blatently false) As for payment methods, I'm sure there would be an option beyond just having a Jap credit card. I have serious doubts that it's as unpenetrable a wall as you describe.

This shit. This shit right here is what infuriates me the most.
Couldn't care less about getting X anymore, but the fact that they say they're trying to make DQ known in the west and basing whether to localize new titles or not on sales when they're putting jack shit into the fucking marketing is god damn maddening.

Go ahead and read up on it. Things might have changed, but back about three years ago, their IP banning was very strict. So much that some Japanese players got kicked from the game. And the only way to pay for the game is traceable online payment systems. It's like SquareEnix is going out of their way to keep westerners from playing it. Whereas Sega just doesn't care about westerners playing PSO2.

never. squeenix knows westerners don't give a shit about MMOs unless its WoW. Player counts would tank after the initial month or two of buzz.

>Hopefully someday a hacker will get into the main server and download all the server data.
I'm sad to say that hollywood hacking is not real. You described a digital fairy tale.

so were pretty much doomed to how far there stupidity goes

Too little too late. The damage has already been done.

No, that's how people got the data for multiple MMOs, Including WoW and RO. The data in question is not the actual game.

At least they're trying more than before. I saw a lot of stores promoting Builders and Heroes 2

I'm still pissed off by SE statement about DQXI selling "poorly" in West when it sold over a million without even trying

Squeenix spent a tonne of money building a full mocap studio and then spent three more tonnes of money buying up studios and coercing them into enormous budget AAA games with mocap everything to justify owning a mocap studio

They want their games to sell 14 million in order to justify all that expensive mocap

What you say is true, if this was the year 1998. But it's been almost 20 years now and they've had plenty of evidence that these massive budget games don't always meet expectations. It also doesn't have anything to do with Dragon Quest. The vast majority of Dragon Quest games never went down the FMV/CGI path, with Dragon Quest Swords and the upcoming DQXI being rare exceptions. And despite having much smaller budgets than FF games, DQ games often met or surpassed the sales of FF games. If anything, it's not that DQ should be trying to jump on mocap and CGI, its that Final Fantasy should be moving away from it to lower costs. All it is doing is making FF fans equate expensive graphics as the focus of the series. Which eventually, they will reach a point where production costs surpass profits.

>What you say is true, if this was the year 1998.

No, they were genuinely upset that Tomb Raider 2013 didn't net them 14.9 million sales, even though at 8 million it had been the best selling Tomb Raider ever published
The game didn't even break even until 4 million

it would be hilarious if it actually was out but to be able to get it you have to decipher some stupid shit on their website, then sign an NDA saying you can't actually talk about the western release of the game

Yes, that is also true. But their unrealistic sales goals are not really related to the things you listed in your previous post. They're just completely stupid expectations from shareholders and CEOs who don't know anything. Hence why they got pushed out of the company in 2014. The new people who are in charge seem to have more realistic expectations, realizing that a game that sells 350,000 can still make a profit. Whereas Wada and his cronies went ballistic if a super low budget spin off with no marketing couldn't sell 4 million.

It's actually been out for four years. SE just never told anyone. And it's going offline tomorrow.

>Western players don't play on Japanese servers.
Because they get banned
>And if anyone is xenophobic, its the western players.
Do you know ANYTHING about japan?

idk, Builder's got more marketing than any Vita game this or last year.

>no, we're not going to advertise anything. DQ isn't popular enough to justify it.


>Because they get banned
Which makes your earlier statement make even less sense. But it still doesn't matter. PSO2 has tons of western players on it and the Japanese players aren't boycotting it or running away from it because 'dirty gaijins' like you seem to be implying.

>Do you know ANYTHING about japan?
Do you? Elderly Japanese people are isolationist and xenophobic. But the younger generations can't get enough of western culture. They walk around all day with bleached hair eating crepes and listening to grunge/country/eurobeat/classical music. Compare this to a country like America or Britain where people are looked down upon for watching Japanese cartoons, having a dark skinned friend or speaking any language other than English.

