Why is he so hated again?

Why is he so hated again?
He's great lmao


>he's great
At being a whiney autist, sure

I don't hate him, I love laughing at his failures though. SoK autists are on a whole different level though, what kind of autism do you have to have to be obsessed over some harmless retard and spend every second of your life trying to ruin his?

because he's white

Fuck off phil

only newfags hate him. based phill working Sup Forumsddit

you forgot /ourguy/


It should be implied that DSP is /ourguy/. My apologies for assuming newfags aren't newfags.

I dont understand why so many people are so obsessed with hating poor phil

I don't hate him but I can see why a lot of people would hate him. He's pretty much how I imagine who someone who acts on Sup Forums, except acting out in real life.

>Constantly blames everyone and everything else and rarely blames himself.
>Shown he's willing to screw over other people like his former friends.
>Terrible personality and is an asshole in general.


>t. fat angry whyte cuck
You mad honkey that 6 foot bull is prepping yo mama?

Sorry sweetie, you're sadly mistaken


t. pedo lovin Viscant

Who is this person?
I'm assuming it's a person that plays games on twitch or something but I'm not running a google image search, besides I'm sure that would just bring up a bunch of sex offender pictures

Not fat or white or a cuck. Three strikes and you're out.

Hi, Tumblr, how is xe doing today?

Exactly. His unwavering stance about him losing and hat it's always someone else's fault, even in real life is hilarious. Opened one of the SoK videos that got recommended and never came back, they're awful.

the og of lets play. b4 pewdiepie it was some basement dweller

hes a fucking retard, just like you

>gets 3 copyright strikes
>all the haters jump for joy
>know he'll just find a way out of it cause he always does somehow
>literally the next day its gone

they never learn. dsp will suck dick if it means he doesnt have to work a 9 to 5 again.

You're the fag thinking that an /ourguy/ exists.
It doesn't.
And it never will.

looks like francis from l4d except he's a pussy