We allowed Steam to monopolise PC gaming and it's made them complacent

>Absolute dogshit Client
>No longer developing games
>Allowing their library to be full of shit-tier indie games to boost numbers
>Steam Sales are shit too since they have no reason to offer great deals

We all allowed this to happen by accepting that Steam is the only platform worth supporting and actively tried to get people to avoid Origin and Windows gaming.

Other urls found in this thread:


Windows and Origin were and still are shit, Valve won by being competent. If GOG had showed up much earlier than it did then things might be different.

>not developing games

Ignoring the point because I didn't specify that steam's success means Valve don't have to bother anymore

Yet on paper EA and Microsoft are the two that are most likely to challenge Valve for the market share. Both have the leverage of using their own published games as leverage to push the client to the consumers. Now would be the perfect time to improve the client and benchmark the completion. Blizzard is in a similar position but they don't seem to care.

Who "we" normalfags and redditors?

Speak for yourself. I literally only play Overwatch.

In the past two years I have only bought games on GoG if I had a choice between the two.

The are forgiven.

Have you even seen the quality of the latest immortal sets in Dota 2? They are AMAZING.

And, have you seen the new pink camo Kamchatka knife in CSGO? It would make Michelangelo roll in his casket.

Creating good cosmetics, skins, or hats, takes A LOT of time and hard work.

>Steam sales are shit

you are making things even worst at least steamfags wont make games in general even worst by making moba elements popular.

I thought everyone avoided origin because it was literally a half-baked webpage and the ToS said they could revoke the license to any game you haven't played in 2 years.

Mind you this was back when it first came out, I haven't touched it once this entire time. Is it still garbage?

>Steam sales are shit
Is 80% not enough for you fags?

>dogshit client

Aside from the overlay web browser being dumb, what's actually wrong with it?

Steam does not even have a monopoly.. Learn your terminology.

Then start buying your games elsewhere
There's more games available on Origin, Uplay, and GOG than you might think

A lot of games on "" sale"" were the same price or more expensive than in other stores. Not even taking in account stolen keys price.

A small store in my third world country had a sale at the same time as steam and undercut it on most games. Steam is a big marketplace which should have more muscle with the distributors to get better prices as they have shown in its early years.

You're even worse.

>3rd world country
I found your problem.

>What is gog
>What is emulation
>What is humble bundle
>What is piracy
I haven't launched steam this year.

If Steam didn't exist PC gaming would be dead, end of story. And who cares if Valve don't develop games anymore? HL2 was overrated as hell

>PC has mods!
>B-but Steam sales!
>At least I don't have to rebuy my games every generation
>Building a PC is still cheaper

>interface that works
>all your games in one client
>Sales are still good, though the loss of flash sales and daily deals sucked.
>Who cares about bad games being on steam, they don't hurt you.
>Alternatives still exist for DRM free gaming
>Steam even SUPPORTS non-steam games so you can play those games from its client

Valve may have a massive, massive array of problems, but the functionality of their client isn't one of them. How about their terrible customer support? Or the dumpster fire that was Steam Greenlight or Paid Mods? You don't need to make up reasons to hate valve, they have enough shit that sucks.

never post again, you're super dumb

Might as well just by a console you mothercucker

Waiting for the eventual sony and nintendo store on PC because you know, consoles are dead.

>all these things that are irrelevant if you have more than a single brain cell!
Wow you REALLY showed me

You still have options. GoG has one. There's a reason people don't use them, though. It's because Steam works and it has the most of their friends on it, making playing that much easier.

Hello dumb dumb. He said you have both ease of use and options, which is true. I have plenty of pirated games linked to steam so I can launch everything from one place.

and this is why the consoletard dont play pc, they are very retarted to understand nothing.



being an open platform is the only thing PC gaming has going for it. People were seriously thinking it was going to die when all the old PC devs started to move to console. An online store like Steam was the only thing that kept games that weren't big online hits alive. It didn't have to be Steam, but they were smart enough to do it first

>>Absolute dogshit Client
Except it's not
Steam is great

They haven't made a game in 5 years, unless you want to count a tech demo

Whoa a shovelware indie game that's 90% off! Thanks based Gabe!