>Which makes your earlier statement make even less sense
Wasn't me
>PSO2 has tons of western players
DQX isn't PSO2. Western players get banned on DQX.
>Do you? Elderly Japanese people are isolationist and xenophobic. But the younger generations can't get enough of western culture.
Motherfucker who do you think is in charge of business in Japan? Specifically the video game industry? Think about the fucking topic on hand before you say stupid shit.

t. cuck

In Japan, word of mouth and soft advertising is all you need to sell a game. Dragon Quest actually innovated marketing games in Japan and everyone else copies them. They have some TV commercials of course, but most of the hype comes from magazine ads, live events and word of mouth.

But these types of advertising don't work in most western nations. Instead of changing their marketing techniques in the west, they just keep trying the same thing over and over and throw up their hands when it doesn't work. Except when it comes to Final Fantasy of course where they spam billboard and TV ads as hard as erection pills.

tl;dr it's their typical double-standard. Final Fantasy is the only thing worth advertising, when it needs advertising the least.

Capcom used to do the same thing for anything that isn't RE/SF/MVC and it pissed me off then too

>Think about the fucking topic on hand before you say stupid shit.
>goes on to ignore the topics because "wasn't me"

You specifically said
>Which makes your earlier statement make even less sense
I corrected you saying that you where talking to a different user so don't assume what I said you fucking idiot



>I corrected you saying that you where talking to a different user
Then you went on to claim I'm stupid for not understanding the topics being discussed. Yet I was the one who was part of the original discussion. And you're the one who ignored the topics being discussed.

Good job.

>Then you went on to claim I'm stupid for not understanding the topics being discussed
Because you fucking are

You said
>But the younger generations can't get enough of western culture.
The younger generation isn't in charge of the business aspect you stupid fuck. You're conveniently ignoring this and changing the topic

>Yet I was the one who was part of the original discussion
And you've been consistently wrong the whole time

>And you're the one who ignored the topics being discussed.
Fucking how.


Does it have raids and stuff?

>The younger generation isn't in charge of the business aspect you stupid fuck.
The 'younger generation' includes anyone who grew up during the reconstruction period or later. That means anyone who is younger than the age of 70. The vast majority of people who are now in charge of business in Japan is part of this group. Guys like Sakaguchi are the extreme minority now. Even Wada, the guy who was running Square into the ground, was born after the reconstruction began. And he put the future of his company on trying to appeal to American gamers instead of Japanese gamers.

You're whole xenophobic argument makes no god damn sense and you know it. Which is why you're now trying to deflect at me with anger.

>And you've been consistently wrong the whole time
Like this.

It does everything FFXIV does, but better. Than on top of it, there's coop alchemy, coop mini games, nostalgia dungeons, character cameos, more exploration, a better single player story, parcheesi and more.

>The 'younger generation' includes anyone who grew up during the reconstruction period or later. That means anyone who is younger than the age of 70.
You never stated this and stating "under 70" as the "younger generation" is misleading as fuck.
>You're whole xenophobic argument makes no god damn sense and you know it
When westerners aren't allowed to get a release of DQX and are banned from Jap servers it looks xenophobic as FUCK

>Which is why you're now trying to deflect at me with anger.
Im not deflecting, im calling you a fucking idiot.

>X costs more on PS4 and requires a subscription separate from the other versions to play
Fuck that.

The game is on fucking PC, why both with the console release.

Just port it to fucking Steam

Why is this so much of a damn problem

Because most people who play DQ are on consoles/handhelds.

Didn't everyone fucking love Builders? Square Enix has always been incredibly retarded about DQ anyways.

Its weird, the only DQ game that got tons of advertising was DQIX, and NINTENDO had to do it

And what do you know, its the best selling game worldwide

MMOs do best on PC

>You never stated this and stating "under 70" as the "younger generation" is misleading as fuck.
But it still proves your generalization about all of Japan being xenophobic wrong.

