PS1 killed Nintendo

Gamecube: flop
Gamecube overclocked(Wii): sold well to soccer moms
Wii U: fail
Switch: fail

Other urls found in this thread:

>he's still in denial over the Switch
>literally goalpost shifting to disregard the Wii

Man Naughty Dog worked some kind of witchcraft back in the PS1 days.

So whose to blame for Switchs lack of third party support? I mean if a PC game port can be successful with only a couple hundred thousand sold, why not switch? Are developers deliberately avoiding Nintendo or is it Nintendo's fault?

Nintendo only need a hardware to sell Mario and Zelda
They don't care for you, me or third party

>Wii sold "well"

And better not talk about DS/3DS

It's really sad to see people defending the Switch as a success when it's selling worse than the PS4 after only 4 months.



You guys have funny ways of defining failure. Hell even the Wii U is not objectively a failure, it made money

No, the Wii U is objectively a failure. It didn't meet Nintendo's expectations and the consumers didn't appreciate the lack of games.

Many others and I don't enjoy the lack of games on PS4, but the PS4 is still a success...

Because the PS4 has more games than its competitors.

>Switch (fail)

A bit premature, don't you think? The only limitation on sales right now is supply.

Nah, the Switch is doing fine

What does that have to do with anything?

yeah PS4 is decimating it :^D


PS4 is up to 60m units sold btw.


My Wii U library: 15 exclusive (to Nintendo, 10 if games with 3DS/Switch ports don't count) retail games, 12 are great, 2 are in my top 10 of all time
My PS4 library: 6 exclusive (to Sony, 4 if games with PS3 ports don't count) retail games, 3 are good, 1 is in my top 10 of all time
I'm still waiting for the greatness.

Agreed, console war bullshit has gone on for far too long. It's time for a purge

Why though? Before you give the the artificial supply issues shit, you do realize the Switch uses the same NAND as flagship smartphones, and between the NAND shortage and Apple/Samsung's weight that they're struggling to secure a supply right?

It's like how despite all its sales, the PS3 was unprofitable lifetime because Blu-ray didn't take off as expected and the cell was an expensive mess that only IBM won on.

I don't care about your library. The consumers say the PS4 is the better console and it does have objectively more higher rated games than anything else out now.

>more time in teh market
>have better LTS
dont you fucking say Asperger

It isn't, retard. This shit is reaching PS2-level in a lot less time right now, which is retarded because you almost never meet anyone owning a switch despite that.

But, the PS4 has no games and the Switch just came out with literally THE best game ever, right?

>Everyone knows Switch has stock issues
>They sell out every time a little bit gets to shelf
>HA HA HA My console is selling better than a console now one can get its hands on!! HA HA HA HA
user ..

yes and?? you imply a new devices has to sell 4 years worth of the other in 4 months cause it has better games??

is this how secluded are you from reality ?

>Moving the goalposts

I love my PS4

I pay for PS+ mainly to just support sony I don't even play online

Thank goodness they saved gaming from shitty companies like Nintendo and Microsoft.

> Yuromuslim hour is Sony cock sucking hour

You Yuros really need to play something other than CoD, FiFa and movie games.

>using a 5 months old chart
>Using VGC at all
who is moving goal posts here user?

No, retard. I'm saying that a brand new Nintendo console with BotW, a game with some of the highest metacritic in decades, should make it sell better PER MONTH than a 3 year old console with seemingly no new exclusives.

>caring about the mess that video game reviews/journalism is
the consumers just buy it for fifa and 2k or boring movie games like uncharted
check the attach rates of games

>A console with manufacturing issues due to parts shortage should sell as much as a console with years worth of stock on shelves
>is this how secluded are you from reality ?

>"saving" anything
Ok ps4 is my main console too but let's stay serious here, please.

The PS4 actually has some of the highest attach rates for games.

Sony saved 8th gen console gaming. I know it's cool to hate Sony but they did.

Get ready for the obligatory "but the shortage is a myth I saw one switch at wallmart soo they are not in shortage anymore!"

