Fuck off phil
This is already in the suggested videos for everyone that follows dsp. Fuck off.
seriously kys
>following dsp
>not following dsp
>oh hey lets watch videos making fun of him but never the source material which if the mocking videos are so good should be proof theres a lot to laugh at him for.
>4 hours
>Someone goes through all of Phil's streams in their entirety just to make videos to diss him.
>they are always 3+ hours.
I mean, why would someone subject themselves to all that?
They hate him so much, they're willing to go through whatever to make him look bad to everyone.
Why would somebody go through hours studying people like Chris Chan or Nick Bates? It's interesting to observe weirdos. Especially weirdos that are huge assholes.
In Phils case it does get a bit samey. There's only so many times you can hear his gout snorts before you lose your mind.
i'm fine with some autist making a supercut of the funny bits of phil's gameplay
it's when they add """witty""" comments or replies or other gay shit it's a problem
Anyone else grown to kinda like Phil with all his flaws through the years?
While taking potential viewers that would only see him to rage at games, it's autistic and genius
No, fuck off.
I get Sup Forums are contrarians but if you actually like Phil you have a problem. You may as well like sonichu.
But Joey is /ourguy/.
Yeah but why not condense the best bits so you've got a 10-20 minute video.
I find it very satisfying watching him fuck up so much. I don't know why. The Metal Gear Solid ones are the best. He played all the way up to V and was still complaining that guards could see him as he stood up running right in front of them.
He's obviously an idiot, but I don't think he deserves the entire internet laughing at him over his gf leaving him and all that. Kinda feel bad for him.
>degenerate speedrunner event full of trannies that raises money for a human trafficking organization = good
>dude who is bad at video games and does shitty lets plays but is ultimately harmless = bad
I hate nu Sup Forums
This, dsp is literally Sup Forums irl, hates every game and makes excuses for everything
I would rather watch those million hour long supercuts than go and watch Phil's actual content. He's so fucking boring outside of the fuckups. And no, he doesn't fuck up as much as the compilations would make you believe.
>annoy or molest child under 18 years of age
What is the legal definition of annoying, is it just harassment?
Well it depends on the video. For example, in his GTA flight instruction video almost everything about that is pure comedy gold. You can't just cut up parts in something like that
>inb4 it's not funny
Le tired cynical "nothing is funny ever" Sup Forums mentality. Don't care.
The dude couldn't figure out how to get past the first fucking area of bayonetta. Don't try to downplay his stupidity.
Meanwhile that part pretty much in its entirety was included in TIHYDP of Bayonetta.
Why did I watch this with headphones on
Through the years? No. Just recently? Yeah. I really dont give a fuck how he sucks or how he isnt premeditated to be perfect. I just out on his streams when i go to bed to just see someone with no real specialtys do shit as thus im not missing out on anything importamt that may keep me up and i have noise to zone out to. Also interesting to see his fanbase. A lot of his fans find the mocking videos funny amd enjoy him at the same time. The mocking vids have become so accepted he uses them in his transitions/break images.
No they're not? A lot of people enjoy them. Might I recommend not reading them?
WEWEWEWEWEWEWEWEWEW'd a few times too many.
wow another dsp cherrypicking video, amazing thread wow dude.
>SOKdrones: the thread
Sorry boys, but dsp is #ourguy. You detractors can't stop him now!
But what if I generally find DSP annoying and not funny?
What if I find other people funny because I'm not a total cynic?
>Video is 4 hours long
If this is cherrypicking just how fucking terrible is this guy?
I actually genuinely love Phil. I love how mad he gets.
What makes me laugh is how Sup Forums mocks him for being shit at games yet he always manages to finish most of them while Sup Forums cries that the game is too hard.
Take the souls series for example.
If you played a 60 hour game I bet I could make tons of videos of you fucking up or being dumb in general fag
I genuinely find their jokes to be shit. I was disapointed given how much they where played up to be at least decent. I like dickstrokingphil desu.
Okay, I guess that's valid. I'm mostly just referring to people not finding it funny solely to defend dsp.
Just because Sup Forums is retarded doesn't mean Phil isn't either.
What's adorable is his detractors don't have to do anything but edit his videos down to a manageable size. Phil is slowly destroying himself without any help.
I'm going to unironically watch this.
Fucking up? Yeah, sure, everyone fucks up in a video game. The problem is most people don't insist it's the games fault, try to make a business being bad at games, be suprised when your "business" is going belly-up, scream at your few fans, scam patreon money from them, and wonder why nobody likes you.
You understand?
iunno i actually started watching him due to his detractors. Seems a lot of his viewers are actualy coming from that as well.
Phil wins again.
Is Pandalee with someone else currently? Damn she got a nice rack why the fuck is Phil masturbating instead of fucking her
Most suspicious copyright strikes ever, if I might add.
aw it's cute that small victories like this prop him up after his fiance cheated on him and dumped his fat ass.
I've always felt that dsp is just pretending to be retarded and he's actually good friends with the SOK.
Funny that fucking DSP of all people had less trouble with the Nioh Alpha than the majority of Sup Forums.
This is the mentality of people who give DSP money.
what is a filter
>4 hours long
I'm not watching that shit
something that doesn't solve the problem.
