Makes a video series where he showcases every game a given character's in

>makes a video series where he showcases every game a given character's in
>skips Mortal Kombat 4 and Deadly Alliance

Great Sub-Zero legacy, Max.

Can you blame him? MK sucks cock

He's obviously a Street Fighter guy
That and he had more time to do the Akuma and MK legacy

>skips Mortal Kombat 4
Even as an MK fan I can't blame him.

Max sucks cock. He only pretends to be in the FGC because of the easy donation money. He sucks badly at games and hasn't even played most of them he claims to like.


His multitude of videos and streams of him playing vidya leads me to believe he at least plays more vidya than some user (you) talking trash on him.

Source is OP's post where he doesn't even know MK4 and 5 exist, most likely. Can't even do his own research for the video series he makes.

I never considered him as part of the FGC, but simply as a YouTube gateway hypeman for people that might stumble on his videos by chance.
Also, I don't expect him to be a particularly good player, but it's really HARD to be a good player playing a lot of games or even one good.
For example Aris, clearly a fairly dedicated and knowledgeable Tekken player and streamer, but he isn't very strong at Tekken. He is of moderate skill.

Didn't Aris get like 9th at EVO at Tekken before?

The funny thing about this is that Aris, a guy most people consider hardcore FGC, would lose a best of 5 to Max at Tekken 7. The YouTube hypeman is better at fighting games than most of the FGC's self-admitted members and even some of the better folks.

>would lose a best of 5 to Max at Tekken 7


Aris plays it a lot less than Max does and got recently completely rocked at WNF, like 0-3 immediately out.

remember that time he said nigger and didn't even realize he said it because he just turns off his brain and rambles about "hype" shit to entertain the kids


Aris has 200 hours clocked on the Steam version alone so I don't know what Max is doing but Aris has been playing Tekken almost every day since release. Who did he fight against in WNF?

Aris would destroy that stoner max at tekken. If we're talking about crash though thats a different story

Some literal nobody. He got bopped almost immediately.

He plays Leo in Guilty Gear and he kind of looks like Leo.

you forget Aris is a former Soul Calibur world champion. Anyway, I think you've been smoking way too much weed if you think Max could beat him at Tekken 7.

MK4 doesn't exist.

Maybe. But do you think he'd place that well at a large international venue now? I don't and I've watched quite a few of his streams.
Fighting games were much different not that long ago, you have to remember that DarkSidePhil at one point was considered a tournament caliber player that has even won majors.

Why do so many people hate MK4? It had the novelty of being 3D, but the gameplay was on a 2D plane. Exactly the same as the older games, minus sidestepping. Plus, it was more dynamic.

>you have to remember that DarkSidePhil at one point was considered a tournament caliber player
where did it all go wrong?

He literally placed 4th in Evo at Super Turbo like a decade ago.

>go check his stream
>notifications with loud and annoying sound bytes every few seconds
>Max can constantly interrupts his gameplay to check which notification popped up
>"Thank you xXFaggotXx1995 for subscribing, I appreciate it dood"

Am I the only one who finds this annoying? Why would anyone like that?

Watching Aris stream you see a competent player that could win a local without too much trouble and maybe steal a top 8 in a backwater major with a god-draw pool and bracket, but he would never get out of pools in a larger major or evo.
Watch Smug stream SFV and you see a sharper player that will consistently perform at majors and make top 32 in Evo -- a higher skill player in his respective game.
Then watch Onito stream Guilty Gear and you see someone that shits on everyone with impunity that will consistently top-4 in anything with numerous tournament wins over a year.

Nigger, he has videos on his channel of him playing 4 and Deadly Alliance. Those games suck ass and I can't say I blame him for skipping out on playing them agani