I just picked this up. Redpill on TF2, Sup Forumsatos
I just picked this up. Redpill on TF2, Sup Forumsatos
OMG fuck off just play the fucking game you Cunt.
It's dead unforatuntely
Overrated but the /vg/ shills are coming
but I'm stuck at work while it downloads and I want advice
It's not dead, but not popular either.
I wish this game had actual Titan melee fighting like in that screenshot. But it's still pretty good. Don't treat it like a Call of Duty and be a slow bitch, you gotta be fast and bounce around the map wallrunning and shit.
You don't need advice. It's a fucking game. It's not complicated. It gets stale after 22 hours
Damn, PC is even more dead than I thought.
Holy fuck
It will get better in a few hours with the European prime time.
But not that much batter
>It's not dead
Why do fanboys always delude themselves like this? You hypocrites will call Battleborn dead because it's an epic meme, but a few hundreds extra players in your favorite game: "n-no it's not! b-but I can find a game!".
Why is PC fucking dead? Glad I bought it used for my xbone but still it would have been much more enjoyable to play on my PC.
TF2 was once an excellent game, now a market for digital hats
>Overrated but the /vg/ shills are coming
It's not dead. I can find a full game in under 15 seconds every time I want to play.
They are not delusions, just facts.
Titanfall still has a long way to reach Shattered Horizon level of 'ded gaem'.
I am still mad about SH
Whose the best Titan girl and why is it Northstar?
Monarch easily.
>Redpill on TF2
Game was good, not as much nowadays
How to fight with Titans? I usually get my shit kicked in and get shot down after an eject.
What I usually do is let another Titan get all the attention while I'm in the back firing. Use buildings as cover and make sure your near corners to make a quick getaway if your getting hurt. Also never stand in the open unless your surrounded by friendly Titan's.
stop being such a fag
So don't 1v1? The flamethrower titan melted my Ronin while I'm whacking him.
I like to hide inside buildings and provide support while it fights another titan. So I take out my grenade launcher and just shoot them and hide when they turn around. Toss an electric grenade every now and then to blind and slow them and find a new position if you need to. Run up to them from behind and jump on to steal their battery and deal massive damage. If they deployed a cloud, run and hide, maybe blind them quickly, and try again. If you got the battery give it to a teammate for a big boost to your titan meter so you get it faster, or keep it for your own titan to get a shield.
He can only shoot one round at a time, and his reload is long, so Ronin could bully him if you know what you're doing. Watch out for his gas grenades because he can ignite them. He also has a flame shield and a ranged fire attack (kind of like Ronins ranged attack) and his last ability is a bigger version of his ranged attack. Just abuse phase shift and shoot him while dashing around him.
Ronin is a hit and run titan.
You're not going to win a 1v1 against scorch because he's just gonna toss up his flame shield and melt you
Use the shotgun on him as you pull in, hit him with a stun, shoot him some more, and freewheel out of there. On the other hand, if you get near a northstar, you're going to rape it. In my experience, tone players are shitters and you can usually whack off most of their health before they figure out how to shoot. Ion's aren't as easily to take out but again hit and run tactics
Is a she you fucking retarded nigger, she has a cute and polite British voice. NorthStar is a very pure girl.
Best FPS of this decade so far. You won't regret it