Post good character design
Post good character design
I want to impregnate 2B
Still waiting for a good character design to be posted. Male fantasy meme girls from shitty games don't count OP.
You first.
almost any Dragon Quest main character
Fuck off and fiddle with some kids neogaf.
Neo from ninja gaiden, this game was published on atari 46
I don't understand this. Is it some secret autism code, user?
Sora >>>> shit >>>> 2B
Why the fuck is one tit randomly showing? It's trying way too hard to be sexy and it still looks like garbage.
The wait continues.
>they took my shins in the war
This. Fetish maid sex android 2B is good for nothing but porn.
Is it wrong that I like 2B more with the full outfit than with the leotard only?
She would've been okay too of they didn't let people remove her fuckin skirt.
How to ruin a game: 101
name a character where every single thing on their outfit has a use
protip: you can't
Are you gay?
fpbp = first post best post
spbp = second post best post
and so on
Fuck off Kojima make a game that doesn't suck. Oh wait, you can't.
Do you ever read what you write? I can't actually imagine a game being ruined because of a toggle-able skirt.
Joost is CUTE, CUTE!
Not that it ruins the game, just "shit that makes my dick hard" doesn't mean it's good character design
No, she actually quite unattractive, but I understand why virgins fawn over her.
Yeah mate, I'm sure you are knee deep in porno girl type pussy.
You numb skull.
Because it absolutely devalues her 'character design' by turning her into a sex object. Well, more than she already was. She's nothing more than a rule 34 magnet now.
>generic male fantasy #3245235
>good design
Look at that confident smirk, that action hero posture
Meanwhile reboot Lara
>slouching in some cave holding her arm with a pained expression
Dicklet virgins are the cancer of the games industry. They produce and consume fetish-based art in an endless cycle, slowly destroying all merit in video games.
I wish the japanese would stop being born with extremely small penises so they could design characters based on something besides sexual frustration. Baby-dicked losers need to grow up and stop jerking off to pixels.
There's a part in nu-tomb raider where if you don't succeed on a QTE fast enough some male npc literally rapes Lara
spotted the feminist
>Leather, Tits and Ass
>porn girls
>not just cattle that serve for entertainment
>implying anyone really wants to fuck porn girls
Disease ridden and mental basket cases no thanks
>chestlet with window cleavage
god damn why are nips so fucking stupid
>imblying it's a well designed character just because you can fap to it
Fucking this. Come at me OP. Feel the wrath of feminism.
>Still hasn't posted a picture of a girl they like in video games
Hope in the new series she finally wears the classic costume.
Stay mad, virgin
Her, Glory and Racter are all fucking ace
Racter double especially, Koschei is a fucking gorgeous robot
Hey, its still better than 2b
neverever, it's a conscious choice. The old lara outfit is a teenage's fap bait, nothing more.
you don't go to explore tombs in the desert in a tank top
>implying it's a badly designed character just because you can fap to it
You don't go to explore tombs because you're too fat
But nuLara wears tank top too.
I only played the first tomb raider but I assumed the new series was working up to Lara becoming the iconic character that we all know. Seems like a bit of waste to not use the outfit, like making an indiana jones films were he doesn't wear the hat.
>good design
>high heels for combat
It's not even outfit that matters.
Would old Lara still be old Lara if she worse something else? Yes, because her character isn't the outfit. Fixating on the outfit too much draws attention to real problem - that old Lara was badass and cool and the new one is a girlDrake with quips removed.
Well you certainly don't go and explore tombs in the desert in a fucking rain coat. A tank top seems far more practical for mobility and keeping cool. Free climbers almost always wear short or no sleeved tops for this reason.
The actress is such a qt and her ingame model is a complete abomination with a horseface and the worst outfit in the history of flimsy justifications to show tits
This. Old Lara would be cool even with hijab.
Implying you didn't fap like a madman to her
If not then you're an underage fag
>that old Lara was badass and cool and the new one is a girlDrake
sure keep telling yourself that
spotted the feminist
The new shadowrun games have good character design in general.
Not OP, but coming from someone who fucking detests high heels, I'll concede a point that a robot using them makes some degree of sense. Not practical sense, but it's not as though you're dealing with something with damagable tendons, muscle and bone.
Is this bait? Can't you retards stop doing this shit or did you all forget how doing shit like this will attract people who really think like that?
Go back to neofag faggots
>I assumed the new series was working up to Lara becoming the iconic character that we all know.
That was never the intention. The intention was to water down any character the original Lara had for mass consumption in order to appeal to the lowest common denominator.
>I'll concede a point that a robot using them makes some degree of sense
How so?
That stupid bow is the worst thing.
this, weebshit doesn't count
i masturbated to nu-lara 4k bubble wet but
old school lara 144p assets don't do anything for me
This shitty game was only played and liked by fat NEET virgin pedo weeb neckbeards.
>Tfw the richfag who promised to post more of Shinuki's patreon pics never did
She's an anal only model. Vaginal voids the warranty.
But I can see it below her asshole!
who cares about this random-ass whore
But it's not intended to be heavily used.
No. Leotard is fapbait. Regular costume is stylish.
If you've got a machine that's designed to take the physics thresholds that its weight and typical enemy design, and said machine is going to be kicking, then a heel focuses the impact force for kicking into a more narrow point.
If it was a flesh and blood person doing the same, then in almost every scenario, even if well trained, you're dealing with some serious potential self-harm by wearing heels. On a machine designed with heels so it's designed to balance and move normally, it's now closer to being able to use its kicks with a hammer area force instead of a whole foot.
>is called quiet
>hums endlessly
Can someone explain why 2B is a bad design please?
But once should be fine right? If you let me watch the creampieing I won't tell anyone user.
Best frame-fu
i hate to be that guy but do you have the sauce for that image?
Western garbage is the antithesis of good design
Because the average age of Sup Forums posters is young. A lot of numales have gotten their first gf and will agree with whatever opinons they have, included how sexist and tasteless this video game acts.
I can say same about exaggerated silly weebshit.
Pretty good
Still leaves the mech with bad movement in rough terrain, though. It's much easier to lose balance if most of your bodyweight comes down on a 1cm3 needle instead of a whole heel
2B is literally a fuckdoll