>When westerners aren't allowed to get a release of DQX and are banned from Jap servers it looks xenophobic as FUCK
But this has nothing to do with Japan. It has to do with a select few businessmen in one company. And for all you know, it was a financial decision, not xenophobia. Especially since once again, Wada was obsessed with making games that appealed to the west. Now, Dragon Quest might have been withheld because they think the bright, cartoony style of Dragon Quest doesn't appeal to the west. But this is not related to Xenophobia. It's related to their own ignorance, not being able to see the massive popularity of Dragon Ball, Chrono Trigger or Pokemon.

>Im not deflecting, im calling you a fucking idiot.
Then I'll go ahead and repeat that about you.

Dragon Warrior and Dragon Quest VIII also got big advertising. But what do you know, Nintendo was behind the advertising of Dragon Warrior on NES as well. And all three of those games are the best selling titles in the series outside Japan. It's almost like marketing has a direct correlation to sales or something...

But that can't be right or else SquareEnix would have totally figured it out.

>its the best selling game worldwide
I thought that was DQVIII

I know DQVIII sold really well and its probably because it came with that FFXII demo

Honestly a lot of games end up selling well when packaged with demos, why don't more games do this?

Want a demo to KH3? Well buy DQXI to get it. Hell you could even give goodies in the finished game if you have demo clear data like a slime keyblade or some shit.

i would never play it either way. Don't pay for online on consoles.

>But it still proves your generalization about all of Japan being xenophobic wrong.
How does you improperly explaining shit prove me wrong
>But this has nothing to do with Japan
Its a Japanese only game made in Japan
>It has to do with a select few businessmen in one company.
Who are Japanese
>And for all you know, it was a financial decision, not xenophobia
How the fucking shit is banning paying players a financial decision


Who'd have fucking thought?

It has a PC release

Why does Nintendo even have to do this shit for them? Why do they even bother if the games usually sell like shit?

Square Enix is a huge AAA company, can't they do it themselves? Why does Nintendo out of the kindness of their greedy gook hearts localize a series they have nothing to do with?


You're an idiot.

Iwata himself wanted to make Dragon Quest popular to help sell DS/Wii (and later 3DS/Wii U) units. And for the most part, it worked. The series was pretty much a Nintendo exclusive series for two gens while Iwata helped advertise. But when it came to releasing the games in the west, SquareEnix kept getting in the way. Even when Nintendo offered to cover marketing, publishing and distrobution, SquareEnix would still sit on the IP. All they had to do was pay for localization (which is a stupid small sum) and Nintendo would do the rest. But as we saw with the Dragon Quest VII debacle, it took a mistake by Yuji Horii to even shame them into releasing that game.

But since Wada and the upper management of SquareEnix changed in 2014, we've been getting every DQ game released to the west. This is good news for future releases, but bad news for all the games we missed betwen 2004 and 2014. Which is a couple dozen. And Dragon Quest X is one of those.

Yeah, Builders got a lot of attetion especially in Europe

Speaking of Builders, it's on sale in PS Store UK
It's $13 for Vita and $25 for PS4

Whats the name of the latest raid? How many does it have? Is it 20 man?

If anything, they should just release the PC version for a trial on Steam. Final Fantasy XIV saw its biggest surge of players when it went on Steam, so try the same thing with Dragon Quest X. They can also repurpose some of the unused servers from FFXIV for Dragon Quest X. In about a month, the playerbase for FFXIV Stormblood will drop by half. WHy let those servers just lie fallow when they can be running a second MMO?

Dragon Quest X also has less text than Dragon Quest VII (a fucking 3DS game we already got). So the excuse that it would take too much to localize is just that, an excuse. Given the game already has its development costs paid, can be released digitally on steam and only needs a localization, they could make their money back with just 10,000 people buying a sub for one month. And the DQ fanbase alone will buy 100,000 copies. Let alone the couple million people who jump on every new MMO and all the FFXI fans who want to play the latest game by the FFXI team.

But I'm just some random loser on the internet. What do I know.

Ask Chen.

I'm so jealous of this guy right now

I don't know much about IP block but, someone know if I could bypass the region block by using a proxy on my PS4?
I remember doing this for Dragon Dogma Online and it worked

Fuck you. I need it.

>You're an idiot.
Suck my dick faggot

The only thing that makes me mad about your post is the missing comma.