What video game is

what video game is

Does anyone have that shoop with James Hammond and Jeremy on their bodies?

>not wearing ballet flats
How the fuck can i fap to this shit?

It's amazing how they resemble James, Richard and Jeremy.

i got you

thnx senpai

>you will never be Boner Robin
>you will never own the world's most successful cosplay porn site


I'm pretty sure this kid in the photo is the same autist I knew in an old graphic chat program called Palace.

it's fucking perfect

post boner robin

who's the guy on the right, I forget the story behind him

also I forgot how skinny these people were, probably because I've gotten /fit/ since I was 15

Top Gear: The Game

is that his mom

>since ive spent hundreds and thousands of hours in a gym so i can get over my self image issues

1. part of it is because I joined the army
2. I'm not even that fit
3. I didn't get over them
4. you didn't answer my question
5. skinnyfag detected

1. joined adult daycare
2. didnt even do it well
3. and failed miserably at it
4. wasnt me
5. del wit it kek

>boner robin has a way better life than I do


>"The only way i can sucess in life is to see the other fail"

and boy, based on that sentence did i succeed

is that WT snacks?

whats the story behind this guy
he looks like that robin cosplayer with the hard on
also what is this
why is he posing next to a guy with boner robin shirt

this guys owns a successful cosplay porn site and watches anime all day long never having to work

his face looks so shopped on

Yeah, I guess it is. I never knew what snacks looked like, I didn't come to Sup Forums until 2008. Apparently he's still active, too, with 19 patreon subscribers (lol).