Are you able to legitimately enjoy video games, or do you just play out of habit to alleviate your depression?
Are you able to legitimately enjoy video games, or do you just play out of habit to alleviate your depression?
don't know any better
I'm not able to get out and break my routine, freedom is a concept that eludes me, being free just means to me being lost and hopeless, not knowing what to do
I don't like games anymore and I don't like anything else, so there's nothing left, because discovering new things is not possible
things just happen by themselves, without me seeking them, I don't remember how I ended up on Sup Forums, and I cannot leave it, I have no input
>alleviate your depression?
I drink for that. I actually like video games.
Yeah but I find myself playing them less than I used to.
I play for about an hour or two before I feel like I need to do something else.
It's been awhile since I've truly felt engrossed in a video game.
>able to legitimately enjoy video games
Absolutely, books too.
>do you just play out of habit to alleviate your depression
This is true for me as well. I hate my job and my life circumstances.
I still love video games
When I'm feeling depressed I try not compare myself to others
Bring peace into your life
Nah I don't really enjoy it
Most just play to fill time
I do enjoy video games yes lol
I usually have something to do however, if i'm not studying for something or woking i just go on dates with random girls from facebook.
Are you me? The longest i've played a game in the past 6 months, with a few exceptions, is 30 minutes a day, if at all. If it weren't for BotW and a few times on GTA:O, I'd have done nothing.
What makes me the most sad is, in doing other things, I feel like I'm improving my life. That's a good thing, but I'm definitely losing maybe the one thing that got me to this point.
I really don't enjoy them anymore but they're my only hobby and I'm too old and unmotivated to try and get into anything else. Sometimes I just watch benchmarks run on my PC and try to optimize my scores.
BOTW was an exception though. I loved every minute of that game and played it to completion.
What's your job?
What games do you play?
>le depressed gamer maymay
fuck off
Still love to OP. I think you have to keep a fine line to where you won't play vidya to much where you get desensitized, school and work makes that little vidya time much more worth while.
>What's your job?
.NET programmer
>What games do you play?
The usual stuff I guess - DaS, Bloodborne, Prey, Dishonored, TEW, BG, IWD...
Mostly RPG, RTS and stuff like Deus Ex. A decent FPS is fine too. Don't like multiplayer though.
i havenĀ“t been able to enjoy a game for the last 4 years. Any type of game i boot up, i lose interest or the will of wanting to play after 5 minutes. tops!
I still enjoy games as much as I used to and I can easily play for several hours on end.
I literally care more about getting all the achievements more than enjoying a game right now and I fucking hate it.
Not playing multiplayer games probably helps you to keep enjoying them
I still enjoy games
Hell, I still get excited for new games, too, and I tend to be a great deal less cynical than Sup Forums, even though I tend to play for hours on end every day
The trick is to have at least something other than vidya to preoccupy yourself. I ride my bike fairly often and shit, and it helps break the monotony. Helps that my job in retail is utter garbage and I need something to keep me from hating my life
You're not depressed, just bored.
Get a gf, losers.
Used to be.
But y'know what I did? I deleted my backlog. I'll play a particular game when i done the passion for it.
So I mostly now just play Battlegrounds and Factorio. Every once in a while I'll play a New Geo game. Usually Turf Masters.
Also, getting a new hobby helps if you are feeling burnt out, I got into tabletop 40k so if I don't feel like playing anything in particular, I can just paint a sphess muhrine.
I'm 35 and still enjoy games and I have a family, home and career. I feel that only having a few hours a week to play really enhances the time I get to spend with them. I get excited about continuing my Stellaris campaign because I've spent a few days thinking how I will expand my empire for example.
girlfriends are for faggots
i actually legitimately enjoy games even moder AAA games like dishonored and shadow of war or skyrim and i love it, i would even play WoW but bad hing is i'm poorfag and cant afford good pc + all those games.
i dont play videogames lmao.
i realized normalfags say this shit when they are sad for like a grand total of 5 minutes and then deflect/offload their ubllshit onto you to feel better/ have you deal with their fucking baggage
It's a fun hobby.
but im sad and want to kill my self from when i wake up until i go to sleep
ive tried everything
ive tried changing my life 180degress but i just still cant do the things i really want to do
i fucking hate my lfie, i fucking hate how i ruind my life with this horrible hobby
years gone just being a night dweller talking to internet strangers with zero human interaction
at one point in my life i was(and still do) literally struggling to talk to anyone not my sister, brothers or mom
i would just start spaghetting(and still do) when i talk to anyone
it fucking sucks, i spent years eating shit food, playing videogames and sleeping all day long thinking it was cool and all i got was ruining my body and turning into a piece of human waste with 0 social skills.
i wish if i took soccer or some other normie shit as a hobby when i was a kid.
I've lost about 80% of my vidya time to my first full-time job I got a few weeks back. It's depressing as fuck, but at the same time, I rarely had fun with vidya anyway. Is this what life is like? This endless grind, with the time you get to not work spent worrying about work? I've had problems with depression for a long time, but this feels like something else entirely. Is the grind all there is to life? Because if so I'm not sure it's worth living.
>tfw every genere is shit now except for strategy games
You should get one easily then lmfao
Yes to both, but toys deal with the latter more than vidya for me.
There is plenty of opportunity, if you want to play more vidya try and find people to play with I suggest playing tf2 on Sup Forums server, a lot nice people having fun their.
To fix your problem, bite your tongue and try and get out, maybe go gym or do small part time course in art. Art course are good for meeting people and are quite calm if you join a short part time one.
>waaaah it's video games fault!
This is why things never get better for you.
i dont want to play videogames you fuck
i fucking hate them
but they did
If you're exclusively a PC gaymer, try console gaming. Sometimes you do need to spice things up a bit and there are some good exclusives out there that might spark your interest in gayming again
>no input
Just fucking stop going on Sup Forums
Then join a course, just a small artsy/hobby course, if you don't want to get too invested just do a part time one.
Don't throw your fucks around you're not so big, maybe you need to break your self delusion and be nice to people.
Naw man I'm on medication
I bought xbox 360 lt 3.0 once and then pirated everything i played on it, but i still didn't enjoyed anything it has to offer really. I played Red Dead Redemption but it was borning af. Still better than GTA because of setting alone, tho. I also beat Halo but i don't get why people like it so much. Gears of War was fucking garbage and i regret every second i spent with it. Even Space Marine was better.
I still have this xbox but i didn't play on it for 3 years at least.
I play only strategy games, and sometimes crpgs. At least thanks to pirating i didn't lose so much money on buying it.
>i fucking hate how i ruind my life with this horrible hobby
If video games wouldn't exist you would ruin your life with books or movies.
You were destined to fail
I'm not depressed. Vidya is my passion. I'm actually not a fuck up. I was, though