>quantum leap.gif
Dirty, dumb frogposting scum.

Thats when they last released a title, theres solid evidence pointing to titles in dev but as to when they'll come out who knows but gabe.

>boohoo Steam monopolized everything
>ignores other platforms
>doesn't want to give any community input to improve those platforms
>does nothing but cry on Sup Forums about everything
You can fuck off, should've made a thread about a game.

>Absolute dogshit Client
Why have they not fixed this yet, it's such a piece of garbage

How butt blasted do you have to be to make this.
Hell even pasting it.

Shoo shoo phoneposter

>absolute dogshit client
The client is good
>No longer developing games
I don't really care about their games
>Allowing their library to be full of shit-tier indie games to boost numbers
Doesn't really matter, the good games don't just vanish. And it's not any harder to find them.
>Steam Sales are shit too since they have no reason to offer great deals
I've gotten good deals on things I want, and I don't really need 600 games.

>inb4 you are using windows 10

>it's my fault that EA and ubisoft and Microsoft are fucking garbage and can't design a good software or get more than their own shitty games on their store


>We allowed Steam to monopolise PC gaming
Your other options are udontplay and origin.

Yeah, I'm sure HL3 is just around the corner

>You can fuck off, should've made a thread about a game.
How the fuck is a thread about the biggest client for PC games not game related?

>The client is good

The last major update to the client was in 2012. it's shit.

You're just some kinda cunt aren't you?

>>At least I don't have to rebuy my games every generation

Dude what? Looks like people just bought games only to hack and get banned. What the fuck are you complaining about?

My god you pathetic weaboo faggot ass consolefags need to be put out of your misery

>its shit because of some arbitrary bullshit

Why the anger buddy? I'm just reinforcing your point. Surely it'll be out soon after a decade in development.

It's solid, doesn't need any update that I know of.

Look at it this way you literal fuckin' brainlet. You posted a thread that doesn't pose any question whatsoever and instead of just a mindless, factually inaccurate rant that holds no weight.

Are you retarded?

All of the community features are garbage and outdated. This is why people use discord for shit they could do on Steam if Valve actually put in any effort.

>he still isn't buying obscenely low-cost steam keys from third party trading apps all year round

just got DSII:SotFS for 8.99 ;)

Fuck off you falseflagging consolefag retard, steam is a million times better than any other shit

We can refund games almost 2 hours into them

Explain yourself


>social shit
Next time, you'd want them to offer video streaming and facebook sharing. Oh wait. As a platform for getting games its doing its job.

steam doesnt care that a frogposter buy keys elsewhere. every user is a notch on their marketshare monopoly that forces developers to play ball with their 30% fees.

you'll be surprised when it's taken from you and you get a strike

That has never once happened

The only thing I want support for proper font scaling, other than that I pretty much agree. It's been the same for a long time now, but there's nothing particular I wish they did differently anyway.

>shit-tier indie games to boost numbers
But the indie games are better than the AAA ones.

I've bought over a hundred games from g2a over years and no issues

>dogshit client

How? It works flawlessly

>but DRM

Steam has some of the most unobtrusive DRM out there. If Valve HQ exploded tomorrow and steam was gone forever you'd still have and be able to play your games that didn't rely on valve for their actual servers.

to you


the key you get might be stolen and you will be punished for it you dirty stinky thief

Yeah, I think that guy's just goofin'
The sellers get most of the games by buying the keys on sale or from countries where the exchange rate lowers the price


It already sells movies and anime and has a game streaming functionality.
But seriously
>Steam is bad - it monopolizes everything
>Steam should have top tier features, so everyone would stop other applications (not monopolizing by the way ha ha)

>Absolute dogshit Client
Works on my machine.