No, they're the "less worst" (not counting the switch because it's too early to do this now)
That's about it. Talking about "saving" is a bit too much.

stop posting this degeneracy

>Switch: fail

>Because the PS4 has more games than its competitors.
False. The only reason it sold is because Chad needed a new dudebro gayman console to play CoD and FIFA with his normie brofriends and Sony just happened to have fucked up the least and happened to have the biggest budget for "NEXT GEN 4K 60FPS ULTRA HD" marketing.

Nintendo needs to fucking execute its marketing team.
They made good consoles up until the Wii, when they stop inovating with tech, and started innovating with wiggles. After the success of the wii Nintendo must have suddenly decide "I guess we're a gimmick company now"

Thsi fucking board is so underaged.

N64 was already a failure
Without Rare Nintendo would have bankrupted in the late 90s

Chart is from last month. You want a chart that's not VGchartz? Here you go :)

Learn what this is supposed to mean before using it, moron.

Nintendo killed themselves

>Switch: fail
>perpetually sold out in Japan and much of North America and will be in even higher demand after splatoon 2 releases
so this is what a failure looks like... woah...

N64: cartrdige, meme controller
Gamecube: mini discs
Wii: dildos
Wii U: shit gamepad
Switch: HD dildos

Nintendo is run by stupid people since 1995

Still you.
Also Are you going to respond?

>You want a chart that's not VGchartz?
>proceeds to link a page without any hardware chart
Sugoi desu ne!!!!
nigga are you stupid?

I'm not a nintendo fanboy but even I can see that the Wii was a huge financial success, which is probably the only thing they cared about.

Can't say the same for the Wii U or the Switch, but I stopped caring when I saw how shit the Wii U was.

>Are you going to respond?
I did what are you gonna do now??

I like Crash Team Racing but I like Diddy Kong Racing more. Much better overworld, better boss races, better designed race tracks, better OST, track missions are more engaging and challenging, characters are a bit more varied and distinct, and it has the boats and planes which are both fun.

This thread is a shining example of why this board sorely needs IDs

>arguing semantics
Now tell me that NPD doesn't count

But when that was the case with the Wii and DS, it didn't count, right?

>only exclusives count

So the Switch has no games?....

He might have been referring to Sony as a whole. Their gaming stuff is about the only thing that isn't dogshit when it comes to Sony.

Actually their electronic devices are okay, too. But their films have been a dying thing for a while now.

>>arguing semantics
>we are talking about Switch sales
>But let me prove my point with games sales
yeah, im convinced, you do are stupid

The DS? Sure. It sold well and had a large library. The Wii? Nope. It sold well and had maybe 5 games on it worth owning. It only sold well because of the initial gimmick shit drawing in casuals. A console should be judged by its library.

And the Wii objectively had a larger and more highly rated library than the PS3 and 360. So what is the problem?

Yeah, we are talking about Switch sales, which is why I linked that article that says
>Sony took its spot at the top of the NPD sales list back again, with the PlayStation 4 coming in as May 2017's best selling hardware platform.
Every single post you've made so far is moving goalposts.

>Chad needed a new dudebro gayman console

The reason no one takes you seriously is because you don't attempt to say anything serious, or try to have a serious discussion. Maybe when you're older people will treat you like an adult and respond to your opinions with some consideration, but until then it's just better to ignore your childish ranting.


but that's wrong, you fucking retard

>0,08€ have been transferred to your PSN account

I don't have a Switch yet, but ARMS, Snipperclips, Bomberman, Splatoon 2, and Fast RMX seem pretty good.

Man I would also like to be sold to soccer moms, if you catch my drift

It really isn't. Stay in denial.

>PS4 is selling better than a console that cant keep up with demand
yourpp[ time really is full of retards


The only games they know about are things like smash or memegames, so don't expect too much. Of course the wii looks like it only have shit games if you just look at your local store when looking for them (that wants to make money, and therefore goes full casual)... It sells.

Moving the goalposts again. Your excuses are the same as shouting "Lag! My controller wasn't working!" when losing in a game. You will still be calling supply issues in 2020.