What games do white girls play?

What games do white girls play?

Legend of Zelda
Kingdom Hearts

What about Latinas?


The Sims. Every girl play Sims.

Idk what is the BBC of videogames?

They are dating drug dealers

hey ho, hitting it where it hurts.

My wife (a white woman) loves JRPGs, old school adventure games (especially Sierra and LucasArts), action-adventure games, platformers, and metroidvanias. She sometimes plays western RPGs.

White girls don't play videogames.

>capable of beating Kingdom hearts

Sims, Zelda, mobile games, Hearthstone, sometimes things like League or Overwatch, etc.

What if I told you people don't necessarily play different games because their race is different?

animal crossing according to the all the ASMR I've watched.

Unironically my white wife plays with her BFS cock while I play videogames.


She sounds like a good girl.

chaturbate token keno

usually garbage

Just Dance n shit

I know a girl who is autistic and has to get platinum trophies for every playstation game she plays which includes KH and Souls shit.

My sister plays mostly weeb stuff, she really likes colorful games.

Mine has been playing that Friday the 13th game here lately.

>Dragon Ball Z fighting games
They main Majin Bull

my girlfriend just finished E.Y.E. a couple times

7 years as a PSN user I never got a platinum trophy
I'm not an autist :(

As long as they let us rub their feet while they play the game does it really matter?

>gf is playing games online
>these two little 10 yr old boys start talking to her on voice chat
>whatever at first
>She has been talking to them for a little over 2 hrs now
>kinda feels weird
>I know they are talking nasty to her
>She is just kind of letting them

What do?

Busy harvesting sugar canes.