Anime souls

Meme aside, what is your honest opinion about this Sup Forums?

Still looks too floaty, and anime aesthetic is garbage in 3d games. I pirated God Eater and couldn't play it for more than an hour. I imagine it'll be the same for this.

I'm excited.
Looks fantastic, and visually I'm glad to see something different and stylish with soulsborne gameplay.

I'm ready to get edgy.

Combat looked shitty.

If it really plays like Souls then it can't be shit at least. Probably won't be spectacular either, it's a kind of game with high skill ceiling for devs. Sometimes you get shitty Vita hack&slash, sometimes you made super fun shit like DD.

People will probably buy this based on their preference on art style, which mean it won't sell a lot outside Japan.

Cute girls slaughtering cute things.

I like it cause I'm a weeb.

Combat looks like generic trash tho.

Looks like the regular anime hack and slash garbage, apparently I didn't get the memo that any kind of attack in any game now makes it like DaS

Fuck off.

Shallow ripoff of das with an anime artstyle. Worse than LotF

I put it on the same level as Bloodstained. Has a decent following. Slight chance it might be good. HUGE chance it'll be shit. Will wait for reviews of both before even thinking about touching any of them

Is that God Eater 3?

what will the God Eater team ripoff next?

>low budget weeb game thread
>onso shows up
Every time

That's not true. I scrolled passed the Blue Reflection thread.

Plus this game clearly has a big budget.

My opinion is still
>God Eater devs
They can't make good games even if they hold them at gunpoint.

It was ironic how the internet exploded when this game was airing live at the American videogame tradeshow E3.

Sing a song to save the world again?

Why do you use a trip?
Tripcodes only exist for people who create OC to credit themselves. I've never seen you contribute anything but shitty opinions.

You're right. After 8 long years of browsing this site, I've finally seen the error of my ways.

Starting with this post, the name is gone.

*After 8 long years of browsing this site, I've never contributed shit. Not even an MS Paint comic.

Fags like you make me miss Ultros.
Shit, even Quentin was a better tripfag.

Shut the FUCK up Onsokumaru

instant 10/10

>russian furry hat collarbone anime souls

>honest opinion
Try again once there's actual demo with game play.
Don't bother otherwise if you're even marginally interested in anything but funposting.

I swear, half the comments in this thread prove that the reason Demon/Dark Souls/Bloodborne took off wasn't because of it's gameplay, but because of it's gloomy joyless aesthetic.

If this had been a more colorful upbeat series with the exact same gameplay it would had tanked because of shallow normies who dismiss anything like that as 'kiddy' or 'weeb'.