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Mentally disabled I assume?

Nah his bomb vest is diffused.

>disabled muzzie

Because our modern civilization has entered the final, terminal stage of its existence, where most social order has broken down, and all the dominoes are in position with the finger that knocks them down approaching. All of this degeneracy and decay around you is the death rattles of it before the entire thing goes tits up. There won't be a next time either, nuclear weapons all but ensure that when it all goes to shit everyone is going with it. The big part at the end of the world is basically happening right now and you're all invited whether you want to be in it or not. Enjoy.

>steam curators

Probably someone thinking he's being edgy and funny.

What happened to mental facilities Sup Forums?



Why not?

you got a single fact to back that up

this desu

Defunded and dismantled by bleeding hearts and other useful idiots. Notice how the dismantling and corrupting of the entire mental health system to declassify a ton of mental illnesses, specifically ones that often result in degenerate behavior from the afflicted individual such as homosexuality as gender dysphoria coincided with this?

This kind of shit was the groundwork being laid for the shit we are experiencing now. As always, they played the long game

I mean, look at what happened to Rome or even Sodom and Gomorrah if you want to see where we're heading as a society. Mass degeneracy and corruption always prefaces total collapse. Difference is, back then if it happened someplace it wouldn't risk taking the rest of the world with it. Not so these days.

How in the ever loving fuck did you get that from a disabled muzzie reviewing games and movies?

I just pointed out the cause that lead to the symptom (the person in question).

>Mentally disabled I assume?
>anime avatar

Video games aren't haram?

>look at what happened to Sodom and Gomorrah

yeah look at what happened to hogwarts and gondor as well

>It's a politics thread

>nuclear war
It happened in past and we sadly survived

most video games are haram to them though,
if they are strictly following their beliefs

Mental Health still has a rather bad stigma around it. People know about it, but they don't wanna talk about it let alone address the problems associated with it. It's just easier to push the mentally disabled into a failing treatment facility than to fix them. Out of sight, out of mind to them.

So you're just going to post that without even telling us what games are on it?
I want to know what games Muslims like

Those are the only threads on Sup Forums sadly.

Holy fuck, Sup Forums please

why what? i'll subscribe to this dude

Yeah, I'm pretty sure it's a joke.
There's not much content in his reviews and he doesn't really bring being a Muslim into any of them.

>As always, they played the long game
Democracy was a mistake

I'd love to hear your alternative to handling mental health with professional treatment

Fucking Reagan, that's what.

Just ebin trole

Haram as fuck

The only things that aren't haram for them are killing white people and fucking white women

Almost like Muslim faith is perfectly suited to be the antithesis to western culture and perfectly breeds its followers to be the perfect footsoldiers against it, what a big (((coincidence)))

>this does nothing at all
>not even vidya

Just don't click it, if you don't want to read some Muslim guys reviews.

>legit insane retard being mad at liberals for removing unrelated traits from lists of mental illnesses

>Disabled Muslim Gamer
>Just Cause 2
>"[tmp] Fun game, good open world sandbox with a lot of fun ways to blow stuff up."

lost it

resist Sup Forumstards comrade

Don't tease me, just drop the bombs Ivan

>this is what legitimately insane idiots believe

yeah I'm sure the Jews are behind Islam, it makes sense that they'd create a religion that hates them deeply because it's all part of their plan to destroy white people

let's not forget that the Jews were responsible for the Nazis too

double posting equals double the resistance to drumpf comrade

resist racists on Sup Forums

The jewish plans are complex and serve to confuse the useful idiots into degeneracy and decaying social order while nuclear family sodomy muh rome collapse corruption.

Umm can I clear my backlog first?

I see Sup Forums is leaking again.

But video games are so popular in the ME that almost all AAA titles are released in Arabic either subs or dubs


Sup Forums is mostly right leaning, it's not a leak son. There might be another site more suited to your needs, don't you think?

Oh I'm not saying they created Islam, but merely gave it that classic (((guiding hand))) to gently nudge it towards the intolerant, weaponized force that it's being used as

A starved lion or something equally as vicious will hate you and try to kill you, but if you're clever you can lead it to someone else you hate to get the lion to attack that person instead while you run away and watch from a safe position

Same principle here.

And technically you are right about the jew being responsible for the Nazis, the jews made such a mess of post-WW1 Germany (including starting a civil war in their own backyard, funny how you never hear about this in most history courses) and that is part of why the Nazis came to power in the first place. It was a combination of dire times caused by many things, but mainly jews being jews and fucking the local economy and culture in the butt like they've always done. And just like before they were poised to be exiled from the country for being shitty people, but of course you know how that went and 'removal' somehow gets twisted into 'extermination' and the rest is history. they got their own 'homeland' (stolen from Palestine), and doubled down on the fucking in the ass of the gentiles.

>Sup Forums is mostly right leaning
Libertarians who don't give a fuck are not the same thing as buttmad nu-nazis who want to turn the whole first world into third world and introduce african mentality into it.

Don't be redundant.

you wish. ill bet this is as true as it gets.

Sup Forums can't mind it's own business for shit. Everyday it's about Blacks, Jews, and goddamn conspiracy theories on Sup Forums.

This shit isn't right wing though, it's complete and utter drivel. Sup Forums is just left-wing "now that's what I call edgy edition.". They don't care about individualism or leaving people alone. If you need proof look at this thread.

Like, 98% of muslims are checklist muslims. Especially people in the middle east, since they pretty much have no choice.

They don't pray, the drink, etc etc, but come Ramadhan, They turn into the most devout fuckers, acting like they've been imams their whole life.

>A starved lion or something equally as vicious will hate you and try to kill you, but if you're clever you can lead it to someone else you hate to get the lion to attack that person instead while you run away and watch from a safe position

This analogy makes absolutely no sense because Israel is smack dab in the middle of the Islamic world and a consistent target for their aggression

muslim cripples like vidya too user


Buy geimu kuffars

Only approve game where they can plant bomb and rape people, maybe.

That's what (((they))) want you to believe!
(((They))) have corrupted common sense too.

I knew a few muslims in college and they were some of the chillest guys I ever met.
Why does Sup Forums want to deport them?


probably has something to do with all the bombings.

Saw this while browsing curators the other day, didn't look but I just assumed it was satire.

Is it not?