The sad part is I'm not even talking about the views and follows he's pulling in. The only bridge he currently has that he didn't burn himself is the contract he currently has which is shaky at best since he already dropped them on a whim once already.
Everybody has character flaws, this guy is being bad at videogames and never admitting it's his fault, big fucking deal. Better make 10 4+ hours video comps to prove how superior I am xDDDD amirite
>thinking he actually gets mad
>thinking he's actually bad at video games
yes the guy who's done basically nothing with his life but play video games for 30 straight years is awful at video games! he constantly has problems with basic mechanics, even after beating multiple games of the same series/genre!
it's just like, LOL, i watch this guy boogie on youtube, and sometimes he has this alternate personality "francis" come out it's really funny LOL!!! LOL also the earth is flat
did you know gullible isn't in the dictionary??
Yeah, let's just gloss over everything else I said. Fucking retard.
Not shtting you right now but the.youtube doesnt do much for him. Hes actually right now trying to build up his twitch to switch to that. His videos barely break 1,000 on average
He only gets a fair amount off of that from the curse partnership.
Post sources for the "scream at your few fans" and "scam money from them"
He's kind of like a parasite leaping from host to host.
Will SoK make another 24 hour episode where the trannie rants and cries that Phil is literally Hitler again?
Yikes. That's not good, and god knows that's gonna be an uphill battle even if he reaches the point where he can go full Twitch. His abrasive attitude towards anyone who isn't a Yes-Man won't help either.
Screaming is refering to the kingdom hearts thing where he blamed his fans for pandalee being a piece of shit and the scam was the project 7 goal im sure.
I just think hes a nigger on the internet.
How did he ever think he would be safe to produce content like this in the long-term? To pay off a mortgage? Of course it was going to come to an end. He's just spamming the system hoping that YouTube's algorithms spit his videos at people randomly. He's like a human spambot.
And then google "Phil Burnell". Who is going to hire this man? What the fuck is he going to do once his house of cards collapses?
Is one of them actually a tranny
why am I not surprised
Yea. I dont really like watching his stream that much but some of these collection videos are fun. And I know he does it mostly on purpose. Like hey that is stupid? But then I found out that theres people who think that he isnt faking it. Now thats another level of stupidity.
I'm phone posting so I can't post links but his fallout 3 playthrough, street fighter 2, and Kingdom Hearts playthrough come to mind.
And he regularly rage-quits patreon funded games like scar face.
he's not funny or interesting and your shitty obsession videos are 4 hours long
post pics or nudes of that whore he's got
dude literally every person here believes he is real
Sup Forums used to be a site for generally more intelligent people, yknow
I dont think hes ever thought of this as being self sustaining. Multiple times when things came down to him possibly getting fucked out of an income for this he says "yeah i may have to go get a job but we will see if this works out for now".
Watch the down the rabithole viseo done on him. Pretty accurate.
>he thinks he's faking it
I really don't think so. He might exaggerate a bit when losing in a game but the self-destruction and bridge-burning is very real.
>literally defending this
Close but that not him
daddy dsp :3
>you are NOT allowed to call stupid people stupid!
He literally sells a shirt with the famous line "im pressing buttons" on it. His twitch sub emojis are literally his face and excuses he often makes. Mans playing people at this point.
Some butt blasted sperg literally spent 10 hours making a 4 hour video on his day off from his factory job to ridicule a 40 year old dude who makes a living playing video games. Think about that for a minute, who's really ass blasted?
Our boy.
Right but the shit with John Howard isn't so...
I've watched this shit you phone posting faggot, he only "raged" at his fans because they were talking shit about his girlfriend when he told them not to bring that up and he called them dicks because they said it's his fault he died. Holy shit we can't let him get away with this am I right fellow pede????? Playing a game your patreon fans wanted you too and then rage quitting isn't the same as scamming money btw
I can definitely tell you who has the better skill.
Cool, so you're an idiot. Moving on. And yes, that absolutely is scamming.
You're right. He should have just posted on Sup Forums.
Nah i wasnt commenting on that. I genuinely think those things are him being am idiot but still i think a fair amount of it(the more tame shit) is just him fucking around. He cant do anything without someone making a viseo on it. Checkout dipshitphil amd dickstrokingphill for some good examples on how he cant help but see himself as a jole and follow it.
This is not real.
Also I like how you blatantly ignore the other two playthroughs. Whoopsy-daisies.
It's called being fucking real with your fans and not forcing yourself through a shitty game you don't wanna play because some retards gave you money. Scarface is trash with bad controls
>4 hours long
Why did his woman leave him?
Yeah sorry I won't waste 60 hours watching 3 playthroughs just to prove you wrong faggot. Either link specific shit or shut the fuck up
please let this be real
To be fair monetary exchanges is as real as it gets in this world bruuhhhhh. If i pay you to suck dick you better.
Oh cool, so you have literally no idea what you're talking about and you don't feel like educating yourself. I'm right, you're wrong, I win, you fucking lose. Blow me.
They were two desperate losers who didn't even particularly like each other. Add personal (Phil and her family were fighting all the time) and financial issues on top of that and it was never going to last much longer.
>get paid to do something
>dont do it all the way