90's FPS

>90's FPS
>There's a level in an underground mineshaft

What games do this? It's such a guaranteed fun and cool location with tons of secrets and neat things in them. Doesn't even have to be a 90's FPS but I've noticed they have sort of died out, and are mostly found in 90's or early 2000's era FPS games.

These are all from Quake 2. Best levels in the game so far by a long shot.



Gothic 1 is all set in an ore mining colony.

Fuck I need to play Gothic 1 then. What about Gothic 2 and 3 and Night of the Raven? I just love any game with mines and underground tunnels and shit.

I guess red faction?

>that level from jedi knight: jedi outcast

I agree OP, mining levels are pretty cool.

If you want some more modern games, I really enjoyed the underground sequences of the Lonesome Road dlc for New Vegas

Kejim post mines where pretty fucking neat. I liked exploring them, and then seeing those little alien things in the caves.

The first few levels are amazing, but it's kinda downhill after that. I know Shadow Warrior 1997 has some amazing cool mineshaft levels as well.

>the warrens

This is now a vampire the masquerade thread

OP here, I actually enjoyed the Trash Warrens too.

The Dragon Age Origins Deep roads part might be what your looking for OP

Final level of Chex Quest

>tfw everyone hated the deep roads
>tfw I actually liked them

Am I, a fucking Dorf? I just love mines.

damn nigga what the hell is wrong with your aim?

that was a pretty cool part of quake 2

i only hated the deep roads in da2,fuck that,in dao i allways tought it was the best dungeons since it complemented orzamar, the coolest part of the game

Scourge of Armagon has an undergound mine level as well

When the FUCK is the Bombshell FPS coming out?

His sens is probably just too high also he doesn't know how to strafejump.

>I know Shadow Warrior 1997 has some amazing cool mineshaft levels as well
No shit since The Levelord himself was level designer.


Most of Riddick: Escape from Butcher Bay is underground. Fear has underground bits too.

The entirety of Red Faction is mining.

Nah I was focusing on making a cool recording. I already ran through that section and just reloaded it to record. I fucking missed so many times though as I was focused on getting the camera angled to get all the neat textures and lighting and parts of the level in shot.

Yeah that was possible one of my favorite, if not one of my favorite levels in the Quake 1 expansions. Dissolution of Eternity was pretty good as well, but Scourge of Armagon was goat.

Also Travails of Quake mod had some neat as fuck underground cave levels with spiders and glowing crystals too.


All my favorite Scourge of Armagon levels where his. Such a god tier designer. SoA is honestly better than Id's Quake campaign.