>No longer developing games
What does that have to do with Steam? Do you want to talk about Valve or Steam?

>Allowing their library to be full of shit-tier indie games to boost numbers
To boost numbers? Whatever that means, you don't have to buy them or better yet, you can even filter them out since Steam offers the option to do so.

>Steam Sales are shit too since they have no reason to offer great deals
Steam doesn't set the prices.

>all the necessary features of Steam
>extras on top
>none of the bloat
And you get to keep your games even if it goes bankrupt, unlike Steam.

>tiny library of games

You forgot that part.

At this rate it'll happen so rarely it probably won't be an issue ever

I told you to never post again

>wanting to dig through shit to reach a diamond, instead of being directly offered diamonds
Yeah man, how could anyone not want to scroll through dozens of pages to find a single decent game?

Don't forget the marvelous steam controller and Big Picture, which can be used to fully customize input from literally any controller

Speak for yourself faggot. Steam was always garbage. Just because you were slow to catch on; doesn't mean everyone else is.

Source, pal

1. Still in development, still needs some functionality and the client is worse in terms of functionality than website (can't even get CD-key there)
2. Need to vote to get some games and we just get some new games or old popular games that are everywhere instead of games that nobody can find on other platforms or even torrent
3. Didn't see price "bugs", where else can you get GTAV for $1 if not on steam? Does that even count?

i agree with this to some extent
but the real evidence which shows the true jewish pathetic nature of valve, is the total disregard of security for online multiplayer games.

this requires investing some coin on only a few people to keep up with the cheating community and to also refine VAC for specific games such as online multiplayer FPS

total lack of security for these games, its a huge problem and valve just totally ignores it

>>Absolute dogshit Client
It's great and has tons of features.
>>No longer developing games
Wrong. Sorry Valve doesn't do 3D pre-rendered """cinematic""" hype trailers for people like you. Gabes confirmed they're curently working on multiple games. Destinations and The Lab came out last year. Plus source 2 is already a thing, plus their new physics engine Rubikon.
>>Allowing their library to be full of shit-tier indie games to boost numbers
Fans sperged the fuck out because too many small games were being ignored, then valve gave them control of the process and they still fucking complain. It's not an issue, especially with filters and the store's curation.
>>Steam Sales are shit too since they have no reason to offer great deals
Purely subjective.

source: you're a newfaguette

Oh look, an EA shill.

I will never use origin because a client that even has a history of *scanning my entire computer* and then *banning my account if they think I have any pirated software* is unacceptable. Steam is great compared to the alternatives.

>2. Need to vote to get some games and we just get some new games or old popular games that are everywhere instead of games that nobody can find on other platforms or even torrent
Homeworld Cataclysm
Emperor: Rise of the Middle Kingdom
You won't find these games anywhere else.

And even the remaster's of System Shock 1/2 were dug up by GOG, not Valve. GOG does a lot for the preservation of vidya game history.

Learn to filter and arrange game lists, nigger

Haha burn ouch I'll need some ice for that haha
I'll bet you've been here for YEARS and years and years and years, maybe even as far back as 2013!

The Steam storefront doesn't serve everyone the same stuff anymore, it serves you stuff based on your library and specifically what you play/like the most.

Plus, it's almost like you can filter/sort by review scores.

not an argument

We need to go deeper in the unpopular game territory, games that not even original devs know about.

He never mentioned EA.

You can be a Marxist with out being a Communist.

I haven't opened steam in months. Such monopoly

>what is the discovery queue
>what are your personal filters

Every massive storefront is going to have a ton of shit you're not interested in. Amazon is the same way, and the same with ebay. The trick is to set up your filters, and also to simply KNOW what you're looking for.

It seems your issue with steam is a user error.

>TFW Valve BTFOd a tranny and got away with it


Why wasn't this bigger news?

>Origin is only shit because we like Steam

Because fuck you with shit news about non-vidya stuff, nobody cares.

Origin shill pls go.