ITT: Enemies that unnerve you

ITT: Enemies that unnerve you

This piece of shit doesn't unnerve me, it just annoys me to hell and back.

dont remind me

obligatory penis weanus post
also shoggoths or weird blobby face things in any game ever

>They don't eat Shantae when she dies
For what fucking purpose?

Why does that thing have tits?

Is this supposed to be hot?

Because it isn't.

i fantasize about risky accidentally getting herself caught by this monster and they just start raping her in front of a confused shantae

I fantasize about good games

hahah! :D

That's disgusting

Honestly? Zombies. Zombies unnerve the shit out of me. And not based on themselves, but based on what society has made of them. They're a guilt-free option for outright fucking slaughter. Guiltless indulgence in ultraviolence. Even when they're virus-zombies or something.

holy shit I thought I was the only person that played this game

Any sea creature, friend or foe. I truly am scared of anything coming at me underwater, even in a vidya. Can't even do the water treasure chests around Skellige in Witcher 3.


Summer sale always boosts the sale rate when it goes for like a dollar and a half, I've played it for like 2 years
fantastic game honestly, underrated

What is it?

True enough, really a shame it isn't more well-known but given the game's limited in scope, I can see why it isn't

why, my peenus weanus of course :)

hahah! :D

it's my weeeeeenus peanus! :) hahah

ITT: Enemies that unnerve you - my answer is, of course, my peanus weenus :D



It's a game in which you traverse a few randomly-generated 3D dungeons based on the Lovecraft mythos, gathering up cool artifacts to use and occasionally doing sweet parkour to sequence break shit or get to the level's 'goal.' I'd recommend the game if it's on sale.

Who's the target audience for this game? 10 year old kids or horny teenagers?

Horny teenagers


The final boss of Crackle Cradle

Didn't like this game because of the annoying immortal enemies. I get that's suppose to be an aspect to make them otherworldly but it doesn't translate well into the kind of gameplay they set up, they just become a nuisance.

>like playing ARK
>the meta is almost entirely around going underwater
>those underwater caves
>those megalodons that home in on you from fucking 5000 miles away

especially when it started zapping next to you

Wasn't so bad for me because it didn't chase after you and you were fine in the boat.
Shit like Subnautica makes my ass implode though.


Those never scared me, it was those fucking crabsquids that did.

>Later levels had the boat and no fish
>Stayed in the boat anyway