Korra is sad. Say something to cheer her up

Korra is sad. Say something to cheer her up

Avatar will never get another series or video game.

The Korra game wasn't bad, it was just below average.

I've had some enjoyable jerk sessions to Korra R34.

Your game was shit.

Your show was so shit it killed the posibility of more Avatar series.

she just looks slightly upset here

nice meme korra hater

Your game needs a proper sequel and a proper budget. For $15 bucks, it's a bit much. $10 be better for your current title. But for a budget title, it was okay.

Nick couldn't even bother to finish the series on tv, had to go to Nicks shitty site to see the rest.

Why the fuck did they even make Korra? Like how do you expect to ever follow up a perfect series and not disappoint everyone?

Your series and games were shit.

Fuck you Korra! your games/anime/porn were all fucking trash!

Avatar: Book 2 > or = Book 3 >Book 1
Korra: Book 3 > Book 4 = Book 1 > Dogshit > Book 2

Your white cousin is better

What's wrong with the porn?

because it was marxist trash that alienated audiences and had cucked writing in or der to push a political agenda

Extreme lack of loli.



I liked the first episode of this and then didn't bother watching the rest.

Wasn't there some big outrage over her banging a chick or whatever

You know I really liked Korra when it came out. I rewatched it recently and I can't stand her as a person for the first two seasons.. She just digs under my skin like no other.


The Korra game has arguably the best villain in the series, atleast by Korra standards, the reveal was fucking awesome

The outrage was because the show sucked and then it was just implied at the end. So what happened is that people were praising the show for being progressive without actually showing anything and ignoring the fact that it wasn't good

the sad truth is that without the lesbian ending, everyone would have forgotten about LoK by now.

I'll rub your foot with a pumice stone, i heard that really relaxes after too much bending

your writers ruined a good concept, but your artists gave you a fat ass. 5/10

Korra with long hair and Asami are top tier waifu designs trapped in a bad show.

She's basically an insanely prideful bitch, who rather use force constantly, as opposed to other methods. She kind of does mature more towards the end, at least compared to the beginning of the show though.

Korra was good for season 1 until Amon's boogaloo

Season 2 was fucking trash

Season 3 was actually good

Season 4 started good but then ended really fucking stupidly

What the actual fuck are you talking about, that wasn't the problem with the show at all you braindead Sup Forumstard

Stop being gay and take your relationship a bit more seriously. Maybe then you wouldn't be such a moody lil biatch

spending a night with her costs less than a copy of her shitty licensed game